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What Should Be Done With The Current Turkish Tank Force?


Feb 9, 2014
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As you all know the Turkish Army operates many older tanks, the first Altay's are expected to be delivered in 2017 but it will still be a while untill a significant number of them are in service. In the mean time the Army has massive amounts of older Leopard 2's, M-60's and M-48's that need to either be upgraded, scraped, or put in storage.


Left Turkish Leopard 2NG Upgrade(not in service), Right Leopard 2a4 used by the army


170 Leopard 1's have been upgraded out of the 400 or so in the Inventory (Credit goes to Deno for picture)


170 M-60's have been upgraded by Israel with some technology transfer to Turkey

(Credit for pictures goes to whoever uploaded them and sees the pictures here)


Videos about Upgrades

Turkey uses MkII Sabra
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Limited modernization of existing aging tanks, it seems TSK is sick and tired of modernisations... They want new toys..
Convert old tanks into drones so they can be wire(less) guided from a remote distance to be used as cannon fodder ?

I would limit future modernisation only to Leopard 2NG, maybe Leopard 1 if it can be done cheap and gives a moderate advantage.

Replace M-48 and M-60 with things like Tulpar with anti tank missles attachments.

Scrap half of the M-48 and convert the other half to into drones with safety to prevent hijacking.

M60 dunno how good they would perform in comparison with leo 1. but I would dronify it
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Do you know how expensive this "canon fodder" is? o_O

I doubt we can sell M48s or M60s at this points the only cost they would hold are maintanance costs and running costs, since the alternative is to trash them (or use as target practice) we could use them as drones and maybe save a few military lives.
I doubt we can sell M48s or M60s at this points the only cost they would hold are maintanance costs and running costs, since the alternative is to trash them (or use as target practice) we could use them as drones and maybe save a few military lives.
Making a drone out of a tank has never been done. The money and time that have to be invested in that to convert a normal tank into a drone would be enermous and not worth the investment. The definition of canon fodder is that it has to be cheap. Also real war is not like chess where you can sacrifice a peace to get another piece. It would be pretty useless.
Making a drone out of a tank has never been done. The money and time that have to be invested in that to convert a normal tank into a drone would be enermous and not worth the investment. The definition of canon fodder is that it has to be cheap. Also real war is not like chess where you can sacrifice a peace to get another piece. It would be pretty useless.

Just give 2 of those tanks to universities like METU and let them prototype such a system with safe rounds(Like big airsoft rounds). that will give us the feasibility and costs of such operation
I would get rid of m-48's, upgrade 100-150 more M-60's similar to how sabra was upgraded and put the rest in reserve, same with the remaining leopard 1's that haven't been upgraded. As for leo 2 I would upgrade those to Leo 2ng.I would order some of the medium tanks from fnss that were made for indonesia to use for navy and airborne troops and I would get 100 or so arma with 105mm. Thats what you need in places like syria where there would be a ton of I.E.D's on all of the roads.

What would that give the land forces by 2020:
250 Altays (my guess)
350 Leo 2 Ng
300 M60 Sabra type tanks
300 upgraded leo 1's
100 medium tanks
100 arma with 105mm (Not a tank but plays similar role)

That would be a pretty deadly tank force when compared to all neighboring countries. Also many of the m-60's would be in reserve still.
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What Should Be Done With The Current Turkish Tank Force?

Sell them to Assad? :whistle: :azn:

Come on @Sinan , @atatwolf this is whats wrong with Muslims, they don't want to engage in Business. Where there's a product, there's a customer.

Assad got better tanks in his arsenal....we are talking about relics here. :)
we all know it very well that nothing is gonna happen and we ll wait for the ALTAY, M60 sabra and Leo 2a4 are more than enough to take care of any tank our neighbers have at most greek Leo 2a6s may cause a problem for now but thats it. and again we know that army will not go for any light tank as well. our only enemy for our current and future tank fleet is cheap and easy to find ATGMs

in a real life war scenario may be except greeks no other enemy tank force can get close enough to engage in a tank to tank battle with us. enemy armoured vehicls will be either destroyed by our Air force or ATAK or by other fire support elements long before they reach us.

not realy related but I strongly belive that we should develope a made in TURKEY CBU 97

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