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Why do Indians and Pakistanis keep fighting, instead of seeking peace?

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India has been creating instability in our country. We will fight the evil Saffron Establishment until it is destroyed and rebuilt.
i believe you since ur sitting in usa and watch zaid hamid on a daily basis.
Do you think the Nawaz Sharif is representative of all Punjabis.

That was my main point.

Then I do apologize of course, it just came across to me as 'Because he is not an ethnic Punjabi himself he is not representative of the Punjabis' !
North Indians have a love-hate relationship with pakistanis..hate because of history/invasions/partition and love because of similarity in language/culture etc..

South Indians used to be apathetic to Pakistan....i.e., we could not care less what happened in Pakistan..but because of terrorism the relationship oscillates between apathy and anti-pathy.

I think thats a pretty much generalization IMO.

Exactly my point. They despise us and love us. :lol:
i should have addressed this post to u instead of rafi....
lol kashmiris rule india-pak and made them fight then show themselves as victim of ind-pak fight.now this is wat i called real politics powerplay...think about it..

Nehru-Gandhi family are Kashmiris but sharif ruled Pakistanis for a short while.
Haha, One time this Indian was standing next to me and asked me for a cigarette. His friend came over and said something then said Jai Hind to his friend and hi-fived him. He then proceed to hi five me. I left him hanging, puffed out some smoke, and said Pakistan Zindabad.

wow, one ***** to another, matches are made in heaven.
:pakistan: Respect brother - these indians don't understand - how just living in Punjab and speaking it, makes us - Punjabi's - does not matter who you are, or where you came from.
Tab tey main bhi punjabiya han:rofl:
India has been creating instability in our country. We will fight the evil Saffron Establishment until it is destroyed and rebuilt.
Razpak, let go of the past. Its been too long ago and both sides did atrocities. May be you should visit India, especially your native place and start the healing process.
Then I do apologize of course, it just came across to me as 'Because he is not an ethnic Punjabi himself he is not representative of the Punjabis' !

Nope, not what I meant. Sorry if it came off that way.

He's technically an ethnic Kashmiri, but thats not the reason he's not a good representation of Punjabis.

There's a lot of non-ethnic Punjabis who are good representations of Punjabis in general, Nawaz Sharif isn't one of them because he's a horrible leader.
Razpak, let go of the past. Its been too long ago and both sides did atrocities. May be you should visit India, especially your native place and start the healing process.

I would never visit India. Not even my ancestral villages in Punjab.
Some of us have roots in Kashmir. That is why we feel so strongly for our brethren.
Thats y i call kashmiris as cunning ruling two huge countries and making them fight for kashmir. so kashmir is the monkey in the fights of two cats ind-pak.i wonder what is the roti then:azn:
You talk like Pakistan is USSR/Russia?

Dude please man,just because you are confused dont offend people from those places.

Why dont you add south America,Yugoslavia and Antartica to the list?

Does it even matter?

Pakistan is Pakistan, get it straight in your dumb brain plz. Now what i meant by that post which only a ret@rd will fail to understand is that Western region of Pakistan lies in Middle East & they are ethnically Middle Eastern, the North Western part they are ethnically Central Asians whereas the Eastern region is ethnically South Asian. Read some history before acting like a wounded r3t@rdo.

& it is you who is confused as you don't know yet who you are bangali, indian, or australian, but does it even matters to me, lot of trolls hiding behind others flag visit this forum everyday but they hardly lasts for a week.
Nawaz Sharif is Kashmiri, not Punjabi.

I still think Punjabis, along with Pashtuns, and the Urdu speaking are probably the most anti-Indian (its a generalization of course)

We may be splitting hair but I think NS is perceived as a Punjabi. Let's not quibble on that. Just like 'Mohajirs' could be biharis, memons, 'Dilli Wales'. My mother tongue is not Urdu--it is a Rajasthani dialect (parents from that region) but I am always perceived as a 'Mohajir'.
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