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When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

Well, China always admits the ancient inhabitants in the Southern China was the Baiyue tribes.

However, they were only the uncle of your modern day Viet, not your forefather. Since we have robbed nothing from your direct ancestor. And many Baiyue tribes were voluntary to join with Huaxia since they admired Huaxia's superior civilization.

Wanna see how Huaxia conquered the Baiyue tribes? Here you go. :wave:

From the drama Zhao Tuo the King of Nam Viet.

...And many Baiyue tribes were voluntary to join with Huaxia since they admired Huaxia's superior civilization....

You are wrong.

Huaxia maybe fight better but Baiyue 's civilization is better Huaxia's one. How can Baiyue admired Huaxia's superior civilization ??!! They are conquered by violence ( like in movie Avatar, may be ). In Baiyue eyes, Huaxia would be barbarian peoples, who were very fierce but lower culture.

After conquering Baiyue, Huaxia took over culture of Baiyue, and more than that erase the real rootof that ancient civilization. Oriental civilization is infact belong to Baiyue, not Huaxia. Kinh dich i-ching actually belong to Baiyue not Huaxia
Well, China always admits the ancient inhabitants in the Southern China was the Baiyue tribes.

However, they were only the uncle of your modern day Viet, not your forefather. Since we have robbed nothing from your direct ancestor. And many Baiyue tribes were voluntary to join with Huaxia since they admired Huaxia's superior civilization.

Wanna see how Huaxia conquered the Baiyue tribes? Here you go. :wave:

From the drama Zhao Tuo the King of Nam Viet.


Hell, Huaxia is superior civilization but when Baiyue invented rice-farming and script, Huaxia was still hording somewhere in the North :rofl:
I like that "superior" :rofl:
You are wrong.

Huaxia maybe fight better but Baiyue 's civilization is better Huaxia's one. How can Baiyue admired Huaxia's superior civilization ??!! They are conquered by violence ( like in movie Avatar, may be ). In Baiyue eyes, Huaxia would be barbarian peoples, who were very fierce but lower culture.

After conquering Baiyue, Huaxia took over culture of Baiyue, and more than that erase the real rootof that ancient civilization. Oriental civilization is infact belong to Baiyue, not Huaxia. Kinh dich i-ching actually belong to Baiyue not Huaxia

Well, Qin's superior military tactics with light armored infantry/cavalry/heavy crossbow units, the Baiyue tribes simply cannot match it.

You can see in the trailer that the Baiyue army simply got slaughtered like animals. :wave:

Since this was happened in the ancient time, it makes perfect sense that the superior civilization managed to survive at the end.
Well, Qin's superior military tactics with light armored infantry/cavalry/heavy crossbow units, the Baiyue tribes simply cannot match it.

You can see in the trailer that the Baiyue army simply got slaughtered like animals. :wave:

Since this was happened in the ancient time, it makes perfect sense that the superior civilization managed to survive at the end.

Qin? Hell, Qin army lose against Lạc Việt (Louyue?) - Âu Việt (Ouyue?) coalition.

Btw, no doubt that Huaxia fight better. Just like German fight better than Roman :rofl: Never mind, just kinding :rofl:
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;2117375 said:
Qin? Hell, Qin army lose against Lạc Việt (Louyue?) - Âu Việt (Ouyue?) coalition.

Btw, no doubt that Huaxia fight better. Just like German fight better than Roman :rofl: Never mind, just kinding :rofl:

Well, the Qin army had managed to wipe out the Baiyue tribes from Shanghai/Jiangsu/Zhejiang/Anhui, and they have also captured their leader.

Meanwhile they got exhausted when they kept the long march toward the South, and in result they got ambushed and defeated by the remaining of the Baiyue tribes in Hunan/Jiangxi.

So the Qin Dyanasty didn't finish their job of conquering the Southern part of Baiyue, meanwhile their successor the Han Dyanasty has finished their job. :wave:
Well, the Qin army had managed to wipe out the Baiyue tribes from Shanghai/Jiangsu/Zhejiang/Anhui, and they have also captured their leader.

Meanwhile they got exhausted when they kept the long march toward the South, and they got ambushed and defeated by the remaining of the Baiyue tribes in Hunan/Jiangxi.

So the Qin Dyanasty didn't finish their job of conquering the Southern part of Baiyue, meanwhile their successor the Han Dyanasty has finished their job. :wave:

Qin can defeat some Baiyue tribes but lose against the most important and advanced ethnics (Lạc Việt and Âu Việt, Vietnamese ancestor).
Poor Qin :rofl:

And then Han beat the Nam Viet to conquer Vietnam and South China.

Hopefully, since Song dynasty, Chinese invaders usually follow Qin dynasty, not Han dynasty :rofl:

BTW, seem that Qin learn crossbows from Baiyue ethnics. Really. In fact Baiyue are famous for crossbow and Han/Huaxia/whatever name are famous for archery.
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;2117375 said:
Qin? Hell, Qin army lose against Lạc Việt (Louyue?) - Âu Việt (Ouyue?) coalition.

Btw, no doubt that Huaxia fight better. Just like German fight better than Roman :rofl: Never mind, just kinding :rofl:

Correct. That's why Germany is ruling today, while the only thing "Roman" left is Rome.

The Spratly Islands belong to China, based on ancient records, but we can negotiate for Vietnamese sharing our EEZ. The ownership of the islands of course, is not negotiable.
Correct. That's why Germany is ruling today, while the only thing "Roman" left is Rome.

The Spratly Islands belong to China, based on ancient records, but we can negotiate for Vietnamese sharing our EEZ. The ownership of the islands of course, is not negotiable.

Hell, you guys have never offered those things here.
All you got are fishing movement or some exploits.

You tell a fact that superior civilizations don't have good positions today. Agree with it.
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;2117539 said:
Qin can defeat some Baiyue tribes but lose against the most important and advanced ethnics (Lạc Việt and Âu Việt, Vietnamese ancestor).
Poor Qin :rofl:

And then Han beat the Nam Viet to conquer Vietnam and South China.

Hopefully, since Song dynasty, Chinese invaders usually follow Qin dynasty, not Han dynasty :rofl:

BTW, seem that Qin learn crossbows from Baiyue ethnics. Really. In fact Baiyue are famous for crossbow and Han/Huaxia/whatever name are famous for archery.

Lol, Baiyue's heartland was in South China, which they have already lost it to Huaxia, nuff to say. :lol:
i hear now that these indians are exploring for oil in the south china sea.

this is what happens when u give an inch, people will take it a mile.
chinese government was trying to play nice with powder puff countries like vietnam and phillipines and now india has joined in.
next will be japan, brazil, UK, france, germany and every country possible.

south china sea is chinese territory and it should be protected with full military force including the use of nuclear weapons.

unless the chinese government gets tough very quickly, watch every nation bully china to give up on the south china sea.

china should deploy its entire navy to protect the south china sea, it has massive oil and gas reserves and if those are taken away, china will have to depend on foreign oil for many decades to come.

this proves to NEVER EVER trust india.
the indians are world famous for stealing other countries' territory.
i hear now that these indians are exploring for oil in the south china sea.

this is what happens when u give an inch, people will take it a mile.
chinese government was trying to play nice with powder puff countries like vietnam and phillipines and now india has joined in.
next will be japan, brazil, UK, france, germany and every country possible.

south china sea is chinese territory and it should be protected with full military force including the use of nuclear weapons.

unless the chinese government gets tough very quickly, watch every nation bully china to give up on the south china sea.

china should deploy its entire navy to protect the south china sea, it has massive oil and gas reserves and if those are taken away, china will have to depend on foreign oil for many decades to come.

this proves to NEVER EVER trust india.
the indians are world famous for stealing other countries' territory.

yeah,indians are evil,demons,thief.
and chinese occupying tibet are saints,wants to claim waters of others are saints.

god bless these saints and must be taught a lesson.

i dont think india will do any provocation but it will help to internationalize the issue and more n more countries will join.

india requested many times about the kashmir but u ppl never listened.
yeah,indians are evil,demons,thief.
and chinese occupying tibet are saints,wants to claim waters of others are saints.

god bless these saints and must be taught a lesson.

i dont think india will do any provocation but it will help to internationalize the issue and more n more countries will join.

india requested many times about the kashmir but u ppl never listened.

just proves india is a corrupt dictatorship with very sinister intentions to gang up on china.
that 1962 arse kicking india got at the hands of china still must hurt that massive indian ego.

india is a very unstable country for the international community, india is always looking for war.
india reminds me alot of germany in the 1930s.
always provoking, always looking for war to steal foreign territory.
i hear now that these indians are exploring for oil in the south china sea.

this is what happens when u give an inch, people will take it a mile.
chinese government was trying to play nice with powder puff countries like vietnam and phillipines and now india has joined in.
next will be japan, brazil, UK, france, germany and every country possible.

south china sea is chinese territory and it should be protected with full military force including the use of nuclear weapons.

unless the chinese government gets tough very quickly, watch every nation bully china to give up on the south china sea.

china should deploy its entire navy to protect the south china sea, it has massive oil and gas reserves and if those are taken away, china will have to depend on foreign oil for many decades to come.

this proves to NEVER EVER trust india.
the indians are world famous for stealing other countries' territory.

as i said in my earlier Post,indian oil company is there just for exploring oil.the area is block 127 and 128 which is veit territory
indians r not stealing anything here. they have been invited by veitnam
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