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No one can be against me far away.


I dumped friend Abdul in school.

My mouslims friends aren't with me after I dumped Abdul in school. They are false against me.

she is a good singer but i must say, most of the lyrics are amateur-like.

1:43 yeah try tickling me and i'd probably shoot you dead on the spot :yu:



found the below recording of naseeruddin shah in lahore through the suggestions pictures from the above vid... a good talk by him... can you understand the urdu he speaks??


@levina , can you?? :D
Last edited:
What to say? Wonder if Russia is better if you are communist but perhaps too late and become communist after 9 years of hard rockers who is American faith.
she is a good singer but i must say, most of the lyrics are amateur-like.



found the below recording of naseeruddin shah in lahore through the suggestions pictures from the above vid... a good talk by him... can you understand the urdu he speaks??


@levina , can you?? :D
WTF those are amateurish to you? She's my fav singer and that's one of my fav songs. The lyrics can't get any better than that -- they're awesome, unless of course you don't really know the urdu language. It's not about big words, the beauty of this language is it can give a heavenly touch to seemingly simple things through poetry. Then again you gotta have a native's ears to feel that. I suggest you read Nasir Kazmi's poetry, you'll understand what I mean.

What to say? Wonder if Russia is better if you are communist but perhaps too late and become communist after 9 years of hard rockers who is American faith.
Are you a bot? :eek:
she is a good singer but i must say, most of the lyrics are amateur-like.



found the below recording of naseeruddin shah in lahore through the suggestions pictures from the above vid... a good talk by him... can you understand the urdu he speaks??


@levina , can you?? :D
Could not play it.
My Muslim friend (more like a brother to be honest) has suddenly discovered religion.

I am seeing this more strongly after the month of Ramadan.

Now he wants to learn Arabic so that he can read the Koran in the original language it was revealed in.

He has been speaking to misc maulanas etc. about coming to his house and teach him. Apparently they gave him a theological tongue lashing for having dogs in his house.

He was jokingly telling me that the maulanas if they actually landed at his place would believe they have reached the abode of the dajjal, what with whiskey bottles and beer cans all around, and photos of Hindu Gods alongside the holy verse (which is with the holy sword, I forget the name). Not to mention his multiple tattooed torso and legs, and his penchant for some really weird and dark music.

All well and good so far. Now he has decided to enroll into an institute. I am just concerned about him getting radicalized.

What are the precautions? What are the signs to look out for? Is there anything I can do from my side?

I don't want to lose him. And I am seeing worrying signs of too much interest in religion happening. Which from my experience on PDF is a first warning sign, red flag.

@SarthakGanguly @ranjeet @GURU DUTT @Nair saab @third eye @Abingdonboy @jamahir @The_Showstopper @Razia Sultana @Bang Galore @Hindustani78 @hinduguy @SpArK @MilSpec @Roybot @nair @ito

P.S. This is a genuine thing and I am not trolling here. Its been playing on my mind and I was hoping some/all of you could help with your individual experiences and/or advice from the real world.

No harm in getting religious but your concern is well placed.

My advice :

Stay friends, remain in touch - a little closer maybe.

Watch for the early signals - Removal of Dogs, Pictures, beard, quitting beer etc. Take a call thereafter.

I reiterate, nothing wrong in looking towards religion - its a natural process of an evolving & curious mind.
as has been discussed on pdf a few times, it is often the hard-partying types that suddenly rediscover "religion"... in the 60's, it was the hippies coming to india and in the last five years, it has been increasingly so in case of "muslims"... there have been older instances like that anjem choudary fellow in britain and cricketers in pakistan... i myself in india have been told by one person that he was a neighborhood thug before he became "pious", and now he is just as worse.

getting more muslim is not bad but it is the type of islam that needs to be checked... that he has dogs and drinks is bad but the correction of that is replacing the dogs with cats.

you have cause for worry if he begins sporting a curly beard ( especially without moustache ) and wears his pants folded above the ankle and gets regular at the mosque... it means he has been affected by the tableeghi jamaat virus... this south asian virus is the cause-ideology of most "muslim" terrorist groups in the world.

before we discuss on ways of rescuing him, you should ask him certain questions to accertain how deep he is in the wrong ( if he is ) - (a). what does he think about the war in syria, about bashar al-assad, about nato role in that war, (b). what is his idea about jamal abdul nasser ( if he indeed knows him ), (c). what is his idea about "the golden age of islam".

do that and post here.

edit : another sign of "pious" behavior is a abscess on the forehead, that comes from touching forehead to floor when doing prayers increasingly.

No harm in getting religious but your concern is well placed.

My advice :

Stay friends, remain in touch - a little closer maybe.

Watch for the early signals - Removal of Dogs, Pictures, beard, quitting beer etc. Take a call thereafter.

I reiterate, nothing wrong in looking towards religion - its a natural process of an evolving & curious mind.

@jamahir @third eye

Thanks for your views gents.

I don't know if you recall, but I had started growing a beard just before my last ban (or was it the one just before that one .... can't recall, there having been so many in the recent past).

This was because I had not met my friend in a few weeks and when I saw him one day cycling (we are both avid cyclists) he had a nice beard. I thought it looked cool and I too wanted to grow one (possible as a cadet, as it was summer vacation time).

Anyways, no one liked my beard. Least of all the girls. Comments ranging from me looking like a Kashmiri fidayeen (I'm unusually fair for a Maratha) to someone likening me to a young Hamid Karzai with hair (my Whatsapp experiments with a Himachali topi contributing to the look). So I shaved mine off. He did too (actually he before me).

Now during Ramadan month he started growing one again. Not curly. Proper with mooch. Once he had shaped it and I had commented it made him look like a mullah, so he's let it grow naturally again.

I don't think he is ever going to let his dogs go. He is a hardcore dog man, and even hid it from his parents for long till they discovered it. Read up on the Internet that there are exactly 6 references to dogs in the Koran, one of them being that it is halal to eat meat hunted and retrieved by a dog. Which I guess he was referring to the saliva of the dog on the meat hunted (even if it would be cleaned and cooked eventually).

Alcohol yes he has these bouts of guilt and gives up, but then is back again. Currently he's been talking about going off alcohol.

The Hindu Gods photos is because he is completely secular and has Hindu blood. Proper with bell and diya and the works in a small Puja ghar.

He does not like the US. But neither do I.

Neither of us have any illusions on who has been fingering around in the Middle East.

There is a degree of glamor and romance he endows the old time Muslim bhais of Mumbai's infamous underworld, and their anecdotes and stories.

He cannot stand Pakistan or Pakistanis.

He has his own apprehensions about the Hindu right wing and Modi ji and the BJP coming to power. Jokes that if it becomes too much he will go jihadi. But that's been a very old thing. Not recent.

He has never eaten beef in his life, and will never eat it, though he eats only halal.

He is as religious as I am, which is going to the temple or mosque on religious festivals and occasions. And I do not think he does namaz, leave alone five times a day. Does the odd day or two here or there of roja. This year not even that (is this thing a guilt trip linked to that?)

He is also into meditation. And breathing exercises. Has a Hindu guru who teaches him that.

This arabic thing and wanting to visit Iraq (specifically Karbala) is the new thing, and is slightly freaking me out. Is he mad? Who would go to Iraq man, out of all the places on earth? Is he yanking my chain here?
Thanks man. In my circle we call it by its condensed acronym, GC.

No problem. I hope my definition is correct though :D (Personally I use it in this sense)

GC would be ........ "G" stands for what I think it stands for?
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