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That movement of left leg with right arm to start parade gives a dilemma in real life. Going up stairs or entering a room, I have to consciously use my right leg to start walking or use stairs or enter room. Parade system was Brit made I think.

I remember there was a molvi type cadet in platoon back then. He used to enter every room or masjid with right leg. In parade he would muck up. There was an AIWA brand commercial back then where they walked with right leg right arm and left leg left arm movement.He was eventually named AIWA.

Most people take first step with right leg. They enter a room with right leg. Even climb stairs with right leg and start reciting Allah o Akbar.
Isn`t it a natural pattern that opposite limbs go forward together, i.e. left leg with right arm and right leg with left arm?
@lambdacore, posting my reply here because the other thread is closed.

Secondly, not all leaders are popular eg. Gaddafi was horribly executed
Those who executed him were Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood and there were reports in 2011 that among that bunch who dragged him on the road there was a French intelligence agent.

As for his popularity, many people liked him because he built a welfare state and emancipated the women and brought Direct Democracy to the country. My user-name comes from my understanding of being a person who forwards the Jamahiriya political system of pre-2011 Libya. Watch this vid of a Libyan girl with a group of other Libyan women from mid-2011 delivering a defiant message to Obomba and NATO in support to Gaddafi during the middle of the aerial and naval bombing. Please read this thread from 2015 by the Chinese member @TaiShang on more details of the progressive political and economic system of that Libya.

Bashar Al-Assad is also hated.
Yet the Syrian people support him whether they being inside Libya or say being students outside Libya like in Australia ( there have been Syrian students marching there and in other places ). Assad remains the leader for the moment because the Syrians largely don't want him replaced by the Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood NATO-arranged Syrian National Council. Assad remains the leader despite ten years of war, despite tens of thousands of criminals rampaging through the country, despite even incursion by the Americans and the Turkish military.

They have caused immense harm to the nation/society
How ?

Now, a question arises here. Why should the Muslim world accept the western world's approach to women rights as the standard of progression or even any other ideology? Muslims must only follow their religious text to achieve that outcome for themselves.
I am not propagating the modern Western idea about women's rights. Again I say, West-aligned Muslim-majority countries generally tend to be oppressive towards women but leftist leaders like Nasser and Gaddafi and those in other places like Afghanistan understood the true progressive spirit of Islam and thus gave the women their rights as defined in real Islam. And what rights ? Please read this thread of mine from 2015 whose OP is an article by an Indian Christian woman who married an Indian Muslim under Islamic marriage law because that better secured her socio-economic future in case of divorce. She explains the progressive rights given to Muslim women in marriage 1400 years ago and how those laws inspired such laws in Europe only a hundred or so years ago and came to India only in the 1950s. Read this post of mine about an Egyptian woman academic and politician who has found Jewish origin of the burqa. The same post also includes text and a speech vid about Nasser's interaction with the chief of the Muslim Brotherhood who had demanded imposition the burqa upon Egyptian women. There Nasser calls the MB as an agent of the British government.

Believe it or not, a lot of women are pro "so called regressive policies" you just haven't met them.
Yes some of them do like Asiya Andrabi the leader of the burqa group Dukhtaaran-e-Millat in India-administered Kashmir ( Asiya even wears gloves to not show her hands ) but most wear the burqa and remain oppressed in other matters because the environment has become such. Many years ago Asiya Andrabi and her group threatened Kashmiri women that they would throw acid in the faces of any woman who doesn't wear the niqab. Some years ago Asiya and some male mullahs forced three Kashmiri girls to disband their all-female music band called Pragaash because that was "un-Islamic", though these girls got support locally too. The environment in India among Muslims has become oppressive and women are forced to go along with it. Part of the blame goes to the in-fashion Tablighi Jamaat who are misguided and misinformed about Islam. In my own relatives circle there was no burqa-wearing twenty years ago. Now most do. This is true also for most Indian Muslim women. Misinformed people. Women in compulsion. It has become ridiculous.

The religio-moral police (aka Hai'a) have female staff as well. You probably haven't seen them. They are completely covered in black with only an eye slit to see. They are particularly in the team to ensure women in Saudi Arabia follow the moral code. Secondly, women in Saudi Arabia are not oppressed, most of them do this by choice. You can call this indoctrination or whatever but the fact is that if they prefer to cover themselves, then western concepts of women rights is actually oppression on them. They dont want to uncover, why convince them to?
Then there are the same as the Dukhtaaran-e-Millat group. But some days ago there was an article about the restaurant scene in Saudia with the picture of a woman customer with her face uncovered. Also, it seems there are female restaurant staff now. You can tell more about this.

The best example I can give is my wife, this is exactly how she thinks even though I tell her Islam is not that restrictive. Me forcing her to take the veil off is also a form of oppression on her.
That's sad then. You are correct. Islam is not that restrictive. So please show her my post including Nasser's words.

The west lost, that is the history, and the west has to ask some really hard questions as well as answer their existing allies on their relationship lest they have the same outcome as Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
Actually the West gained. The Crusader Western governments want Muslims to remain backward and never would want progressive Muslim governances to exist. Hence the invasions of Iraq, Libya and Syria in recent years. Hence the threat that Algeria sees from the West. In Afghanistan would the West have left in charge the progressive, leftist movement the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan ?

The Taliban is not a co-creation of the west. I do not know where you got that from. If you are referring to the Mujahideen during the Soviet-Afghan war then my friend you need to revisit history as the Taliban did not exist at that time. The Taliban came quite a bit after after the civil war between the Mujahideen.
The 1990s Taliban had de facto political support of the Western governments, same as now, and had propaganda done by BBC and co. as it captured territories. This was before it ultimately took Kabul.

Anyway, get some rest, focus on other things. There is not much you can contribute here at this point in time. If you are really keen to knock sense into the Taliban, fly over to Kabul and try to make a difference. Maybe you can start an NGO or something and show Taliban the way things should be done to help Afghans progress. The PDF audience is far to small and not as concerned as you on the topic. You are just wasting precious energy in the wrong place.
We can do two things :

1. Speak of the current crimes of the Taliban. Two of my threads on this topic got closed.

2. Propagate online and offline for the SPA and other Afghan progressives.

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Assalamualikum. What are the job prospects for someone in UK after he does MSc in Engineering and Management from a Scottish university?

At the moment it is really good as there is a significant shortage of highly trained engineers in England. Very bright prospects. With an MSc in Engineering you could also find a good job in the civil service, education and the NHS.
@rambro some one posted it in Linkedin :D

@fitpOsitive @Vapnope, I cannot reply to you on yesterday's thread about smart cities because it has been deleted. I lost my long idea post. :sad: Should have copied it into my email drafts folder.
All of these are correct.
The requirement of education was revoked by President Zardari and SC in PPP era 2008 to 2013 and it is still the same.
@fitpOsitive @Vapnope, I cannot reply to you on yesterday's thread about smart cities because it has been deleted. I lost my long idea post. :sad: Should have copied it into my email drafts folder.
You can create your own thread for such ideas. Tag me there pls when you do.
Obviously, the solution is to ban the politicians. All of Pakistan's problems will be solved, right?

(Is the dictator inserted Constitutional "standard" of sadiq and ameen not enough?)
There is so much that can be done about this without supporting military interference in politics. It should be mandatory for an MNA to have a degree in law or business or at least masters in political science. Bachelors should be mandatory for MPA if political class is serious about Pakistan.

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