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Where does Pakistan stand on Iran??



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Apr 29, 2013
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In the event of a conflict between US/Zionists and Iran, where does Pakistan stand?

More to the point, does Pakistan view this situation through any sectarian lens?
How much of Pakistan is shi'a and do the shi'a give solidarity with Iran, for example such as Lebanese shi'a are pro-Iran, whereas Lebanese sunni are anti-Iran?
Will that even play a role or does Pakistan look at it only from a gains/losses view?

Being a nuclear power close by, i think either way, Israel has made it's position clear saying that Iran has already crossed the red-line and that they would like to attack in a matter of weeks now.

I'm starting to think that potentially, United States will not involve themselves at all and it will just be israel launching the attack, what do you think?

On a side note...
Do you think that Hezbollahs involvement in Syria is the beginning of new Shi'a coalition? Where Iran + Hezbollah + Assad, will also push through northern Iraq, creating a Shi'ite stronghold (because Iraq is almost half or majority shi'a), virtually enclosing the Saudis??
Well, in the past wars against India, Iran provide squadrons of planes, plus artillery fleet to PA. Then Pak President Zia ul haq screwed the relation. But Pakistan is foreign affair bridge between US and Iran.
But their is no chance of Iran and US, will be only proxy war. As far as Syrian factor, its pure Saudi Qatar joint salafi factor. Its same salafi factor can be seen extremist columns in Pakistan. So, its three dimension issue its Shia, Sunni and Wahabi/Salafi. In Pakistan Shia and Sunni are victim of Salafi extremism. So, you question has no answer in Pakistani society.
Its age that everyone should fight their own war, leave Pakistan alone, they already suffered because of Arabs.
Pakistan stands on Iran with Pakistan. Period.

We view US Foreign Policy with some serious misgivings nor are we so gullible so as to assume that Libya & Syria are & were one-sided affairs perpetrated by the Iranians & that most of the other Arab Nations & the US are innocent & simply doing what needs to be done to save the poor Syrians & the poor Libyans from the big bad dictators that most of them were smooching only a year or two ago.

On Iran - We have problems with their ardent & continued design to export their Revolution to anywhere with even a semblance of Shia population just as we have a problem with the Saudis of doing the same & thereby fighting out their proxy wars on our turf with our sell-out Governments doing nothing about it.

We support Iran's desire to purse Nuclear Capabilities whether it be for civilian or military purposes. We admire people like Ahmadinejad for his defiant, if at times self-defeating, stance.

But let it not be said that the Pakistani Shias & the Pakistani Sunnis are loyal to anyplace other than Pakistan - Their Motherland & so whereas there are vermin with our ranks who get played by the Sunni & the Shia cards but by & large we do not view Iran or Saudi Arabia through any sectarian lens.

And so at the end of the day if you're good to us....we'd be good to you because for us Muslim Brotherhood (not the party) lies at the very heart of Pakistan !

Therefore our policy towards Iran & Arab States is that of Goodwill, Brotherly relations & Solidarity, if it is reciprocated !

P.S We & Iran enjoyed exceptionally good relations during the Shah of Iran's time ! He might not have been so good to his own People but he was a friend of Pakistan & May God Bless Him for that !
Sectarianism has no place in international politics and state interests. Iran is a Muslim country and Pakistan's neighbour. an attack on Iran, in the context of Nuclear Weapons program raises serious concerns about its own security.

Pakistan is concerned about duplicity of western standards. While no one has ever raised concerns over "Christian Bomb", "Orthodox Bomb", "Atheist Bomb", "Jew bomb" or "Hindu Bomb", no one has the right to worry about "Muslim Bomb" either.

I am not sure why Saudi's are so anti Iran, but buddies with the west, while Allah has clearly declared and informed us that, "Christians and Jews" can never be our friends.

I would say a bad Muslim is always better than a non-Muslim.
Pakistan should just have neutral cordial peaceful relations with Iran that is all. If Iran is attacked by Israel, Pakistan should not get involved necessarily, the Iranians claim they can destroy Israel in x time so let them fight their own war. If however Iran requests Pakistan for military assistance then I personally don't mind selling them certain military weaponry they may request. So my personal view is Pakistan's stand vis-a-vis Iran should be conditional in such circumstance.

As for Shias in Pakistan, they should not let their sect blind them or delude them, nor should any sect, loyalty and interests should be with Pakistan first.
Then Pak President Zia ul haq screwed the relation.

The "Blame it all on Zia" crowd needs to do its homework once in a while.
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran–Pakistan_relations:

"After the Iranian Revolution and overthrow of Shah of Iran, Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini withdrew Iran from CENTO and dissociated itself from the United States. The religiously influenced military government of Zia-ul-Haq then provided a rare opportunity and the political change in Pakistan and the Islamic Revolution in Iran suited well to one another and, therefore, no diplomatic and political cleavage occurred between them. Rather, the two events turned out to be bonus for one another's already existing good relations. In 1979, Pakistan was one of the first countries in the world which recognized the revolutionary regime in Iran. Responding swiftly to this great revolutionary change, Foreign Minister of Pakistan Agha Shahi immediately paid a state visit to Tehran who met the Iranian counterpart Karim Sanjabi on March 10, 1979. Both expressed confidence by stating that Iran and Pakistan were going to march together to a brighter future. The next day, Agha Shahi held talks with the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, in which developments in the region were discussed. On 11 April 1979, Zia famously declared that: "Khomeini is a symbol of Islamic insurgence". Reciprocating President Zia's sentiments, Imam Khomeini, in his letter, called for Muslim unity. He declared: "Ties with Pakistan are based on Islam"

Zia did not "screw relations" with Iran, as you put it. Rather, Pakistan under Zia was able to have simultaneously good relations with Iran, the US as well as the Gulf states.

So, you question has no answer in Pakistani society.
Its age that everyone should fight their own war, leave Pakistan alone, they already suffered because of Arabs.

It must be as easy to blame Arabs as it is to blame Zia if one does not take a holistic view of things, or chooses to live in ignorance. Pakistan as well as the Arabs and Iranians are suffering more due to the "Grand Chessboard" and "Divide and Rule" policies of outsiders in the region than to any intrinsically contentious vernacular issues.

As for the statement that the question asked by the OP has no answer, consider the following news items, all of which make it clear that Pakistan will back Iran in the event of an attack on the latter (without specifying explicitly what the nature of that backing will be):

1. commondreams.org/headline/2012/02/18-0: Pakistan Vows To Stand with Iran if US, Israel Attack
2. ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4185684,00.html: Israeli attack [on Iran] will prompt Pakistani response
3. presstv.com/detail/227144.html: Pakistan will back Iran in case of foreign attack: Zardari

Note also that no other country has made similar statements in support of Iran in the event of an attack on it.
In the event of a conflict between US/Zionists and Iran, where does Pakistan stand?

More to the point, does Pakistan view this situation through any sectarian lens?
How much of Pakistan is shi'a and do the shi'a give solidarity with Iran, for example such as Lebanese shi'a are pro-Iran, whereas Lebanese sunni are anti-Iran?
Will that even play a role or does Pakistan look at it only from a gains/losses view?

Being a nuclear power close by, i think either way, Israel has made it's position clear saying that Iran has already crossed the red-line and that they would like to attack in a matter of weeks now.

I'm starting to think that potentially, United States will not involve themselves at all and it will just be israel launching the attack, what do you think?

On a side note...
Do you think that Hezbollahs involvement in Syria is the beginning of new Shi'a coalition? Where Iran + Hezbollah + Assad, will also push through northern Iraq, creating a Shi'ite stronghold (because Iraq is almost half or majority shi'a), virtually enclosing the Saudis??

1. Pakistan stand is very clear

A. NO support to US for any attack on Iran. US can go for any other country for the purpose.

B. Pakistani shias give 200% support to Iran in terms of spritual headqurters for them BUT NOT physically

C. Even Pakistani sunnies do NOT support attack on Iran.

D. Pakistan was accused of transffering Nuke tech to Iran so What other clear stand you want to know of ours?
in terms of spirtial HQ they do.

Pataa nahin aap ko ye kisss nei keh diyaaa, I haven't experienced any Shia ever talking along those lines except some of the supporters of Shia Militant groups like the SSM & the Tehreek-i-Jafriya ! :undecided:
Pataa nahin aap ko ye kisss nei keh diyaaa, I haven't experienced any Shia ever talking along those lines except some of the supporters of Shia Militant groups like the SSM & the Tehreek-i-Jafriya ! :undecided:

You are confusing my statment with support to militant shia/secterian groups by Pakistani shias.

1. in terms of sprituality they still love Iran and support it morally.

2. i am talking about real persons not on basis of perception
The "Blame it all on Zia" crowd needs to do its homework once in a while.
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran–Pakistan_relations:

"After the Iranian Revolution and overthrow of Shah of Iran, Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini withdrew Iran from CENTO and dissociated itself from the United States. The religiously influenced military government of Zia-ul-Haq then provided a rare opportunity and the political change in Pakistan and the Islamic Revolution in Iran suited well to one another and, therefore, no diplomatic and political cleavage occurred between them. Rather, the two events turned out to be bonus for one another's already existing good relations. In 1979, Pakistan was one of the first countries in the world which recognized the revolutionary regime in Iran. Responding swiftly to this great revolutionary change, Foreign Minister of Pakistan Agha Shahi immediately paid a state visit to Tehran who met the Iranian counterpart Karim Sanjabi on March 10, 1979. Both expressed confidence by stating that Iran and Pakistan were going to march together to a brighter future. The next day, Agha Shahi held talks with the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, in which developments in the region were discussed. On 11 April 1979, Zia famously declared that: "Khomeini is a symbol of Islamic insurgence". Reciprocating President Zia's sentiments, Imam Khomeini, in his letter, called for Muslim unity. He declared: "Ties with Pakistan are based on Islam"

Zia did not "screw relations" with Iran, as you put it. Rather, Pakistan under Zia was able to have simultaneously good relations with Iran, the US as well as the Gulf states.

It must be as easy to blame Arabs as it is to blame Zia if one does not take a holistic view of things, or chooses to live in ignorance. Pakistan as well as the Arabs and Iranians are suffering more due to the "Grand Chessboard" and "Divide and Rule" policies of outsiders in the region than to any intrinsically contentious vernacular issues.

As for the statement that the question asked by the OP has no answer, consider the following news items, all of which make it clear that Pakistan will back Iran in the event of an attack on the latter (without specifying explicitly what the nature of that backing will be):

1. commondreams.org/headline/2012/02/18-0: Pakistan Vows To Stand with Iran if US, Israel Attack
2. ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4185684,00.html: Israeli attack [on Iran] will prompt Pakistani response
3. presstv.com/detail/227144.html: Pakistan will back Iran in case of foreign attack: Zardari

Note also that no other country has made similar statements in support of Iran in the event of an attack on it.
Your reference is wikipedia , its not authentic source of info. My post referring the top army officials who serve during the time of Zia. Zia change anti Iran policy when his own Generals refused to tow his line and tell Zia , country already suffered alot in Afghan war. Don't want more enemies.
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