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When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren’t Called ‘Hitler’

Stalin killed between 20 and 60 million people.

Mao killed some 45 million people.

No westerner can ever compare to these 2 communist monsters.All the sleazy propagandists can take this to the bank.

Dude your're Romanian.. Even if you take the western white Caucasian hierarchy you'd be at the very bottom.. So who are you propagating for.. The West ? I think you're living in denial.. :lol:

I have a better chance of acceptance given my Dutch heritage, Even though i'm beige.. Lol
Dude your're Romanian.. Even if you take the western white Caucasian hierarchy you'd be at the very bottom.. So who are you propagating for.. The West ? I think you're living in denial.. :lol:

I have a better chance of acceptance given my Dutch heritage, Even though i'm beige.. Lol

You're living in denial dude, denial that keeps telling you the white man is to be blamed for all the shit that happens in the third world, refusing to grow up and accepting responsability for your government's actions or i should rather say, inactions.
Dude your're Romanian.. Even if you take the western white Caucasian hierarchy you'd be at the very bottom.. So who are you propagating for.. The West ? I think you're living in denial.. :lol:

I have a better chance of acceptance given my Dutch heritage, Even though i'm beige.. Lol

I'm propagating common sense,you see,unlike you,i don't live in this us vs them fantasy world,i couldn't give a damn about your dutch heritage.Better check your "caucasian hierarchy",nobody is denying romanians are whites,but as i've said this is about common sense and baseless propaganda villifying europeans.
You're living in denial dude, denial that keeps telling you the white man is to be blamed for all the shit that happens in the third world, refusing to grow up and accepting responsability for your government's actions or i should rather say, inactions.

No body had said that.. The post is about how certain atrocities are given prominence over equally horrible others usually in the west in order to keep history beneficial to them.. Genocide is genocide if it's yellow ,black, white or Brown.. Everybody knows about the holocaust, Stalin, Mao but how many of you know about Leopold, Native American genocide, Aborigine ethnic cleansing in Australia, The Mao mao killings in East Africa, Bengal famine?
Time isn't the answer my boy. Your population is growing much faster then jobs are being created, meaning, you'll be poor for the time being.
Saudi's understood it by now and they started to throw out the immigrant workers in order to fill jobs with their own people so to not get swamped with excess population with no jobs. Angry jobless young men don't make good citizens.

And for someone who cries about racism you sure use a lot of derogatory terms starting with white. but that's ok, you're on PDF and i'm a guest, you can have leeway, i'll just simply destroy your arguments with my superior intellect.

Oh and since you're not really bright, i'll explain what PC i discarded. I told you the real facts, how it's your and your fault alone that after decades, in some cases centuries your parts of the world are still undeveloped and backward and that you should stop blaming white folk because it's only an excuse for your own incompetence.

Time IS the answer . You expect us to gain in 50 years , what you people had gained in 5 centuries or so ? Answer a simple question ,Why did the westerns came to India ? It was because India was a dream land with countless opportunities and wealth for the westerners . You discovered America accidentally in an attempt to discover a shorter and safer route to India ! So its you who should be thankful ! When westerners came to India , It was the richest and most developed country of that time . And when we threw out the British , we had to start from scratches , as the british had looted all the wealth and resources , It will take some time . Provided that you do not interfere in our matters !! Understand Mr. Intellectual ? or is it casting pearls before swine ?
No body had said that.. The post is about how certain atrocities are given prominence over equally horrible others usually in the west in order to keep history beneficial to them.. Genocide is genocide if it's yellow ,black, white or Brown.. Everybody knows about the holocaust, Stalin, Mao but how many of you know about Leopold, Native American genocide, Aborigine ethnic cleansing in Australia, The Mao mao killings in East Africa, Bengal famine?
You do realise that i come from a european white country which was opressed,robbed for centuries by a muslim empire but you don't see me or other europeans constantly blaming our short comings to past happennings.I merely told you to be objective,europeans gave more than they took to this world,it can't be denied.

As i said before, we have to be grateful towards each others inventions, but i just don't like the way Europeans and Americans tend to run around claiming that they are the best or whatever. It's also a fact that most of the ancient civilizations were of non-European background. Perhaps without those ancient civilizations the modern world would not exist, because we gave and took from each other. I miss this kind of reasoning from the guys who think that Europeans did everything from scratch without external influence (because thats how you sounded with your dinosaurs comments). This behavior + how the Europeans raped other civilizations and got away with is what annoys me. Even if you were ruled by a muslim empire, your name is not Hasan, your language is not Turkish, your religion is not Islam. I can't say Latin America, Africa and big parts of Asia were lucky like you(guess who paid them a visit). No hard feelings, just expressing my perspective of view.
Time IS the answer . You expect us to gain in 50 years , what you people had gained in 5 centuries or so ? Answer a simple question ,Why did the westerns came to India ? It was because India was a dream land with countless opportunities and wealth for the westerners . You discovered America accidentally in an attempt to discover a shorter and safer route to India ! So its you who should be thankful ! When westerners came to India , It was the richest and most developed country of that time . And when we threw out the British , we had to start from scratches , as the british had looted all the wealth and resources , It will take some time . Provided that you do not interfere in our matters !! Understand Mr. Intellectual ? or is it casting pearls before swine ?

Wrong...the brits built roads,hospitals,infrastructure.They gave alot to the Indian subcontinent.
I'm propagating common sense,you see,unlike you,i don't live in this us vs them fantasy world,i couldn't give a damn about your dutch heritage.Better check your "caucasian hierarchy",nobody is denying romanians are whites,but as i've said this is about common sense and baseless propaganda villifying europeans.

Dude i never said you're not White and i'm certainly not.. but going by your post it's easy to be misled that you have some kind of empathy towards these atrocities.. It does not matter who does it just that all crimes should have been given equal prominence.. The life of a European Jew should not be more important than a Congolese African 
You are blaming Europeans for genocide when your own country is no angel in the matter.

Let history judge that.. Not by some obscure site run by the defeated party of a long bloody civil war
Wrong...the brits built roads,hospitals,infrastructure.They gave alot to the Indian subcontinent.
Thats NOT true my friend . you are a romanian , and you know about India and Indian history only what is told to you by the westerners . And I remember you saying in a previous post that you should not be lectured on socialism as u come from a country with socialist background !! same goes for you now , Indians know better about India
Dude i never said you're not White and i'm certainly not.. but going by your post it's easy to be misled that you have some kind of empathy towards these atrocities.. It does not matter who does it just that all crimes should have been given equal prominence.. The life of a European Jew should not be more important than a Congolese African 

Let history judge that.. Not by some obscure site run by the defeated party of a long bloody civil war
There are plenty of different links from reputable sources, stop living in denial. We Europeans accept our mistakes while you fail to accept yours.
As i said before, we have to be grateful towards each others inventions, but i just don't like the way Europeans and Americans tend to run around claiming that they are the best or whatever. It's also a fact that most of the ancient civilizations were of non-European background. Perhaps without those ancient civilizations the modern world would not exist, because we gave and took from each other. I miss this kind of reasoning from the guys who think that Europeans did everything from scratch without external influence (because thats how you sounded with your dinosaurs comments). This behavior + how the Europeans raped other civilizations and got away with is what annoys me. Even if you were ruled by a muslim empire, your name is not Hasan, your language is not Turkish, your religion is not Islam. I can't say Latin America, Africa and big parts of Asia were lucky like you(guess who paid them a visit). No hard feelings, just expressing my perspective of view.

That's because my people kept their culture and religion,it would have been so easy if we would have converted.Still for hundreds of years we were robbed blind and kept in poverty.After we got our independence we moved on,focused on other things.By world standards we're doing ok,by european ones we're poor but i blame us and our elites not outsiders.Our destiny is in our hands and i don't like how people play the race card against a Europe that has long ago renounced such practices. 
Dude i never said you're not White and i'm certainly not.. but going by your post it's easy to be misled that you have some kind of empathy towards these atrocities.. It does not matter who does it just that all crimes should have been given equal prominence.. The life of a European Jew should not be more important than a Congolese African 

Let history judge that.. Not by some obscure site run by the defeated party of a long bloody civil war

Agree here but from what i know the congolese genocide is recognised and it was the english who went against the belgians for it at the end of the 19th century.It seems to me that some people want to throw this things that happenned in the past just to villifyi europeans indefinetly.
There are plenty of different links from reputable sources, stop living in denial. We Europeans accept our mistakes while you fail to accept yours.

Why don't you put one up.. A reputable source like a world body UN, ICRC or a leading HR org calling it a "Genocide".. I'll give you a cookie if you manage to

Any idiot can put up a site and call whatever they want to their agenda, Worse are the fools you would believe whatever they read 
That's because my people kept their culture and religion,it would have been so easy if we would have converted.Still for hundreds of years we were robbed blind and kept in poverty.After we got our independence we moved on,focused on other things.By world standards we're doing ok,by european ones we're poor but i blame us and our elites not outsiders.Our destiny is in our hands and i don't like how people play the race card against a Europe that has long ago renounced such practices. 

Agree here but from what i know the congolese genocide is recognised and it was the english who went against the belgians for it at the end of the 19th century.It seems to me that some people want to throw this things that happenned in the past just to villifyi europeans indefinetly.

But i dont think that article meant to do that.. It just highlights the imbalance US system gives to world history

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