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When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren’t Called ‘Hitler’

Thats NOT true my friend . you are a romanian , and you know about India and Indian history only what is told to you by the westerners . And I remember you saying in a previous post that you should not be lectured on socialism as u come from a country with socialist background !! same goes for you now , Indians know better about India

Agreed.I won't pretend to lecture you about what hapenned in India but you'll have to understand that the past is the past.The future matters more. 
But i dont think that article meant to do that.. It just highlights the imbalance US system gives to world history

Why is the US related to something the belgians did at the end of the 19th century? Should they punish current day Belgium for it ? Not to mention that Leopold treated Congo as a personal fiefdom.
Agreed.I won't pretend to lecture you about what hapenned in India but you'll have to understand that the past is the past.The future matters more. 

Why is the US related to something the belgians did at the end of the 19th century? Should they punish current day Belgium for it ? Not to mention that Leopold treated Congo as a personal fiefdom.

Again i dont think anybody is suggesting either.. It's written by an American for Americans but it holds true for all of us.. Obviously most Americans do not know about these atrocities than the few that has been given importance.. thats the crux of the matter
Again i dont think anybody is suggesting either.. It's written by an American for Americans but it holds true for all of us.. Obviously most Americans do not know about these atrocities than the few that has been given importance.. thats the crux of the matter

Americans know about the jewish genocide because they took part in WW2,american soldiers opened the gates at the concentration camps and faced the horrible truth.Living an actual atrocity means more than remembering a past one,it's just human reasoning.If we were to study every atrocity in human history in detail we would need 24 hours of history per day,every day.
That's because my people kept their culture and religion,it would have been so easy if we would have converted.Still for hundreds of years we were robbed blind and kept in poverty.After we got our independence we moved on,focused on other things.By world standards we're doing ok,by european ones we're poor but i blame us and our elites not outsiders.Our destiny is in our hands and i don't like how people play the race card against a Europe that has long ago renounced such practices. 

Agree here but from what i know the congolese genocide is recognised and it was the english who went against the belgians for it at the end of the 19th century.It seems to me that some people want to throw this things that happenned in the past just to villifyi europeans indefinetly.

No offense, i stopped reading after your first sentence. The 'our nation kept the tradition' is obvious to any nation and tribe. The real reason why you have your culture after so many centuries of Ottoman leadership has simply to do with the fact that the people were granted their culture. One example, You're not going to tell me that the Ottomans couldnt destroy the culture of Romanians in many centuries while the Spaniards only needed a few decades or so to completely mess them South Americans/Incas/Aztecs for good. Look at South America now; Spanish/Portuguese speaking, christians, their names are christian/spanish, their blood line has been mixed 'mestidos' (or some term like that, but obviously women have been raped and some married to Spanish men). I am sure the world population has suffered more at the hands of Europeans, then the way around. As such 'we brought you modernity' will not do much to decrease the frustrations of those people who suffered. Perhaps you would understand if the Russians brought you all the modern things during the communist era at the expense of your culture, country and people, plus they add on top by saying they were the best thing for you since the extinction of dinosaurs (decreasing the value of your existence).
No offense, i stopped reading after your first sentence. The 'our nation kept the tradition' is obvious to any nation and tribe. The real reason why you have your culture after so many centuries of Ottoman leadership has simply to do with the fact that the people were granted their culture. One example, You're not going to tell me that the Ottomans couldnt destroy the culture of Romanians in many centuries while the Spaniards only needed a few decades or so to completely mess them South Americans/Incas/Aztecs for good. Look at South America now; Spanish/Portuguese speaking, christians, their names are christian/spanish, their blood line has been mixed 'mestidos' (or some term like that, but obviously women have been raped and some married to Spanish men). I am sure the world population has suffered more at the hands of Europeans, then the way around. As such 'we brought you modernity' will not do much to decrease the frustrations of those people who suffered. Perhaps you would understand if the Russians brought you all the modern things during the communist era at the expense of your culture, country and people, plus they add on top by saying they were the best thing for you since the extinction of dinosaurs (decreasing the value of your existence).

You see,you're putting your sufferings above others by telling how reasonable the ottomans were and glorifying other conquerors.The truth is that if we would convert we would have been spared alot of suffering but we didn't.Not my fault that other cultures or religions are more easy to displace.Russians didn't bring anything modern to Romania,i am sry,after WW2 they dismantled our industry and ferried everything to Russia ,we've rebuild it ourselves,we were not some african country in need of beeing modernised,with all due respect.We didn't receive no Marshall plan aid either,like the western countries did.
Stalin killed between 20 and 60 million people.

Mao killed some 45 million people.

No westerner can ever compare to these 2 communist monsters.All the sleazy propagandists can take this to the bank.
Communism is created by the JEWS Karl Marx, Lenine Trotsky, without them Korea is not divided

Zionists don't care about the consequences of their acts even if it will kill millions of people

JEWS always create new movements to conquer the world which create monsters.

And they even create new movements to destroy the movements they have created when it's not good for them anymore
People study history will tell you this, history is written by the victors, and in that case when the "militaristic" west were triump over tribe like Inca, Zulu or Persian, history will only record how many Zulu tribesmen killed, how many civialization got wipe out. But you will never hear the opposite being reported

Genocide happened everywhere from and to everyone, whites, red, yellow and black. If you are the winner of the history, would you want how your glorious army defeated the other to be recorded? Or do you want to say how your enemy put up a fight in the history book?

Not too many people know during Texas revolution, it was the Mexican who put up a blood red flag, signal that they will kill any Texan, American or European who surrender, while the Texan side treat any Mexican POW with dignity (well, not all of them)

You can spin history whatever and whenever you want, but do you want to know what kind of people did European killed most? Other European
You see,you're putting your sufferings above others by telling how reasonable the ottomans were and glorifying other conquerors.The truth is that if we would convert we would have been spared alot of suffering but we didn't.Not my fault that other cultures or religions are more easy to displace.Russians didn't bring anything modern to Romania,i am sry,after WW2 they dismantled our industry and ferried everything to Russia ,we've rebuild it ourselves,we were not some african country in need of beeing modernised,with all due respect.We didn't receive no Marshall plan aid either,like the western countries did.

Et, tu.

Cultures is not some Lego block you can just swap and add at your convenience.

Please Stick to the Topic about King Leopold Ghost.

Et, tu.

Cultures is not some Lego block you can just swap and add at your convenience.

Well,other cultures did succumb to invading ones and perished.Other did sell out for benefits,see the bosnians,many albanians.
Time IS the answer . You expect us to gain in 50 years , what you people had gained in 5 centuries or so ? Answer a simple question ,Why did the westerns came to India ? It was because India was a dream land with countless opportunities and wealth for the westerners . You discovered America accidentally in an attempt to discover a shorter and safer route to India ! So its you who should be thankful ! When westerners came to India , It was the richest and most developed country of that time . And when we threw out the British , we had to start from scratches , as the british had looted all the wealth and resources , It will take some time . Provided that you do not interfere in our matters !! Understand Mr. Intellectual ? or is it casting pearls before swine ?

ok retard, you keep wasting time then and dreaming instead of creating jobs for the through the roof natality rate. I'm sure you'll remind us in 30 years how it's the white man's fault for not teaching you enough about contraception.

As for Indian wealth, please, they were wealthy in the agrarian sense, as soon as industrial revolution started they were made uncompetitive. And this is the reason why they are still poor today.
Westerners came to India to trade spices directly, maximizing profit taken previously by the Arab traders and Ottoman empire.

Oh and 5 centuries? Majority of the population was dirt poor 100 years ago, until they started joining into worker's unions to negotiate bigger wages. Which was possible because of human emotional development, unlike in your precious example India, where to this day entire swaths of population are kept in the gutter out of some religious BS.

Talking about throwing stones from a glass house.

oh and dummy, if Brits took every resource from India, what is India selling now to China?

No body had said that.. The post is about how certain atrocities are given prominence over equally horrible others usually in the west in order to keep history beneficial to them.. Genocide is genocide if it's yellow ,black, white or Brown.. Everybody knows about the holocaust, Stalin, Mao but how many of you know about Leopold, Native American genocide, Aborigine ethnic cleansing in Australia, The Mao mao killings in East Africa, Bengal famine?

i know much more then you think, which is the precise reason i don't buy into this BS that the white man is to be blamed for all the shit that is happening in the third world currently.
Some had independence for centuries, some for decades yet both still find excuses for their own present incompetence in the past.
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Well,other cultures did succumb to invading ones and perished.Other did sell out for benefits,see the bosnians,many albanians.

Stick to the topic.

Geez. 10 million Congolese dead & this thread turns into a blame game of who's country kills who more. When people should be outraged at Leopold 2.


Plaque said "Mass Murderer of Congo Free State."
Wrong...the brits built roads,hospitals,infrastructure.They gave alot to the Indian subcontinent.

Its like a giving a penny after robbing a nation. Resources looted from India fed British industries and dumped our market with goods made in British factories. After millions died in Bengal because of Winston Churchill in 1943, India didn't see any major famine in 67 years of independence.
You are forgetting Winston Churchill and the death of millions of people in Bengal because of him. He even stopped others to help the dying people of Bengal.

Winston Churchill was a great state man that helped saved Britain from Nazis. Bengal famine was caused by war, not by Churchill.
Stick to the topic.

Geez. 10 million Congolese dead & this thread turns into a blame game of who's country kills who more. When people should be outraged at Leopold 2.


Plaque said "Mass Murderer of Congo Free State."

You would have been more convincing if you would have told that to the first ones who turned this thread against all "evil white colonists" who only brought misery to the world and even today are to blame for their countries misery.

Ok,i'm outraged at Leopold :"This is outrageous,Leopold was an evil man!" What now ? Can we let it go ?
After millions died in Bengal because of Winston Churchill in 1943,

gypsy, did this maybe had anything to do with Japanese invasion and the fact there was a world war going on?

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