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Why Balwant Singh Rajoana shouldn't be hanged

That is the most obnoxious of statements I have read so far..You defeat a lot of people by a big margin dude...May i know then what is the difference b/e terrorists and police?? Using your logic those relatives who got picked have the right to pick relatives of those policemen..torture/rape them, no???

Why are you pouncing on me as if I gave them the orders. I just related how things happened in Punjab as told to me by my friend. Right or wrong is another matter. But all over the world , Govts do indulge in such "obnoxious" things to crush any armed seccesionaist demand.

But intelligent govts also indulge in true re-conciliation by making those law breakers accountable once the insurgency dies down. That is where the Congress absolutely failed the nation.

That is the crux....There is a reason whole of Punjab is supporting this chap...I am not against law taking its own course but when people see only one side getting the stick then such things are not going to help....

I agree on the demand for justice against the Congress goons who killed defenceless Sikhs in Delhi and later twisted the whole thing into a Hindu vs Sikh affair to save their sorry ***.

p.s; I would not say whole of Punjab is supporting this chap. Sure, entire Sikh population do support this guy..but Punjab is not only made up of Sikhs...Many Punjabi Hindus have a radically different opinion about him especially those who grew up during the Khalistani militancy period and I shared one such view in the other thread.
a sad day for sikh of india...

Oh shut up. Hindus, Christians and even Muslims are given capital punishments for acting against the country,so does this mean its a sad day for that religion??? Stop spreading your religious paranoia. We are not a religious country.
Its a sad day now that Political Parties are playing Ducks and Drakes on every issue.

All this stems from a weak center. Heaven knows how many more such stupidities we shall have to endure .

For petty shallow religious reasons sentences given by courts are not carried out. Someday the SC may ask the Pres to explain the delay in are executing the decision of granting of pardon.

In the current case, he should be hung at the 1st available opportunity.
Its a sad day now that Political Parties are playing Ducks and Drakes on every issue.

All this stems from a weak center. Heaven knows how many more such stupidities we shall have to endure .

For petty shallow religious reasons sentences given by courts are not carried out. Someday the SC may ask the Pres to explain the delay in are executing the decision of granting of pardon.

In the current case, he should be hung at the 1st available opportunity.

Nope. He shouldnt. Maybe it came out of a lot of political influence, but it was a right decision.

I don't want to sound rude...but collateral damage happens where ever such secessionist movements are there and I can personally related to one such that just got completed 3 years before in Lanka...it was on a whole different scale than whatever worst happened in Punjab.

Brother, I can understand collateral damage when its a war with a third country. But collateral damage when fighting your own citizens? That too of this scale? And again its to easy to call it as a collateral damage because you didn't see it unfold in front of you.

I can understand collateral damage when its a riot. Innocents are sometimes killed by opposing groups instead of rioteers. But collateral damage by the state for so long at such a scale is totally unjustified and this is what leads to people like Rajoana taking up arms.
Why are you pouncing on me as if I gave them the orders. I just related how things happened in Punjab as told to me by my friend. Right or wrong is another matter.

I was pouncing on you because i was getting a feeling from your post that you support those actions...If you don't then accept my apologies...

But all over the world , Govts do indulge in such "obnoxious" things to crush any armed seccesionaist demand.
Well then why are we so charged up when similar demands are being made by the group who was at recieving end due to those obnoxious actions of the state?? And if this is an accepted parameter and god forbids things in Punjab go for a toss then i simply should join the Khalistan brigade(even though i don't support it) because being a Sikh there is high probablity that i will the victim of this collateral damage thingi and rest of India is going to forget my cause citing the same logic you did...

But intelligent govts also indulge in true re-conciliation by making those law breakers accountable once the insurgency dies down. That is where the Congress absolutely failed the nation.
Exactly....However it is not just congress...BJP was in power for 6 years and nothing was done...Also what has Akali's achieved in Punjab....Look as far as Political parties are concerned they just don't give a damn...That is why i have repeatedly said that it is people who are supporting him...This guy has already trashed the political parties...

I agree on the demand for justice against the Congress goons who killed defenseless Sikhs in Delhi and later twisted the whole thing into a Hindu vs Sikh affair to save their sorry ***.

p.s; I would not say whole of Punjab is supporting this chap. Sure, entire Sikh population do support this guy..but Punjab is not only made up of Sikhs...Many Punjabi Hindus have a radically different opinion about him especially those who grew up during the Khalistani militancy period and I shared one such view in the other thread.

Listen the last thing we should do is differentiate about who is supporting him based on religion...My cousin who is a Gursikh wants him to be hanged...Similarly couple of my Hindu friends do support him...So instead of vouching for all Hindus and Sikhs of Punjab my advice would be to stick to your views...
Why Balwant Singh Rajoana never appealed against his death sentence

Balwant Singh Rajoana was to be executed on March 31. This would have been the first execution in India since 2004. His execution has been stayed - for the time being - in response to the rising whirlpool of politics that's engulfed Punjab on this issue. That India should sully its record again after 8 years with state sanctioned murder is a matter of distress, but this consideration seems largely removed from the politics of Rajoana's execution. However even in addition to principled opposition to the death penalty, the cynical considerations swirling around his execution, the specifics of the case itself are significant.

Opposition to capital punishment is removed from the specifics of the case, basing the argument on human rights, the range and extent of power given to the State, citizen's right to equality before law, the inherent arbitrariness in the exercise of power by individual state functionaries, and irrevocability of the punishment especially given the possibility of wrongful conviction. In contrast, the proponents of capital punishment argue on the specifics, seeking justification in the heinousness of the crime, recidivism, retribution, and deterrence. In this the proponents are almost vigilante in their perspective, with their preoccupation with punishment for the alleged lawbreaker than the state, its powers and processes, and civil liberties

Nevertheless in this instance, the specifics too raise some disturbing questions. Balwant Singh is on death row for his role in the suicide bombing of the former Chief Minister of Punjab, Beant Singh in 1995. 17 persons, including the Chief Minister were killed. The history has some relevance. Punjab had been racked by insurgency since the seventies, with the regional autonomy movement progressively hardening into a secessionist movement over the decades. President's Rule was established in 1987 in the aftermath of Operation Bluestar and the Sikh pogrom in Delhi in 1984. After five years of President Rule checkered by militancy and heavy police crackdown, elections were called in 1992, but were postponed twice. Protesting that the elections were unlikely to be "free and fair", the Sikh parties boycotted the elections. With voter turnout in the low twenties, Beant Singh's ascendancy was widely disparaged by the Sikhs as lacking legitimacy. Militancy and consequent police clampdown continued unabated. Beant Singh was assassinated in 1995 by suicide bomber Dilawar Singh, aided by Balwant Singh and others.

During trial, Balwant Singh refused counsel, asking instead to be allowed to represent himself. He did not cross-examine witnesses. He was awarded the death penalty. In 2009, when his death sentence came for conviction in the High Court [as part of the legal process], he again refused counsel and asked to be allowed to argue his own case. His intent in each instance was not to seek acquittal. In the 14 years that the case made its way from the trial court to the High Court, Balwant Singh held to his story, claiming that he strapped the bomb on to the body of Dilawar Singh. The High Court, noting that there was no evidence in favour of Balwant Singh in order to "have a second thought on the murder reference of Balwant Singh, coupled with his three confessional statements, there is no other alternate with us but to confirm" the death penalty. Balwant also refused to appeal against the death penalty administratively through mercy petition to the Governor and/or President. In a letter to the Chief Justice of the High Court, he writes, "legal system, judicial system of this Country and the rulers of this Country have been discriminating" [and that] "slavery of such system is not acceptable to me". In embracing 17 years of imprisonment including solitary confinement and ultimate execution, Balwant Singh is making a political statement.
Why Balwant Singh Rajoana never appealed against his death sentence - Times Of India

Amnesty welcomes reprieve for Balwant Singh
Il be honest... if india hangs the man it would make him a martyr... and a sikh icon....

I salute this man though... a man who would die for his faith is worthy of it... even if hes an enemy.
Sikhs take execution protest to Canberra | News.com.au

HUNDREDS of Sikhs have gathered in front of Parliament House in Canberra to oppose the planned execution of Balwant Singh Rajoana.
Rajoana was sentenced to death for his involvement in a 1995 bombing in the Indian state of Punjab, which killed chief Minister Beant Singh and several others.

He is scheduled to be hanged at Patiala Central Jail on Saturday at 9am local time. It will be the first execution in India in nearly eight years.

Wearing orange turbans, hundreds of mostly men rallied outside Parliament House this morning after presenting Prime Minister Julia Gillard's office with a letter opposing the execution.

The protesters came from other capital cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne.

Ranjit Singh, president of the Brisbane Sikh Temple, said Mr Rajoana was revered among followers of Sikhism for his role in the murder of Beant Singh.

He said the chief minister had betrayed the Sikh community in the early 1990s by giving police sweeping powers.
"There was systematic torture and killing of so many thousands of male Sikhs," Ranjit Singh told AAP, adding that after the assassination the killings stopped for some time.

The protesters also took their cause to the nearby Indian High Commission.

Other rallies have been held around the world
Il be honest... if india hangs the man it would make him a martyr... and a sikh icon....

I salute this man though... a man who would die for his faith is worthy of it... even if hes an enemy.

And a man who would kill for his faith, especially innocents? Is he worthy?
My suggestion to Indian friends, Pardon Balwant Singh and let the healing and reconciliation begin. Sometimes you can win a Battle but lose the War. Pardon and move forward.

It makes sense....Any way...criminal politicians are making a mockery of judiciary..The glaring example is self evident...So why not make a mistake to own the soul and heart of Sikh people if this is related with their sentiment....(Please don't think that i am sikh..so i am supporting it)....I know this is a mistake in our democracy...but sometimes couple of mistakes are worth taking the risk...rather than aggravating the pain....
And a man who would kill for his faith, especially innocents? Is he worthy?

A man who rises against evil is surely worthy in my books.... this bean singh got what he deserves... just like modi deserves to be hanged...
A man who rises against evil is surely worthy in my books.... this bean singh got what he deserves... just like modi deserves to be hanged...

But you didn't answer my question. A man who kills innocent people for his faith, is he worthy?

And as has been pointed out several times, no charge against modi has ever been proved. Its just that pakistanis want somebody in India that they can hate. But dont bring modi into this, just answer my question, without rephrasing it into something else, as you just did.
Balwant singh rajaona, Jagtar singh hawara & Devinder singh Bhullar all of them should be given clemency. after all peace & stability of punjab is most important.
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