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What's holding back Bangladesh?

Why are you bringing radicalization in every discussion. You people are obsessed with it......
Do you understand the meaning of 'IMHO'?
I understand why the term radical/extremist irritates you....Bangladeshis have a special name for people like you.
Why India is still a 3rd world country with per capita one of the lowest in the world. Why Nepal, Myanmar still at the bottom in the table? Muslim,ruled 1/2 of the world for 1000 years dude.
India's per capita income is still higher than that of Bangladesh......and Muslims ruling 1/2 of the world for 1000 years is a myth.
Anyway, stick to the topic, I replied only because you're an old member......
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Why are you bringing radicalization in every discussion. You people are obsessed with it. Why India is still a 3rd world country with per capita one of the lowest in the world. Why Nepal, Myanmar still at the bottom in the table? Muslim,ruled 1/2 of the world for 1000 years dude.

I wanted to answer him, than chose not to. waste of time and bandwidth .
You people are overplaying corruption as part of the problem. But corruption is always part and parcel of the economy of our level.
Corruption also helps. It accumulate primary capitals and a part of it gets invested in legitimate businesses. All developed economy went through this process one way or other.
its doing ok... the main risk is political polarization and lack of genuine democracy... that might lead to violence in instability, so you undo a decade of progress... also natural disasters take away lot of resources.
bd is a south asian country... and it has all the other problems south asia faces.
Given it's short history, a political turbulent one at that, And having been prone to natural disasters.. Bangladesh have been doing quite well to be honest.. They're beginning to overtake their more prosperous neighbors in most Human development indexes as well, Economy is stable

Political stability and security from extremist forces is paramount for Bangladesh to achieve it's goals.. Everything else will fall in to place.. Including a more educated population and advanced economy
Corruption is not the sole problem. Some of you are exaggerating too much. Corruption was, is and will be present in our part of the world. It cannot be solved.

The issues that have held us back, I would say are:

1. Lack of education in rural/remote regions. Still there is a lot of work to be done, in spite of the fact that the major cities in doing better then before on this ground.

2. Digital divide is a major problem. You cannot really pull up an economy if a large proportion of your population cannot even handle a PC. However, I have to agree that initiatives are gradually being taken in this regard.

3. Societal stigma is a big, big problem. Our students are obliged to be engineers, doctors and lawyers. There are next to negligible incentives to be creative, to be entrepreneurs, to be artists, to be in sports. A certain score of professionals will never take a country forward. Mark Zuckerbergs, Micheal Phelps, Jack Mas dont fall in that category.

4. Lack of infrastructure. This directly ties to brain-drain and use of existing talents for the betterment of the country. There are very less effective government initiatives where such issues are addressed. Even India, on this regard, are far, far more advanced. That is because they are given opportunities and taken care of.

5. Trend-followers. We as a nation are trend-followers. We love to see and do what others do as well. As a result, we have abandoned creativity and stopped looking into our own potential. If we dont stop doing this, we will remain in the shade of others and this truth cannot be changed.
Some of the member who doubt about the potential of Bangladesh just have to look at the demographic data of this country.Bangladesh is just entering the era called 'demographic dividend' when the working age population will peak compared to the dependent population.This phenomenon occur when a country rapidly bring down it's population growth,or in other word total fertility rate(TFR) just below the replacement rate which is 2.1 children per woman.According to UN data on medium variant fertility in the period of 2015-2020 which is most accurate and widely used,Bangladesh already achieved below replacement fertility which stand at 2.05 children per woman.

This demographic dividend period which last usually one generation or 30 years is the most convenient time period to rapidly develop a country economically.With proper policy implementation Bangladesh can accelerate it's growth momentum toward a higher medium income country in the next 20-30 years.
kemalist type secular mentality of the political elites and the big neighbor from 3 sides is holding back Bangladesh. @KediKesenFare

Turks is far more advanced and developed than Pakistan, Iran and other Clerics style government (like Talibunnies Afghan era) with Kemalist style governance. People like u who will bring the country flat to the bottom


Bangladesh is actually doing very commendable jobs lately. No one can deny their progress is more structured and reached almost all level of society.Though corruption is prevalen and hinder much progress.In HDI Level they are still progressing
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You people are overplaying corruption as part of the problem. But corruption is always part and parcel of the economy of our level.
Corruption also helps. It accumulate primary capitals and a part of it gets invested in legitimate businesses. All developed economy went through this process one way or other.

Can you cite a single European country and others like Australia, Canada, Japan and USA, where graft was rampant before being developed? It is the opposite. Those countries could develop and modernize their economy because of the absence of grafts. It is the Indian Sub-continental, almost all Muslim countries and the African countries where bribery is spread like a plague.

It may not be the sole reason of underdevelopment, but it is certainly the main reason. Corruption breeds inefficiency, indiscipline, insubordination and many other social and political diseases. Diabetes calls in diseases like blood pressure and hypertension in the body. Similarly, corruption also calls in all other evils in the society. So, the first task of a govt should be to get the country rid of grafts and bribes in the administrative level.

Can you cite a single European country and others like Australia, Canada, Japan and USA, where graft was rampant before being developed? It is the opposite. Those countries could develop and modernize their economy because of the absence of grafts. It is the Indian Sub-continental, almost all Muslim countries and the African countries where bribery is spread like a plague.

It may not be the sole reason of underdevelopment, but it is certainly the main reason. Corruption breeds inefficiency, indiscipline, insubordination and many other social and political diseases. Diabetes calls in diseases like blood pressure and hypertension in the body. Similarly, corruption also calls in all other evils in the society. So, the first task of a govt should be to get the country rid of grafts and bribes in the administrative level.
Read how colonial looting, read slavery, read japanese invasion.
Thats how they accumulate wealth. Corruption is just too little thing for them.

Singapore, South Korea were the most corrupt nation on earth even in last decade.
Read how colonial looting, read slavery, read japanese invasion.
Corruption and bribery were not rampant in the colonialist countries. Therefore, it was possible for them to develop their war machines and impose wars, unjust these may be, upon other countries. A good war machine cannot be built in a corruption-prone country, where even the military higher-ups take a booty out of all the military expenditures.

We still remain too greedy even now after more that two centuries of colonizing by the British. Our corruption caused us the defeat and the looting came after this battle. However, my point is it was not possible for the Europeans and Japanese to wage wars upon others unless they were technologically superior and their adversaries were not corrupt at the high level. Superiority of the colonialist countries came about from their non-corruption society and a dedication to their jobs and responsibilities.

The Japanese had built more than 90,000 war planes of various categories to fight against China and powers like French, Holland, USA and UK in the eastern front of the 2nd WW. Could this sort of things be done in a corrupt country? Free of corruption is the reason why people become patriots and work en mass for building their nation.

The 3rd world countries like BD lacks this quality and I believe no amount of foreign aids will result in the uplifting of this country. It will remain the underdeveloped country as it is today.
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Corruption and bribery were not rampant in the colonialist countries. Therefore, it was possible for them to develop their war machines and impose wars, unjust these may be, upon other countries. A good war machine cannot be built in a corruption-prone country, where even the military higher-ups take a booty out of all the military expenditures.

We still remain too greedy even now after more that two centuries of colonizing by the British. Our corruption caused us the defeat and the looting came after this battle. However, my point is it was not possible for the Europeans and Japanese to wage wars upon others unless they were technologically superior and their adversaries were not corrupt at the high level. Superiority of the colonialist countries came about from their non-corruption society and a dedication to their jobs and responsibilities.

The Japanese had built more than 90,000 war planes of various categories to fight against China and powers like French, Holland, USA and UK in the eastern front of the 2nd WW. Could this sort of things be done in a corrupt country? Free of corruption is the reason why people become patriots and work en mass for building their nation.

The 3rd world countries like BD lacks this quality and I believe no amount of foreign aids will result in the uplifting of this country. It will remain the underdeveloped country as it is today.

I just mentioned tip of the iceburg. In those days, noble, church, feudals etc did all the heinous crimes in collaboration with the government. So technically they might not seemed as corruption to you but were worse than what you see in our countries now.
Besides, bribery, wining, dining were present all the time.
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Courtesy of 'Center for Policy Development' in Bangladesh:

This one talks about the 'Economic Vulnerability Index Indicators' for Bangladesh which was holding the country back and how we are tackling these issues at a governmental policy level......




"Progress in selected human development indicators in Bangladesh"
© UNISDR with data from the World Bank (UNISDR, 2015a [GAR15])

Many countries have made significant progress in human development, in poverty reduction and in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Between 1990 and 2010, the proportion of people living below the poverty line more than halved, dropping from around 43% to just over 20% (data from the World Bank). Since 1990, the number of people living on less than US$1.25 per day fell from 51% of the population to 30% in Southern Asia and from 56% to 48% in sub-Saharan Africa (United Nations, 2014). In the same period, under-5 mortality fell from 178 to 109 per 1,000 births in sub-Saharan Africa and from 116 to 61 per 1,000 births in Southern Asia (United Nations, 2014).

In Bangladesh, an innovative cyclone shelter programme has helped the country dramatically reduce tropical cyclone mortality since the 1970s. Bangladesh’s major success in reducing mortality from tropical cyclones is supported not only by cyclone shelters but also by a slow but steady improvement in the provision of basic education, health and sanitation, and by a reduction in the number of people living below the poverty line.

Disaster mortality can be expected to fall as development conditions improve and vulnerability is reduced. There is a greater chance that roads exist to allow evacuation, that affected people can receive timely medical assistance and that greater levels of literacy and primary education strengthen people’s understanding of warnings and disaster preparedness plans. Rising incomes and strengthened governance have also gone hand in hand with enhanced disaster management.

Moving forward beyond 2017 – Dr Fahmida Khatun
Published in The Daily Star on Monday, 2 January 2017

GLOBALLY, 2016 has been an unprecedented year. Brexit, Trump, rise of populism, refugee crisis and terrorism will continue to define the political and economic scenario of the world in 2017. Inside the country, a number of positive as well as challenging developments will shape the dynamics of Bangladesh’s journey in 2017. As most big economies are still struggling to recover from slow growth, Bangladesh’s major economic boost will have to come from within the country.

Stability in Bangladesh, both economically and politically was strong in 2016. This has helped in achieving higher growth of gross domestic product that crossed 7 percent in fiscal year 2016. Industry played the main role in higher GDP followed by the services sector. Low petroleum prices in the global market helped inflation rates to stay low since Bangladesh spends a significant amount on petroleum products. Export earnings increased at a higher rate than imports and export-GDP ratio increased in FY2016 while import-GDP ratio declined. Higher export of readymade garments contributed to this growth. Bangladesh is eying at earning USD 50 billion through RMG exports by 2021. Given the potential of the sector and the compliance measures being undertaken for the last two years following the Rana Plaza incident, the sector can meet the target easily. Surely, improved infrastructural facilities, technological upgradation, skills development will facilitate the growth process of the sector.

Investment remains a crucial component of growth in Bangladesh as the major impetus for growth has to come from both public and private investment. In FY2016, investment as a share of GDP was 29.7 percent, lower than the target for the fiscal year. This was lower than the savings rate also, indicating the weakness in utilisation capacity of the economy. Keeping in mind the need for a growing economy, the government has targeted to increase investment to 32.7 percent of GDP in FY2017. This will require boosting investment efforts through infrastructure projects. Depressed economic performance in the oil exporting countries has led to a cut in remittance flow to the country despite increase in migrant workers. This is worrying since a major part of Bangladesh’s foreign exchange is earned through remittances.

While macroeconomic indicators are better compared to many other countries, Bangladesh will have to focus on a number of issues that may hinder the growth momentum of the country. In 2016, the banking sector continued to display its weaknesses. Rise of non-performing loans, lower capital adequacy and the overall lack of governance in the sector are disturbing for the economy. Window dressing through rescheduling and restructuring of NPL and government support to the loss making banks cannot solve the problem unless stern measures are taken against malpractices and fraudulent cases. Cyber crime has emerged as a new phenomenon for the banking sector in Bangladesh that caused a reserve heist of USD 101 million from Bangladesh Bank. The investigation report on this hack has not been made public and the progress in getting the stolen money back is slow. Much activity on tackling cyber crimes has not been visible yet.

The most shocking incidence of 2016 has been the terrorist attack in Holey Artisan Bakery. The nature of the attack was different from earlier single incidences where religious militants killed members of minority groups, two foreigners and a number of bloggers. Holey attack was massive in scale when 20 people were killed, 17 of them were foreigners. After the Holey killings, there was a fear that foreigners would stop coming to Bangladesh and the economy may suffer. However, Bangladesh could tackle the situation very well by strengthening the security in the country. Bangladesh’s partners have not turned away either. The visit of the Chinese President and his commitment to invest in Bangladesh, the assurance of continued cooperation from Japan, the visit of the World Bank President despite World Bank’s cancellation of funding the Padma Bridge construction on corruption allegations, and international events such as the one on migration in Dhaka are indication of confidence in Bangladesh’s approach towards terrorism and commitment for growth and prosperity.

In 2017, Bangladesh would continue to drive its ambitions for becoming a higher middle income country. The country will also prepare to come out of the least developed country status. These will require consolidation of its achievements and preparation for tackling further challenges. As the country received commitments for an investment of USD 24 billion from the Chinese government and in the process of implementing mega projects such as the Padma Bridge and the Ruppoor power plant a lot of clarity on their implications as regards debt-GDP ratio, quality and timeliness is required. Of course, debt-GDP ratio is not an imminent issue at the moment since debt-GDP ratio is relatively low for Bangladesh. However, once commitments of the Chinese money start to get into the economy and the Ruppoor power plant is implemented, debt-GDP ratio would increase significantly. The pressure on the debt situation could be accommodated through increasing efficiency in project implementation and accelerated revenue collection.

Bangladesh’s economic and social achievements are widely acclaimed around the world. The challenge is now to make this sustainable and inclusive. Maintaining macroeconomic stability, increasing efficiency in project implementation as well as national earnings and improving governance are major issues that will have to be vigorously followed up in 2017. The economy is set to run on a high speed lane with objectives set to achieve 7.2 percent growth in FY 2017 and even higher in the coming years. This ambition is underpinned by continuous economic and political reforms.

The writer is Research Director at the Centre for Policy Dialogue.
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