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The @Skies , those responsible for bringing you rain,
recommend the Davek umbrella to defend yourself
against themselves? Why?

Maybe because we know that something made of, I
quote : over 200 parts [and] 96 painstaking steps will,
despite 12 points of inspection, jam or auto-destruct
within 10 uses leaving you utterly wet and miserable!


Good day all, Tay.

P.S. Umbrellas are for sissies. As is or a wet suit! :mad:

haha I forgot that my name was @Skies while posting the ad ....why would the sky itself need an umbrella!!! .......

And I completely agree with you that Umbrellas are for sissies.

My patents scolded me many times when I was in school for not using umbrella.
Never used it until few days (now do not like getting wet in rain as like before), no matter how much rain used to come, I would walk in the rain anyway.

Just liked the ad, so shared.


- Boardwalk Empire (completed)
- Banshee (completed)
- Vikings (on going)
- Rome (completed, only 2 seasons)
- House of Cards (ongoing)
- Narcos (3 seasons)
- Sons of Anarchy (completed)
- Spartacus (completed)
- The Sopranos (completed)
- The Wire(completed, My all time favourite)
New Tricks

Sounds like he's actually taking bigger and stronger opioides.

Here's the funny thing; these guys who make it as celebrities and become power couples in the eyes of the public suddenly feel empowered that what they say actually matters to people lol. The worst part is when they start thinking because of that position of fortune and celebrity status they've been catapulted into, they can start using big words that they think will impress people and make them think they have some linguistic educational skills when they use them completely out of context and actually don't know the definition of those words lol. You'll see that a lot with athletes who have wrapped up their playing career and now are on TV. They make bigger clowns of themselves than they already are. :lol:

And BTW, this guys still has to deal with some pretty serious accusations of sexual harassment. Innocent until proven guilty but so far, out of all the ones who've been slapped with that brutal dose of reality have gone down hard! Harvey Weinstein, Bill O'Reilly, Matt Lauer, Bill Cosby and the list goes on including the orange baboon who this guy has just fluffed up lol.
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