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Why Bangladesh should matter to us

I just don't understand that how can some indo members don't consier BD as an important country to us guys remember one need to have nice relations with their neighbours (in our case forget pak aa.... china is also our enemy and Sl too ) we live in global world where each countr is dependent on each other. We helped BD in gaining independence I don't see any particular reasons why we can't have nice relations with them. I think both countries need to sit 2gether and have to sort out its differences .
I really think that BD will be a great help in fighting against Naxals and if there's a indo sino war it will be BD which will be a great support in protecting our NE indo parts.
Bangladesh needs to get its hands on a nuclear weapon and an aircraft carrier. Aircraft carriers will be vitally important for Bangladesh, if global warming eliminates land based airbases.

I don't think BD is financially strong enough to buy or develop such goodies why don't you help them in acquiring part.
Oh I just forgot you have actually helped one of our freinds in this feild can do it again. So what are your plaans buy another old Russian A/C and hand it over to BD .
^EjazR, if Anandabazar Patrika to be believed, Seikh Hasina will soon visit Kolkata and they may ink the treaty there, there would be no mention of fixed amount/percentage of cusec in the treaty, but water will be shared according to real amount of water at a particular time, as proposed by Mamata.

By your post, I have a feeling that west Bengal of Mamata banarjee has gained a kind of autonomy from Delhi, so that it will be able to sign a treaty weith the GoB. I welcome if she can raise her State's status to that high. Hopefully, other Indian States east of Kolkata will similarly raise their respectaive status and sign deals directly with the GoB. It will solve many issues.
So you actually think Tarique Rahman is more threat to Bangladesh then la-Hasina? So la-hasina's bend over polices to make Bangladesh a subservient of Bharat is not enough for you declare her Ghaddar and dalal. Wow Zabayna! I am just wondering about your motive here.

Bharat is only become somewhat topic of discussion during Awami's regime. The reason being is that Awami munafiq actually worship Bharati for saving their coward leaders in 71. However, Bangladeshi Muslim doesn't feel connected to Bharat emotionally rather than trade and annoyed neighbor. That is it.

Mmm...I don't know. My next door neighbor sent me some biryani for some Hindu festival being held today. I generally support multiculturalism ;)

Since when did I say that witch is ever good for the country? Bharot's interests are a different and a very specific matter. Albeit, the Bharot policy makers in New Delhi are doing a terrible job at it, in respect to Bangladesh. And, as far as our side is concerned, you know Dipu Moni.

How do you know that Tarek would change his habits? Consider the correlations now and then.

If BNP comes to power, they'll try to do the same as the AL is doing right now, albeit following their respective principles. The BNP tried that in their last moments before the military-backed Care Taker Government arrived. That's how both the BNP and AL work.

And why should Bangladesh host foreign armed groups? ULFA is not a Muslim group or some random rag tag army.

Didn't you read the US Embassy's Dhaka cables over Tarek? American intelligence is always spot on. I can safely say that both Tarek and Joy are a threat to Bangladesh. It isn't only about the views of the respective parties, this is about the people in charge or going to be in charge of them.
Tarique symbol of violent politics

And besides, what is so "Islamic" about that man and his party? His god is money, not Allah. And he worships money alone. It doesn't matter what you, I or anyone else thinks, that is the fact. Anyone else thinking otherwise is just living in a fairy tale. The same thing applies to Joy and his party of beggars and whores.

The Colonial and the Cold War eras ended long ago. Get over it. This is the 21st century.
Bangladesh needs to get its hands on a nuclear weapon and an aircraft carrier. Aircraft carriers will be vitally important for Bangladesh, if global warming eliminates land based airbases.

my friend even a small carrier will cost 1 billion $.

running nuclear weapons program takes billions of $

question is where is the money and why BD needs AC and nuclear weapons?
my friend even a small carrier will cost 1 billion $.

running nuclear weapons program takes billions of $

question is where is the money and why BD needs AC and nuclear weapons?

I am sure the Grameen Bank will fund that 'piddling' amount!

I am sure the Grameen Bank will fund that 'piddling' amount!


Well if permitted they can certainly fund these project. Yo had no Idea how much money they got. Its not joke.

They wanted to build the deep sea for 10 billion dollar.
Well if permitted they can certainly fund these project. Yo had no Idea how much money they got. Its not joke.

They wanted to build the deep sea for 10 billion dollar.

I am sure they can but then they are shy to put their money where their mouth is?

The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.

Wah Guru de Khalsa, wah Guru de Fateh!
Well, both the nations are dependent on each other in various matters. We are bordered with india in three sides, naturally india is important to us. At the same time, Bangladesh also matter to india if they really want the NE to remain as a part of india. Except it or not, the media, politicians even the the defense and intelligence departments also agree with it. Now, if anyone want to think it in reverse like a negative indo-Bangla relationship will be better for india as mentioned by a self-proclaimed patriotic indian, it goes with Bangladesh as well. Here are some reasons -

Firstly, if Bangladesh stops co-operating india in the fight against the separatists and being the danger zone for them, it won't take much time to have independent and separate NE states. Thus it will reduce our dependency on india since we will not be bordered by them in those parts. Besides, those NE states will be great potential markets for Bangladeshi products.

Secondly, the imports from india will be reduced, as a result there will be no commercial deficits with india which will surely enhance the progress of our economy.

Thirdly, the supplying of the indian drugs(which dominates the drug smuggling here) will be reduced, accordingly the drug addiction will be reduced.

It is known that there is a huge lack of a national unity in india, they are divided in terms of religions, casts and cultures. So whether Bangladesh helps them or not, it is very much expected that india is gonna be separated, sooner or later. As mentioned by an indian, they are likely to repeat the mistakes of the west Pakistanis since they are of the same genes. So considering this, I think they can say that Bangladesh really don't matter to them!
Well, both the nations are dependent on each other in various matters. We are bordered with india in three sides, naturally india is important to us. At the same time, Bangladesh also matter to india if they really want the NE to remain as a part of india. Except it or not, the media, politicians even the the defense and intelligence departments also agree with it. Now, if anyone want to think it in reverse like a negative indo-Bangla relationship will be better for india as mentioned by a self-proclaimed patriotic indian, it goes with Bangladesh as well. Here are some reasons -

Firstly, if Bangladesh stops co-operating india in the fight against the separatists and being the danger zone for them, it won't take much time to have independent and separate NE states. Thus it will reduce our dependency on india since we will not be bordered by them in those parts. Besides, those NE states will be great potential markets for Bangladeshi products.

Secondly, the imports from india will be reduced, as a result there will be no commercial deficits with india which will surely enhance the progress of our economy.

Thirdly, the supplying of the indian drugs(which dominates the drug smuggling here) will be reduced, accordingly the drug addiction will be reduced.

It is known that there is a huge lack of a national unity in india, they are divided in terms of religions, casts and cultures. So whether Bangladesh helps them or not, it is very much expected that india is gonna be separated, sooner or later. As mentioned by an indian, they are likely to repeat the mistakes of the west Pakistanis since they are of the same genes. So considering this, I think they can say that Bangladesh really don't matter to them!

Holy cow!

Well, both the nations are dependent on each other in various matters. We are bordered with india in three sides, naturally india is important to us. At the same time, Bangladesh also matter to india if they really want the NE to remain as a part of india. Except it or not, the media, politicians even the the defense and intelligence departments also agree with it. Now, if anyone want to think it in reverse like a negative indo-Bangla relationship will be better for india as mentioned by a self-proclaimed patriotic indian, it goes with Bangladesh as well. Here are some reasons -

Firstly, if Bangladesh stops co-operating india in the fight against the separatists and being the danger zone for them, it won't take much time to have independent and separate NE states. Thus it will reduce our dependency on india since we will not be bordered by them in those parts. Besides, those NE states will be great potential markets for Bangladeshi products.

Secondly, the imports from india will be reduced, as a result there will be no commercial deficits with india which will surely enhance the progress of our economy.

Thirdly, the supplying of the indian drugs(which dominates the drug smuggling here) will be reduced, accordingly the drug addiction will be reduced.

It is known that there is a huge lack of a national unity in india, they are divided in terms of religions, casts and cultures. So whether Bangladesh helps them or not, it is very much expected that india is gonna be separated, sooner or later. As mentioned by an indian, they are likely to repeat the mistakes of the west Pakistanis since they are of the same genes. So considering this, I think they can say that Bangladesh really don't matter to them!

বোকাচোদা :alcoholic:
Bangladesh is important to the author of the article but then not many Indians are losing sleep over the same as the author admits himself.

Kanti is a self appointed Oracle.

Stay put in your static shell Indians, we are progressing well and we will go above you. Your Times of India just ignored to speak of a war scenerio when BD does not allow transit in time of a war against our benefactor China. Result, a shattered and battered India broken into pieces like a glass jar. Keep on bragging until that time arrives.
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