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Why Bangladesh should matter to us


Apr 8, 2007
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Most Indians have lost very little sleep over the fact that the prime minister`s visit to Bangladesh was a failure. Given the importance of Bangladesh to India`s well-being, we should have tossed and turned in our beds at what transpired in Dhaka. As it turns out, we slept quite well and continue to do so.

It would be easy enough to blame the prime minister and his team for the failure in Dhaka. Or to blame the chief minister of West Bengal who, bizarrely, at the last moment objected to the river-water agreement that was to be the centrepiece of the summit. However, the deeper cause of the failure in Dhaka is ignorance and public apathy.

We in India have failed to appreciate just how important Bangladesh is to our well-being. There are at least four reasons related to peace and development that make Bangladesh vital for us.

The first reason is that the security of the northeastern states, of eastern India, and of India more widely is affected by what Bangladesh does or does not do. If Dhaka does not cooperate with New Delhi, it is hard to see how India can rein in various insurgent groups that might find refuge in Bangladesh. If, in addition, India cannot get access to the northeast through Bangladesh - even if this only means economic access - it is hard to see how we can integrate those states with the heartland. And if Bangladesh does not remain a stable, open and tolerant country, we in India will have great difficulty in stopping Islamic extremists from flourishing there and from targeting our cities and towns.

The second reason we need to pay relations with Bangladesh much greater attention is that we share rivers with it. India and Bangladesh share over 40 rivers, and these rivers are vital for the livelihood of hundreds of millions of people in both countries. Bangladesh being the lower riparian state is in a weaker position on the use of these rivers. We in India should remember, though, that we are the lower riparian in relation to Bhutan, Nepal and China: if we fail to be sensible and fair over river-water sharing with Bangladesh, we could well find ourselves in an equally hopeless downriver position someday, especially with China.

If Bangladesh does not get enough water (or if it gets too much when the rivers are full), it will face catastrophe. Catastrophe in Bangladesh means instability in India`s northeast, West Bengal, and states further away. Inevitably, severe dislocations in Bangladesh mean refugee and migrant flows into India. Bangladeshis are coming to India anyway for various reasons, and this has already led to tremendous unease in the neighbouring states. Hydrologically-induced catastrophes would enlarge the problem massively.

There is another long-term catastrophe looming for both countries, and this is the third big reason to stay tuned to Bangladesh. India and Bangladesh are amongst the 12 countries that will be most severely affected by climate change. Bangladesh could lose up to 20% of its land as sea levels rise due to climate change. The ensuing turmoil in Bangladesh will inevitably be felt in neighbouring and distant parts of India. The two countries must therefore think about how to cooperate on conservation, alternative energy, and many other related aspects of environmental defence.

Finally, Bangladesh is crucial for India because it represents opportunities and lessons worth learning. In a globalising world where trade counts for so much, Bangladesh is one of our biggest trading partners. Given that it has been growing at over 5% per annum for the past decade and looks set to continue to grow, it is an economic asset. Bangladesh could sell us natural gas, and we could sell it hydropower. Bangladesh is also an exemplar. Its rapidly rising literacy rates (especially amongst women), its steady reduction in birth rates (from a much higher starting point than India), the tremendous advances it has made in basic health (including safe birthing and maternal care); all these put India to shame. If we were not so arrogant, we might learn something from our great neighbour to the east.

In short, Bangladesh matters. If only we could see.

Why Bangladesh should matter to us - The Times of India

---------- Post added at 04:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:40 AM ----------

I think a case of too little too late.........
Funny how the article fails to see how the worst of Bangladesh illegally crosses the border into India and creates havoc and slows India down. Plz keep your crap there. Otherwise, Bangla and her ppl are good folks who can teach a lot to India. Afterall they are truly Hindu Bengalis at least thru ancestry, so they have the mental capacity for greatness lol
Bangladesh is important to the author of the article but then not many Indians are losing sleep over the same as the author admits himself.

Kanti is a self appointed Oracle.
Funny how the article fails to see how the worst of Bangladesh illegally crosses the border into India and creates havoc and slows India down. Plz keep your crap there. Otherwise, Bangla and her ppl are good folks who can teach a lot to India. Afterall they are truly Hindu Bengalis at least thru ancestry, so they have the mental capacity for greatness lol

You live in the US. You must have us mixed up with the Mexicans.

---------- Post added at 02:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 PM ----------

Bangladesh is important to the author of the article but then not many Indians are losing sleep over the same as the author admits himself.

Kanti is a self appointed Oracle.

A convenient but meaningless response.
Bangladesh is not at all important for us. They are neither strategically important nor it has any economical or makes any influence on international stage.

Indeed, I feel Bangladesh is burden on India specially by Illegal Bangladeshi.

I would be more happy if Bangladesh declares India as official enemy. It will be good for us in long term. I think 90% Bangladeshi don't like Indian and now Indian also started hating Bdeshi.
another one !!..BD here are trying hard to make themselves important to us but believe me you are insignificant country for us and perhaps to the world..play with your barbie dolls, shu !!
Seems like author thinks that whole of Indian population livez around bangladesh.................I wonder how bangladesh effects life of a punjabi like me( excluding illegal migrants)

Looking at the comments in this forum by Bangla members.......it looks like Bangladesh is a very anti-Indian country( for reason best known to them)

No need to deal with Bangladesh as a friend when its population doesnot like India.
Hats off to Mamta didi......you saved the day.........i can sleep nownd when its population doesnot like India.
Hats off to Mamta didi......you saved the day.........i can sleep now
Seems like author thinks that whole of Indian population livez around bangladesh.................I wonder how bangladesh effects life of a punjabi like me( excluding illegal migrants)

Looking at the comments in this forum by Bangla members.......it looks like Bangladesh is a very anti-Indian country( for reason best known to them)

No need to deal with Bangladesh as a friend when its population doesnot like India.
Hats off to Mamta didi......you saved the day.........i can sleep nownd when its population doesnot like India.
Hats off to Mamta didi......you saved the day.........i can sleep now

Congratulations! :tup:
Sorry cant say same to you.

Congrats to me? And for what if I may ask?

Your leaders have been trying to make a transit through Bangladesh to NE India for a long time. In fact, that's where India's interest in Bangladesh mainly lies.

And guess what? The deal simply didn't go through.
In a global village we cannot live without others . every country is some how dependent or have some mutual interest. India may be big country but that does not mean she can sleep a peaceful night by poking bangladesh . our silent help to the insurgent of north east India can dis integrate it from the rest of India , any Chinese aggression in that part will be hard for india to counter without using Bangladeshi air space. bangladesh itself is also have interest to india . india is one of the biggest suppliers of kitchen item in bangladesh . if India stop supply of kitchen item it effect
local market tremendously . so lets live together :coffee:
Frankly speaking I never considered Indo Bangla relation before joining PDF. If you check the mainstream news sources the only countries that are regularly mentioned are Pakistan (for terrorism), US (Being an economic and military super power) and China (cross border issues and respect for their economic growth story). Bangladesh does not feature anywhere.

After joining PDF I came to know that we are very enterprising and have installed our puppet govt. in Dhaka and our BSF jawans are having daily target practices with Bangladeshi cattle traders.

If this is the reason I dont know why we should be afraid of Bangladesh.
In a global village we cannot live without others . every country is some how dependent or have some mutual interest.

Isn't it surprising that many a village do not appear in our mind's map even when we are travelling by road?

---------- Post added at 10:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 PM ----------

Congrats to me? And for what if I may ask?

Your leaders have been trying to make a transit through Bangladesh to NE India for a long time. In fact, that's where India's interest in Bangladesh mainly lies.

And guess what? The deal simply didn't go through.

Transit will help.

However, I presume India can live even without it as it has done so far, with all the 'threats' to its sovereignty still there!

The interest that really lies with India is - Peace and Bangladesh not being a proxy or a safe haven for terrorists.

But then, how can Bangladesh control those who still feel that their loyalties lie with Pakistan and feel that being so loyal Pakistan will take them back. Hence, they whip up fundamental terrorism and give shelter.

Pakistan is no fool that they will make Pakistan a haven for the illiterate and the skill denied (except being versatile in Wahhabi fundamentalism) people who want to be Pakistanis and not Bangaldeshis.

Bangladeshi are basically very good people. It is these non Bengali fundamentalists (Pakistan also rejects them) who are the nosto dudher kathi and who pollute the mind.

Not for one minute I subscribe that Bangaldesh should toe India's line. No. She should chart her own destiny. She should do so in Peace with the world and its neighbours without fundamentalist religion, or contrived animosity being the card.

Take the issue of Poila Baishak. You saw the comments of the fundamentalists here. Bengalis love a festival Baro Mashe tero Parban. Yet they were hostile to 'pagan' infiltration. Nothing wrong. If they are good Muslims, then they should not see the TV, hear music, not have their photos taken , not have banking, not praise the Nobel Laureate of Bangladesh etc etc.

They are the opportunists and scoundrels who want to have their cake and eat it too! They are in a timewarp and are fossils who do more damage to Islam than propagate it!
Transit will help.

However, I presume India can live even without it as it has done so far, with all the 'threats' to its sovereignty still there!

The interest that really lies with India is - Peace and Bangladesh not being a proxy or a safe haven for terrorists.

But then, how can Bangladesh control those who still feel that their loyalties lie with Pakistan and feel that being so loyal Pakistan will take them back. Hence, they whip up fundamental terrorism and give shelter.

Pakistan is no fool that they will make Pakistan a haven for the illiterate and the skill denied (except being versatile in Wahhabi fundamentalism) people who want to be Pakistanis and not Bangaldeshis.

Bangladeshi are basically very good people. It is these non Bengali fundamentalists (Pakistan also rejects them) who are the nosto dudher kathi and who pollute the mind.

Not for one minute I subscribe that Bangaldesh should toe India's line. No. She should chart her own destiny. She should do so in Peace with the world and its neighbours without fundamentalist religion, or contrived animosity being the card.

Take the issue of Poila Baishak. You saw the comments of the fundamentalists here. Bengalis love a festival Baro Mashe tero Parban. Yet they were hostile to 'pagan' infiltration. Nothing wrong. If they are good Muslims, then they should not see the TV, hear music, not have their photos taken , not have banking, not praise the Nobel Laureate of Bangladesh etc etc.

They are the opportunists and scoundrels who want to have their cake and eat it too! They are in a timewarp and are fossils who do more damage to Islam than propagate it!

What threats to India's sovereignty are you talking about? The north east? ULFA is not a Muslim group. I think you realize that the previous BNP-run Bangladesh were used as a facility to help arm ULFA. They weren't doing it because of religion. They were doing it for money.

Does Pakistan have to do anything with the process? Maybe. Does China? Maybe. Especially considering China's territorial interests over NE India. Albeit a bargaining chip against India. Please note that much of weapons cache found in the Chittagong arms haul were Chinese made.

What India simply doesn't want for Bangladesh is that it'd be used as a route to aid ULFA and serving Chinese interests. The same thing applies to Indian interests in Myanmar. China is the number one supplier of military equipment to Bangladesh. More advanced military equipment in the future are likely.

And of-course, the NE's rebellions and problems are there. That part is not as developed as other parts of India, and been so for quite some time. But, it has tremendous industrial potential considering the resources it has. That can raise some discontent among the NE's population.

As far as NE India goes, the future is unknown. The future always is.

Do Muslim extremists come into play here? I don't think so. Kashmir and Pakistani interests are another world away and have completely different set of problems for Indian interests.

Just one piece of advise - don't make the same mistake the West Pakistanis made back in 1971. Karma can be a brutal and a funny thing ;)
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