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Why don't Japan fight Russia Japan war 2 and get back South Sakhalin and Kurils?

Russia is not going to give up an inch of its homeland

why do you think china signed a treaty giving up siberia ? they never give up anything

china never gives up historical claims. they know what is in store should they try something with russia
Russia supports us to spank India if we settle the land border with them. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union supported India against China. Today, India begs Russia for help against China but get slapped with its own begging bowl!
Russia supports us to spank India if we settle the land border with them. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union supported India against China. Today, India begs Russia for help against China but get slapped with its own begging bowl!

try conquering taiwan before spouting off

all it takes to stop china is a few H-bombs

you had to kiss good bye to Siberia
try conquering taiwan before spouting off

all it takes to stop china is a few H-bombs

you had to kiss good bye to Siberia
LOL at the Indian going bonkers from Doklam spanking! :woot:

Where was daddy Soviet Union then? Oh wait, China and Pakistan broke up Soviet Union and now Russia slaps India with its own begging bowl because Russia prefers China :lol:
LOL at the Indian going bonkers from Doklam spanking! :woot:

Where was daddy Soviet Union then? Oh wait, China and Pakistan broke up Soviet Union and now Russia slaps India with its own begging bowl because Russia prefers China :lol:

you have fetish for daddies :partay:
Small islands? These islands are inhabited by thousands of people. Plus they are strategic and control water ways.

Also, I guess if Japan attacks Russia that will drag China in because China don't want Japan to be bigger because instead of going to Europe to help Germany Japanese slaughtered millions of Chinese instead.

Nothing strategic about them the reason why Russia took those Islands as revenge for the Russo-Japanese war nothing else.

Japan lost the islands they have to deal with it.
this helps too

Please note that under the guise of "civilian research and demonstration platform", Japan has tested live and perfected with the tacit connivence of the U.S. its warhead reentry technologies:

• On January 15, 1995, launched by a M-3SII rocket from the Kagoshima Space Center, jointly developed by Japan and Germany, the EXPRESS's reentry vehicle or "capsule", that should have landed in Woomera, Australia, and that was not injected into the planned orbit due to a rocket malfunction.
Total Weight 765kg
-Service Module 360kg
-Re-entry Module 405kg

Heat Shield     Ablator
Attitude Control     3-Axis Control
Payload Power     Continuous 92W, Peak 400W


▲ Japanese reentry vehicle launched on January 15, 1995.


▲ Japanese reentry vehicle launched on January 15, 1995 and recovered in Ghana, Africa.

• On September 10, 2002, launched by a H-IIA rocket, the USERS reentry vehicle or "spacecraft", and that remained in orbit approximately 8.5 months, before de-orbiting and splashing down at 6:23 JST on May 29, 2003 at open sea east of Ogasawara Islands.

Total Weight 1696 kg (3,740 pounds)
Height 1.94m
Diameter 1.48m
Payload Power 700W
Data link 遥测: USB:2048bps
- 指令: USB:4000bps
Recovery system GPS无线电信标,ARGOS信号发射器


▲ Reentry vehicle outline.


▲ Kawasaki Heat Shield Technology used in the Reentry vehicle.


▲ Reentry vehicle recovered in the Pacific Ocean around the Ogasawara Islands after its re-entry in May 2003.



Another Battle of Tsushima in the making.


Destruction of Nuclear Bombs Using Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Beam

Hirotaka Sugawara (Univ. of Hawaii), Hiroyuki Hagura (KEK), Toshiya Sanami (KEK)

(Submitted on 7 May 2003 (v1), last revised 29 Jun 2003 (this version, v2))

We discuss the possibility of utilizing the ultra-high energy neutrino beam (about 1000 TeV) to detect and destroy the nuclear bombs wherever they are and whoever possess them.


Neutrino Counter Nuclear Weapon

Alfred Tang

(Submitted on 26 May 2008 (v1), last revised 25 Jun 2013 (this version, v4))

Radiations produced by neutrino-antineutrino annihilation at the Z0 pole can be used to heat up the primary stage of a thermonuclear warhead and can in principle detonate the device remotely. Neutrino-antineutrino annihilation can also be used as a tactical assault weapon to target hideouts that are unreachable by conventional means.

Nuclear weapon is the most destructive kind among weapons of mass destruction. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are lessons in history that shall never be repeated. Since the end of World War II, world leaders had tried to control the proliferation of nuclear weapons by political means such as the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty in 1968. Many countries did not sign the treaty. In fact it seems that more and more countries are pursuing nuclear weapon programs nowadays. After September 11, the concern is that nuclear weapons will fall into the hands of terrorists. Strategically speaking the importance of a counter nuclear weapon may soon rival that of the nuclear weapon itself. The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of a neutrino counter nuclear weapon technology. The idea of using neutrinos to detonate or melt a nuclear weapon was first proposed by H. Sugawara, H. Hagura and T. Sanami [1]. Their futuristic design is based on a 1 PeV neutrino beam operating at 50 GW. It is unlikely that such an intense ultra high energy neutrino beam can be realized in the near future. Even if such a neutrino beam is made available, its radiation hazard will render it politically nonviable. Other proposals such as installing neutron detectors at the border to intercept nuclear materials had been considered. The current trend of non-proliferation policy is focused on monitoring the production of fissile fuels. Research is being conducted to use anti-neutrino detectors to this end [2]. Anti-neutrinos are produced in nuclear fission through beta decay. They are indicators of the fissile fuel composition of the nuclear reactor. Neutrino signatures of the fissile fuels cannot be tampered with by virtue of the very small reaction cross section of neutrinos at low energy. On the other hand, the small reaction probability also means small detection probability so that large detectors are needed to detect them. A sample idea is to deploy hundreds of kilo-ton liquid scintillor detectors at 1000 km distance from the reactor to monitor the reactor anti-neutrino spectrum. The challenges of using anti-neutrino to monitor reactor are that (1) a rogue nation will not voluntarily allow IAEA to build anti-neutrino detectors around its reactors, (2) the number of anti-neutrino detectors must increase 4 folds for every doubling of reactor-detector distance, and (3) reactors are not needed if a rogue nation opts for uranium instead of plutonium bombs. For these reasons, anti-neutrino detectors are probably not the ultimate solution to non-proliferation. Another possible non-proliferation strategy is to develop a technology that counters nuclear weapons.

This paper proposes an alternative idea for a neutrino counter nuclear weapon that shares some similarities with the idea presented in Reference [1] but is technologically feasible, relatively cheap and safe. The present idea is to focus a neutrino beam and an antineutrino beam together in a small region to allow them to annihilate so that high energy radiations are released as reaction products. The radiations cause neutron spallation in the sub-critical nuclear material and initiate fission reactions. The plutonium heats up, ignites the chemical explosive around the fissile (fissionable material) in the primary stage of a thermonuclear warhead and subsequently detonates the nuclear weapon. The reason of thinking about neutrino for this application is that neutrino cannot be shielded. It can hit a target such as a nuclear submarine from the other side of the globe and can penetrate a deep underground concrete bunker and missile silo. Since neutrino can penetrate the planet to reach a nuclear weapon on the other side of the globe near the speed of light, a neutrino counter nuclear weapon is in principle untraceable and indefensible. It is suggested that a neutrino counter nuclear weapon is 100% effective [3].

The trade-off of developing a counter weapon is the introduction of a new weapon. If the new weapon is less destructive than the original weapon, an ethical argument can be made in support of its development. If remote detonation of a nuclear weapon is made possible by a neutrino counter weapon, a nuclear weapon in the homeland becomes a liability so that there is a real strategic incentive to reduce the stockpile. In that case, there will be a much more convincing political reason to promote non-proliferation. This work aims to study the theoretical feasibility of the neutrino counter nuclear weapon as a first step in this direction. The use of neutrino as a tactical assault weapon will also be discussed.



Probleum is both nations are very brave fighter but in terms of weapons russia is far ahead but no one will be winner USA is a beneficery of this war
LOL at the Indian going bonkers from Doklam spanking! :woot:

Where was daddy Soviet Union then? Oh wait, China and Pakistan broke up Soviet Union and now Russia slaps India with its own begging bowl because Russia prefers China :lol:
It's true we were partly responsible for Russian downfall. We countered the eastern flanks while the Americans concentrated on the West. Anyhow the alliance with US is over, now we are their biggest competitor.
Wrong. Russians hate Trump. Trump did nothing for Russia. Trump hates Russia.

Actually agree with you on this one.

Russians hate Trump? Vladimir Putin sure doesn't that's for sure. Trump getting elected was the equivalent of Christmas in the Kremlin.

Forgetting about CAATSA for sake of argument:

Russia can't be too happy about US liquidating 100's of Russian mercernaries in Syria in one fell swoop....or actually enforcing red lines with tomahawks (on syria) unlike what the actual Russian lackey before Trump blabbed about (but never did).

Russia certainly was not pleased about Trump tearing apart the Iran nuclear deal that Russian lackey "hot mic" Obama signed (the same Obama that withdrew US forces from Northern Iraq after all that blood sweat and tears expended.....and let Russia's big ally Iran reach over and connect with Assad and Syria for pennies on the dollar). That hot mic episode was such a tell tale btw....I don't need to explain to you what the reaction would have been in the media (that seems to have swayed your opinion on it sadly) if the exact same thing happened with a republican president today.

Russia can't have been too happy to see "Uranium one" Hillary Clinton lose the election (after playing both sides like the US is no stranger to either.... a bit but still expecting the pro-Russian where it mattered i.e Hillary....win). I mean her hubby was supposed to get things sorted out with the private (illegal, intent doesnt matter) server bleach bit destroying of evidence with AG Lynch in the tarmac meeting right?....thats the whole reason for him getting 500,000 "salary" for just one speech in Moscow (that too just tip of the iceberg for clinton foundation + Russian proxies)....I mean cmon.

Then add to that things like CAATSA, massive arming of Ukraine, Space force creation, missile treaties being scrapped and research and deployment of potent BMD all around Russia?...and then depression of energy prices strategically (even making US a net exporter of energy now) so that Russian (Energy dependent) forex suffers?

Its clear to see the dumbocrat controlled media protection/sheltering of the real Russia lackeys/colluders (i.e the democrat party) and all out attack dog style attack to get it all deflected onto Trump (who is simply more of a questioning neutral on it).

There will be some closure on all of this soon. Just remember what they all promised you in the mueller report 24/7 for almost 2 years now (i.e impeachable crime commited by Trump)....and you can see how they are already walking it back (before the release)...and you can check for yourself the content of it when its released...and compare to what they promised you, screaming at you like the new Pravda...(but unlike Pravda there is a larger far more resilient pro-public, pro-truth system working through everything at the end in the US...more than any other country could do...so I guess sucks to be the dem MSM in the end...as if Trump effortless trolling on twitter isnt bad enough for them).

Also keep in tune with what happens to the FBI democrat cabal team (Page, Strzok, Comey, Mccabe, Ohr etc etc) this year...will be very fun I can promise you that (just the level of lieing, perjury, breaking of law to get a political target when they should be apolitical....heck even using the dirty dossier literally told to them as unreliable as grounds to surveil....the list keeps going). Its pretty funny how Trump gets to hold the FISA warrant declassification above their heads like the Sword of Damocles now.

MSM can only shield it so much after the mueller report delivers nothing as promised and their last shrill vain hope of credibility is put into the compost as well for the American public.

@VCheng @Vibrio @Hamartia Antidote @Desert Fox @OsmanAli98 @LeGenD @Psychic @Joe Shearer @The Sandman @gambit @jhungary
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