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Which country would your prefer to visit ? India or Pakistan ?

Feeling is mutual my friend. Though I have no ancestral connection to Pakistan...I would like to visit for sure to see the nice things there myself. I hope for calm and peace too so it can happen in friendly way.

@Hell hound @Areesh @Signalian @waz @django
You are welcome to visit here anytime, a wonderful and hospitable place indeed.Kudos
Well, the hilly areas of Pakistan are beautiful. If the violence situation is contained, they can do well.
A friendly local population will go a long way in improving tourist inflow.
Feeling is mutual my friend. Though I have no ancestral connection to Pakistan...I would like to visit for sure to see the nice things there myself. I hope for calm and peace too so it can happen in friendly way.

@Hell hound @Areesh @Signalian @waz @django
would love to visit gurdaspur someday it's the land of my ancestors but they migrated back in 1930s when my granddad was too young. so even he didn't knew from which exact village in gurdaspur they migrated or i would visit that place too.
Feeling is mutual my friend. Though I have no ancestral connection to Pakistan...I would like to visit for sure to see the nice things there myself. I hope for calm and peace too so it can happen in friendly way.

@Hell hound @Areesh @Signalian @waz @django

I want to visit India.

Ajmer Shareef
Kichocha shareef
Geez, hatred I see from both sides is astounding. If you live in India, why wouldn't you want to visit Pakistan, and similarly if you are a Pakistani why wouldn't you want to visit India if you have chance. Its sad that anonymity of internet brings out the innate hatred for each other.
On a personal side, Pakistan is birth place of my grandmother and would love to visit Nankana Sahib for religious reasons. Also want to test the good old cliche, Jihne Lahore nahi dekhya oh jamya he nahi..
Call of Duty.

Call of Duty: Modern warfare had Karachi as one of the online levels. It looked nothing like Karachi of course.
simla was presented quite well in MW3.

muree muree muree
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