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Why Arabs hate migrants from Bangladesh, India & Pakistan?

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They are not a strong and powerful Islamic country. They only control the Kaaba.

They are not a major American ally. :disagree: U.S. doesn't even like dealing with them but has to out of necessity of oil. They provide them with military support only to help them against a possible attack from Iran and previously Iraq.

The Saudi Royal family are Wahhabis and Wahhabis are an emerging sect in Saudi Arabia....Bin Laden from Saudi Arabia is a Wahhabi so what would you expect from their behavior.....

Are soudi has majority of oil. They control most precious resource of the word..but they didnt help palestine ppl substantially..that was my point
just because they r saudi doesnt mean they r saints these people r also charged for killing hundreds of innocent somalian peaple to Since somalian r at a lower place then arabia and there borders very near to each other they could have dugged the oil but that would leave saudies at trouble so they played active role in destablizing somalians
Are soudi has majority of oil. They control most precious resource of the word..but they didnt help palestine ppl substantially..that was my point

U.S. gets most of its oil from Canada it is #2 in oil reserves in the world. Then Saudis.
racism and class discrimination is a major problem in the gulf oil states, no denying that. But I have interacted with arabs, some of my closest friends are arabs and I am not going to say they are all arogant, racist etc..

The tunisians,libyans,moroccans ect are all really nice people.

well iraqis-egyptians-jordanians are also nice people.....or are that not also real arabs?

paradoxically, i have had bad experiences with egyptians and morrocans.
Funny thing is tht arabs are shytless when they have to face someone face to face.
I remmember once i saw bengladeshi boys beating a bunch of nationals(emiraties) and they were running like armagedon.
Funny thing is tht arabs are shytless when they have to face someone face to face.
I remmember once i saw bengladeshi boys beating a bunch of nationals(emiraties) and they were running like armagedon.
LoL that is so true, but they enjoy others miseries and pain , if i recall correctly they used to tie kidnapped children from Pakistan to camels and watched their races, man they are coward but ruthless as well, and i cant believe despite these evident cases some people here are trying to justify their irrational and pompous attitude
Arab does what Arab does but how do we Pakistani and Bangladeshi treat our poor, ie----house maid, beggar and day laborers.....:coffee:
One thing I know for sure is that hypocrisy runs deep in the Pakistani middle class as far as working conditions in the middle east are concerned. Respect for "Arabs" is there only because people are led to believe that they live on the land of the prophets and the holy sites, hence respecting them is necessary. The "Islamic bond" runs only one way, Arabs will not respect us.

(By Arabs I'm referring to Saudis, Emiratis, Qataris, Bahraini and Omanis. Iraqis, Moroccans, Tunisians, Libyans, Egyptians are not referred to as Arabs in this piece of rant)

My main arguments :-

1. People immigrating expect nordics to give them citizenship withing years of starting permanent residence while a million year stay in the arab world will not entitle you to become an Emirati or Saudi (I know some of them are relaxing their nationality laws but I'm speaking generally and historically).

2. There is no freedom of speech, criticizing the holy of holys is banned, thugs roam free like in our country and protests are banned.

3. Labor unions are banned and because protests are banned, workers being pushed to work for almost 20 hours a day are abused. When they protested, they were deported. They are accommodated in ****** labor camps with their passports confiscated illegally by employers. Numerous workers fall to their death but the media as always does not report on these matters.

4. Arabs have become a minority in their own country and feel being sidelined and are trying to integrate locals into work now. Emiratisation, Saudization, Qatarization are the way they are trying to make their people work.

5. Those who have not worked hard or toiled for their money, do not know the value of it nor can respect it. I'm not going to go on rant about how Bahrain and Dubai have destroyed modern urban planning. The only oil deprived country in the Middle East, is the only republic in the Middle East and is the poorest one (Yemen).

6. They are global abusers. They come to Pakistan and pay huge sums of money for licenses (and bribes) to hunt the endangered Chakor (red legged partridge), the national bird of Pakistan, the hunting of which is banned. They hunt falcons and numerous other critically endangered migratory birds in our country by bribing their way through and using their connections at the highest level. Islam anyone?

7. Arabs are inherently racist. They have been racist for centuries. When did the concept of Arab superiority over Ajmi come into existence? More than a thousand years ago.

8. They have been using kidnapped children from Pakistan as camel jockeys for decades. Even with this year's strict surveillance, abducted kids were used. So much for humanity.

9. We have been crying about livestock prices skyrocketing in Pakistan. Besides livestock being smuggled to Iran and Afghanistan, the Ministry of Livestock and Dairy Development has so far issued licenses for export of 63,100 goats, 4,363 camels and 1,550 bulls to Saudi Royals this year (NA Question Session March 26, 2010)

10. There are no "friendly relations" between us. Saudis have bulldozed many of our decisions just like the US. They are no less than imperialists. The Wahabization of our religious schools of thought can be solely attributed to them.

11. People from the subcontinent are treated differently, way differently than the Europeans and other gora chamri walas. Why the hypocrisy? Because they are the biggest work force? Why not special compounds for them as well?

12. They are trying to bring their agro imperialism to Pakistan in the form of land purchases for meeting their food needs. No land should be sold to foreigners, let alone at throwaway prices and without taxation. Conclusively, Arabs are no better than modern day imperialists. They are imperializing Ethiopia, Sudan, Phillipinies and Uganda and now they are laying their hands on us. Land acquisitions are done by backhand deals and nations are deprived of millions of hectares of their lands. Land acquisition for food security is no better than US invading Iraq.

Arabs treat South Asians differently, and by differently I mean bad. Laborers have no rights and are extensively abused. They treat south asians as third grade residents even after they've live there for more than 4 decades. They are lethargic and that is why the rely on an ever growing sea of immigrants to do their job.

They are ruled by single families and they try to uphold the Sharia. Islam does not allow anyone to have the birthright to rule nor does it allow a ban on criticism of the leaders. Rulers are totalitarian and autocratic dictators who silence their opponents. They bribe their way across the world. They are used like puppets by the US, so much for their integrity. Saudis preach and propagate a firebrand version of Islam that is highly intolerant and extremely xenophobic. As I said earlier, The real 'Taliban', the ideological grandfathers, are sitting not in the Waziristan or Swat, but in Riyadh and Jeddah.

The Pakistani and Afghan Taliban are merely the products of the extensive Wahhabi indoctrination carried out in the Jihadi camps during the 80s under the Zia regime.

It is no wonder 15 0f the 19 hijackers involved in the 9/11 attacks were Saudis.

The brunt of their actions is being faced by Pakistan and Afghanistan, while the Sheikhs enjoy immunity in return for oil.
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Arab does what Arab does but how do we Pakistani and Bangladeshi treat our poor, ie----house maid, beggar and day laborers.....:coffee:

Not like human beings either. But this is off topic. Open another thread for it.
arabs are the most racist hypocrite people . I only care about mecca and medina not arabs or saudi arabia at all while south asians are poor but hard working lazy arabs are completely dependant on foreign workers .I guess they're bitter about having to rely on others.
excellent points sparklingway, i am sure there are many other things to say about wahabi-arabia.
1. People immigrating expect nordics to give them citizenship withing years of starting permanent residence while a million year stay in the arab world will not entitle you to become an Emirati or Saudi (I know some of them are relaxing their nationality laws but I'm speaking generally and historically).

I believe it is because of their bitter experience in Palestine. They fear a second paletine would happen in their land if they let all those immigrants have citizenship.
Not like human beings either. But this is off topic. Open another thread for it.

Perhaps but not unrelated to topic. If we can not treat our own people in our country with human respect then how are in the position to judge Arabs. Fact of the matter is, it all about the wealth. A rich man get respect irrespective of national identity than a poor worker. A Pakistani or Bangladeshi may be treated with disrespect in Arabia but they at least earn enough money to provide a decent life for their family members in back home however a day laborers or maid work like semi slave condition in our country just for two times meal a day.

I am not trying to defend un-Islamic behaviors from the land of Muhammad(S.W.A) but not all Muslims are mumin and not all Arabs are zalim.
First published in Arab News (a leading English Language Daily from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia), March 27, 2006 By ABDULLAH AL-MUTAIRI


IN THE shop next to my house, there is a home delivery service which is run by an Indian. He is a good man, hardworking and devoted to his job. I talk to him whenever he delivers something to my house and he talks to me about the time he spent working in Abu Dhabi and of his dream to live in London.

Last week I asked him to deliver a newspaper to my house. When he delivered it to me, he asked me whether I wrote in it. I told him that I did and he asked me to write about why young Saudis hate foreign workers, particularly Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. He asked, “Why do they throw rocks at us when they see us in the street?” He said that in India they were taught to love others because that is the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). I was moved by his words and promised him that I would write on the subject.

I took his question to my students and started a discussion in class. The students agreed that they had harassed foreigners, particularly South Asians, in the street. One said that seeing a worker in the street was a perfect chance for them to beat him up and then run away. Some admitted searching for foreign workers to beat up, throw eggs at and generally abuse. I asked my students why they behaved in this way, what was the reason. Some said it was just fun, nothing more or less. Some said it was because those people were weak and unable to fight back. Some said that their favorite pastime was to catch cats, kill them and skin them. I was shocked and disturbed by all this violence and wondered what was causing it.

The classroom discussion ended but my questions would not go away. Is this violence only committed by children or can we see it at other levels in other forms? How do older people deal with foreign workers? Do the workers feel that we respect them? Sadly, the rude and sarcastic way we often refer to them sprang to my mind. Can such relationships be called humane? Are they based on equality? Are they in keeping with the tenets of Islam?

Do we adult Saudis who sponsor and employ foreigners fulfill the conditions of their contracts — which both we and they have signed? How many housemaids never get a day off?

I remember a worker in the school where I work who was on the job every day and who had not been paid for six months. I remember another unpaid worker who asked humbly and politely for his dues and received nothing but curses and insults. It seems to me that our children’s violent behavior has its origins and roots in the behavior and attitudes of adults. My Indian friend’s question should have thus been directed toward all ages and not just at the young.

Are these things related to education? Can we blame this shameful behavior on a lack of education? The answer came all too quickly to my head. I remembered one of my colleagues, a teacher who belongs to a certain tribe. He believes that a student lacking a tribal name is a man with no roots and hence of no importance. Then I remembered a preacher who visited the school after 9/11 and warned the students against dealing with non-Muslims. I also remember a sheikh in a mosque who would not allow a foreigner to pray next to him — simply because the man was not Saudi.

It is not difficult to come up with examples of our relations with people in our country who belong to different religions and cultures. And I will not discuss our own relations with other Saudis. Many of us will not allow our daughters to marry someone just because he is from a certain place or because, for some reason, we look down on him. Behind all these examples are beliefs and thoughts toward “others” which glorify us and our egos and degrade them and theirs. Such a situation is fertile ground for the idea of hate and infertile ground for the idea of love.

Those brought up to love people will not throw rocks at them and curse them. Those brought up to love people will not degrade those who are different from them? Where is love in our lives? Has it given way to hate? What answer can I give my Indian friend? Is he going to understand that it will take a long time to change this culture of hate? I do not think that it will be easy since so many of us do not want to and so many believe they are unique and the best in the world. I remember when I was in England last summer, arriving at the front door of the house where I was staying. I saw a little girl standing outside the house next to mine. I wondered if she would curse me or throw stones at me or whether she would just look away in disgust. Instead, she carried on watering the flowers in the small garden; then she looked up and waved at me, with a big smile on her face. Could that have happened here? #

The question is in purple.

The answer is in red.

In other words, the weak and those who don't fight back (defend themselves) get abused. How often do you see a lion attack a strong healthy male? Often times they go after the young, weak, sick, or old. :smokin:
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Perhaps however if we can not treat our own people in our country with human respect then how are in the position to judge Arabs. Fact of the matter is, it all about the wealth. A rich man get respect irrespective of national identity than a poor worker. A Pakistani or Bangladeshi may be treated with disrespect in Arabia but they at least earn enough money to provide a decent life for their family members in back home however a day laborers or maid work like semi slave condition in our country just for two times meal a day.

I am not trying to defend un-Islamic behaviors from the land of Muhammad(S.W.A) but not all Muslims are not mumin and not all Arabs are zalim.

but this is universal, arabs behave the way they do based on race, they actually beleive their lazy ***** are superior.
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