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What Tianhe-3 Should/Could of been

The thread starter must have a memory of a goldfish. Didn't the guy already take a drubbing in the other supercomputer thread a few days ago?

China May Develop Two 100 Petaflop Machines Within a Year - insideHPC
100 petaflop.JPG
I feel bad for people that can't see with their minds. So they make up prediction based on something so simple and predictable. Yet, they think they own the world through copying and hacking. Then they think that is the original when they have no idea what that word "original" even mean. To a less than average person, they would believe it.

lmao this Viet talks about science. Vietnam has worse science than Kenya. To start thinking about beating China, you have to first beat Kenya.
It is actually a blessing in disguise.

This American action, and many others, clearly shows the USA's continuing policy of trying to hold China back, economically and technologically.

Therefore, it is paramount for China to develop its economy and technology so that it won't be critically depended on USA.
Should really look at DOE Titan Supercomputer. While Tianhe-2 uses 310,000 core computing node to reach 50 PFlop, Titan uses 1/6 of the processing core to reach 1/2 the speed. And Titan would be upgrade in 2016/2017 to 200PFlops Computer. Which will be done by Nvidia GPU with 3D-node transfer technology.

And a 300PFlops computer will be out in 2023

DOE Supercomputing Aims for 100-200 PFLOPS in 2017
how many cpus and how many cores are totally two different things~
Titan:18,688 AMD Opteron 6274 16-core CPUs, this is already 299008 cores~

China houses the worlds fastest supercomputer at 33.8pflop/s it was due to be upgraded to 100 pflop/s but Uncle Sam stopped or at least delayed this by banning Intel from selling more Intel Phi "Knights Corner" to China

U.S. issues bogus, unenforceable ban of supercomputer chips for China | Computerworld

now assuming this ban is lifted or China sneaks around it. Tianhe-3 could easily be upgraded to "Knights Landing" which is coming in 2016

it's easy as swapping out Knights Corner each co-processor is 1 tflop/s and add in Knights Landing which is 3 Tflop/s:o: then going even a step further China would of added more racks!! Tianhe-3 in 2016 would have been over 200 Pflop/s a second or more!!! next closes would be Trinity which is due to get it's Knight Landing products in 2016 as and have a speed at 40 Pflop/s

Intel's next big thing: Knights Landing Xeon Phi | ZDNet

did U.S screw China over??
well yea, I mean the Chinese military industry is a mess since the embargo against us. We found the one field that money doesn't play. Damn Americans, China is doomed.

China houses the worlds fastest supercomputer at 33.8pflop/s it was due to be upgraded to 100 pflop/s but Uncle Sam stopped or at least delayed this by banning Intel from selling more Intel Phi "Knights Corner" to China

U.S. issues bogus, unenforceable ban of supercomputer chips for China | Computerworld

now assuming this ban is lifted or China sneaks around it. Tianhe-3 could easily be upgraded to "Knights Landing" which is coming in 2016

it's easy as swapping out Knights Corner each co-processor is 1 tflop/s and add in Knights Landing which is 3 Tflop/s:o: then going even a step further China would of added more racks!! Tianhe-3 in 2016 would have been over 200 Pflop/s a second or more!!! next closes would be Trinity which is due to get it's Knight Landing products in 2016 as and have a speed at 40 Pflop/s

Intel's next big thing: Knights Landing Xeon Phi | ZDNet

did U.S screw China over??

A recent conference stated that the 100-pflop computer is now slated to use Chinese chips.
Our American friends seriously have an inferiority complex. Can't beat us so making up lame excuse to prevent Intel from selling their chip. But that all right, we love the challenge to get rid of Intel. Let see who got the fastest supercomputer in the future. In the the meantime, we are the champ until someone come and get it from us. Are we clear on this? LOL
Some Americans have sleepless nights knowing China is #1 and will remain so until America dethrones us. By preventing Intel selling those components to China it is doing us a great service for that matter. The race is continuous and in the future nobody is gonna use that lame excuse of using American chips for the #1 spot hold by China.
A recent conference stated that the 100-pflop computer is now slated to use Chinese chips.

if true it wouldn't be a upgrade to Tianhe-2 it would be a whole new system right??
how many cpus and how many cores are totally two different things~
Titan:18,688 AMD Opteron 6274 16-core CPUs, this is already 299008 cores~

Dude, It actually does not matter how many CPU were there in a super computer, what matter most is core and threads, which 1 core process 1 task at the CPU refresh rate, and 1 thread carry each single task into the processor.

If you have less CPU and more core but with less computed task done, that means the "interfacing" (Shoving task into core) is not quick enough or the bus does not support the same parallel process to the processor.

When you compare Tianhe-2 to DOE Titan. Tainhe-2 Have 32,000 Intel E5-2692 12 Core Processor. And 48,000 Intel Xeon Phi 31S1P 57 Core Processor, which give Tianhe-2 a Total of 3,120,000 core pure processor power. Which mean at given rate clock, Tianhe can process 3,120,000 process at the same time. And the peak performance is 52.7PFlop

While Titan run on 18,688 AMD Opteron 6274 16 Core CPU, and 18688 Nvidia Tesla K20x 12 Core GP, which give the titan just 560,640 Core pure processor power. Which mean at given clock rate, the computer can refresh 560,640 task at the same time, (Which is about 1/6 of Tianhe-2 Processing power) but it give a whopping 27PFlop speed.

The implication is huge, While more processor and more processor core means more Voltage to be consume, the space and maintenance effect is shorten and which mean the supercomputer is a lot easier to service and did not drain a lot of power.

Another advantage on this is that while the Chinese supercomputer uses pure muscle (Processing power) by denoting a large number of core to processing. Which mean the expansion of the system would determine how the software interconnecting those hardware, which limit the number of hardware it can interconnect. But with Titan, the software control multiplied the system speed and with less physical hardware connected to the supercomputer (1/6 of the size of Tianhe-2 hardware) the upgrade of titan is not so much bounded by the physical limit. And given if Titan uses the same physical processing power to the Tianhe-2 counterpart, the system will be 2 times as fast as Tianhe-2 while Tianhe-2 would need 4 times as much as physical hardware to get to that level.
When you compare Tianhe-2 to DOE Titan. Tainhe-2 Have 32,000 Intel E5-2692 12 Core Processor. And 48,000 Intel Xeon Phi 31S1P 57 Core Processor, which give Tianhe-2 a Total of 3,120,000 core pure processor power. Which mean at given rate clock, Tianhe can process 3,120,000 process at the same time. And the peak performance is 52.7PFlop

While Titan run on 18,688 AMD Opteron 6274 16 Core CPU, and 18688 Nvidia Tesla K20x 12 Core GP, which give the titan just 560,640 Core pure processor power. Which mean at given clock rate, the computer can refresh 560,640 task at the same time, (Which is about 1/6 of Tianhe-2 Processing power) but it give a whopping 27PFlop speed.

except that 52.7 PFlop number is for 100% perfect software.

fact is Tianhe-2 is only running at 30% of it's potentional because the lack of software support! which I don't blame the Chinese since the Intel Phi Knights Corner is different kinda breed compared to pure CPU or even GPGPU when it comes to software.

this is being fixed in the next gen Knights Landing.

and if you go by graph500 which benchmarks traversed edges per second then that shows how weak Tianhe-2 actually is

November 2015 | Graph 500

K computer trounces the faster Pflops systems.
CIA paid trolls are working double time opening useless thread and posting nonsense since Christmas is near, they probably need extra-money. :lol:

how much do you get paid?? I get paid a nickel for each post.
I get an extra dime if I link a obvious propaganda news source


Tianhe-2A is said to be out next year in 2016. And also that currently Matrix2000 is limited by 40nm technology, potential for future upgrade.

4.8 TFlops SP bull crap

no way it has that performance while consuming only 200 watts

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