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What Pisses Me Off About The European Migrant Crisis

Most of the refugees interviewed in Hungary i saw today said that they left because Turks are mean and abusive to them.So,you know,maybe you're preaching to the wrong crowd here.

And yes,Europe can't take anymore of them,it's our own survival at stake,we have families to,how many terrorists came with them ? If 1% did we're royally screwed.How many Europeans are in need of healthcare ?

All the media showed the pictures of the dead Syrian toddler,where are the pictures of the 2 Italian elderly couple killed in their homes by fresh off the boat "refugees" 2 days ago? Where ?Where is the outrage ? Where is the humanity for people raped,killed in their homes,lands by hordes of barbarian nutcases? Sry...it's survival time! As one of our saying goes:"It's better for his mother to cry,than my mother"

These are the fuckers that are coming and you're preaching that we're overeacting ??
You seem to be completely missing the point here, im not saying Europe should take more not at all i think i made it clear in my post, im also against uncontrolled immigration to Europe as i stated many times, what im talking about is to do some empathy to people who endure terrible conditions, people are talking about refugees as if they were not human beings and even going as far as being racist and generalizing.

And about refugees in Turkey, well there are over 2 million there and many are living in cities, some are begging and comitting crimes which gave them a bad reputation, ofcourse its not right to treat them bad or to generalize all since such people are minority but i miss the point why i shouldnt make a post about this situtation, because im a Turk and some refugees got treated bad in Turkey?

PS: a nutjob on PDF is hardly representative for the refugees we are talking about.
Yes. They are operating against ISIS.

Remember those "moderate rebels" supported by US and France in Syria who were staffed by French and British citizens? Right, they are now called ISIS.

If it was not for Iranian support the entire population of Iraq would have fallen under the slavery of French and US supported ISIS and Iran would have to deal with huge influx of refugees. Those Su-25 of Iran saved the day. Now Iraqis are living in their country and can hope to defeat the French and American geopolitical games financed by their BFF, the Saudis.

Get a grip. When you destroy other people's homes, they are bound to migrate and since the planet is round and has the shape of a ball, the migrants eventually will end up near your own home. It is not like Europe is on another planet and Middle East on a different planet with a different orbit.

It is really amazing that I have to teach you guys these simple concepts. You guys claim to be democratic. It means you people ARE your government. It means when you go to war, it is you people who are going to war. It means when such a war happens you are responsible. Part of this responsibility when living on the same planet in a same orbit is to take in those people whose homes you have destroyed and whose employer you killed. You remember Gaddafi? The guy used to employ the African migrants. He was killed by a NATO operation. Migrants need jobs and Europe is rich.

Get a grip. For God's sake.

I speak for myself. YOU get a grip. Start by educating yourself on IS and its origins.

Islamic State (IS), is a Salafi jihadist extremist militant group and self-proclaimed Islamic state and caliphate, which is led by and mainly composed of Sunni Arabs from Iraq and Syria. The group originated as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in 1999, which pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda in 2004

In late 2009, the commander of US forces in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, stated that the ISI "has transformed significantly in the last two years. What once was dominated by foreign individuals has now become more and more dominated by Iraqi citizens".On 16 May 2010, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was appointed the new leader of the Islamic State of Iraq.[101][102] Al-Baghdadi replenished the group's leadership, many of whom had been killed or captured, by appointing former Ba'athist military and intelligence officers who had served during Saddam Hussein's rule. Former Ba'athists in ISI are "true believers" in the religious ideology they espoused and not secularists using ISI as a front for their cause. Islamification policies started by Saddam after 1989 resulted in the spread of a hybrid ”Ba’athist-Salafism”.

A UN report from May 2015 shows that 25,000 "foreign terrorist fighters" from 100 countries have joined "Islamist" groups, many of them working for ISIL or al-Qaeda . US intelligence estimated an increase to around 20,000 foreign fighters in February 2015, including 3,400 from Western countries.
List of nations by ISIL fighter origin (500 or more)
Saudi Arabia 2,500
Russia 1,700
Jordan 1,500
Morocco 1,500
France 1,200
Turkey 1,000
Lebanon 900
Germany 650
Libya 600
United Kingdom 600
Uzbekistan 500
Pakistan 500
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IMHO thats at least 10000 from middle eastern and north african countries, versus 2450 from Western Europe

Interesting you seem to think countries were better of with Ghadaffi, Saddam Hussein and the like
Almost everyone in Iraq wanted to get ride of Saddam,and Iranians were very happy by its fall. (Dont fcking tell me the opposite) Funny to see some Iranian almost supporting him even if he butchered many of them lol.
Almost everyone in Iraq wanted to get ride of Saddam,and Iranians were very happy by its fall. (Dont fcking tell me the opposite) Funny to see some Iranian almost supporting him even if he butchered many of them lol.

Ridiculous. Pathetic.

No body here, is supporting him. It was France that was supporting him. It was France that used to sell Mirage fighter jets to Saddam. It was France that had set up Saddam' Air Defense. It was France that used to sell chemical weapons to Saddam. It was France that was building a nuclear weapon program for Saddam. It was France that was sucking up to Saddam.

Not Iranians.

He was your monster. Eventually, your masters in Washington got rid of him, despite much protest from Paris.

But this does not, in anyway or any shape lessen the responsibility on the part of France and US for the current situation. There was no alqaida in Iraq. US transplanted it there after invading that country.

If anything, France should pay reparations for having supported Saddam. US should pay reparations to Iraq for having brought in alqaida and Isis.

I speak for myself. YOU get a grip. Start by educating yourself on IS and its origins.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IMHO thats at least 10000 from middle eastern and north african countries, versus 2450 from Western Europe

Interesting you seem to think countries were better of with Ghadaffi, Saddam Hussein and the like

No, it is YOU who should get a grip. You have no idea what Isis is or what it represents or what its ideology is or where its support comes from.

And do not bring in Wikipedia as your source. It is not really a worthy reference.

Isis comes out of the monster creating policies of France and US. The same monster creating policies that had been implemented in Afghanistan of 70's and 80's.

You have no one to blame but yourselves.
Ridiculous. Pathetic.

No body here, is supporting him. It was France that was supporting him. It was France that used to sell Mirage fighter jets to Saddam. It was France that had set up Saddam' Air Defense. It was France that used to sell chemical weapons to Saddam. It was France that was building a nuclear weapon program for Saddam. It was France that was sucking up to Saddam.

Not Iranians.

He was your monster. Eventually, your masters in Washington got rid of him, despite much protest from Paris.

But this does not, in anyway or any shape lessen the responsibility on the part of France and US for the current situation. There was no alqaida in Iraq. US transplanted it there after invading that country.

If anything, France should pay reparations for having supported Saddam. US should pay reparations to Iraq for having brought in alqaida and Isis.

No, it is YOU who should get a grip. You have no idea what Isis is or what it represents or what its ideology is or where its support comes from.

And do not bring in Wikipedia as your source. It is not really a worthy reference.

Isis comes out of the monster creating policies of France and US. The same monster creating policies that had been implemented in Afghanistan of 70's and 80's.

You have no one to blame but yourselves.

So it means that you should also pay for also destructing middle east through proxy wars ? No Iran is angel,but other are evils,itll be always our fault. It is also our fault if your country is poor,corrupt and full of fanatics ? Un peu ?
good watch.

I'm also a Molyneux fan btw, but Europe and the US have to take responsibility for their destabilizing the ME. You fund insurgents in a civil war then complain when there are millions of refugees displaced as a result of said war. Stop meddling in the ME and let them sort themselves out. Also get rid of the Israeli lobbies which are agitating for these wars.
Debatable, particularly if these people were mercenaries who later descended into terrorism. Ground level manager of these lunatics was Pak, so actually these refugees should be flooding to Pak - or they would if they had any confidence in Pak surviving.

The point is that its silly to try to justify this invasion by refugees because of US or EU action in the ME. They should have turned down these people. Let Islamic nations take care of their 'brothers'.

Hey @flamer84 I apppreciate you dont't want these Syrian Muslim refugees. With their differant culture and everything.


But I am sure you will love to have Indian's because they are NOT muslims. First of Indian's are amongst the top immigrants in numbers to Europe. In UK the biggest immigrant population is Indians. Here have a look at statistics of immigrants to UK.


Immigration statistics, April to June 2014 - GOV.UK

So will you be pleased with 53,000 Indian settled in just one year in European country ? I can see you don't want those Muslim Syrian's but you will love these Indian Hindu's? There is 1,270 million of them so don't feel bad as there is plenty more starving back in India. Like these Indians below in Europe?


Maybe France wants them? Muslims bad. Indians good?


In London, UK. Hey Flamer do you want these guy's. I swear they are NOT Muslims. They just sweet Indians.


@Daneshmand Do please observe what is happening here. I discussed this point before how the Indian's play the field. I am not Syrian but trust me if I was there I would or you would get thrown in the same camp these Syrians. They would not ask are you Shia or Sunni, Pakistani, Afghan or Iranian.This is why we need some sort of unity against this. These people divide and destroy us. When will we learn?

You know what is sad. These neo colonists come to our region. Milch it for the oil and resources. Place puppet governments. Set up military bases everywhere to keep their puppets in power who do their bidding. The plant European settlers in Palestine., They invade country after country when who the f*ck asked them? Did any Muslim country in the last hundred years freakin invade Europe. When the hell was Paris bombed by fighters, when was Rome plastered with missiles, when was Romania invaded by some Mulim armies in mass tank formations?

Then when the suffering broken peoples from the countries bestroyed by their unwelcome, unasked for interventions go to Europe look what freakin happens? It is tragedy. I saw that little baby bboy's picture on the beach like a rag doll and then I thought of my little girls ....

There is no word for this. This region has to tell these people to leave it alone. Throw down these puppet governments and unite against this modern imperialism.
Hey @flamer84 I apppreciate you dont't want these Syrian Muslim refugees. With their differant culture and everything.


But I am sure you will love to have Indian's because they are NOT muslims. First of Indian's are amongst the top immigrants in numbers to Europe. In UK the biggest immigrant population is Indians. Here have a look at statistics of immigrants to UK.


Immigration statistics, April to June 2014 - GOV.UK

So will you be pleased with 53,000 Indian settled in just one year in European country ? I can see you don't want those Muslim Syrian's but you will love these Indian Hindu's? There is 1,270 million of them so don't feel bad as there is plenty more starving back in India. Like these Indians below in Europe?


Maybe France wants them? Muslims bad. Indians good?


In London, UK. Hey Flamer do you want these guy's. I swear they are NOT Muslims. They just sweet Indians.


@Daneshmand Do please observe what is happening here. I discussed this point before how the Indian's play the field. I am not Syrian but trust me if I was there I would or you would get thrown in the same camp these Syrians. They would not ask are you Shia or Sunni, Pakistani, Afghan or Iranian.This is why we need some sort of unity against this. These people divide and destroy us. When will we learn?
What i don't get is that whenever there are riots in western cities its mostly all black youth looting, plundering, murdering, and rampaging through the streets, yet these people always cry and complain about Muslims. Blacks commit the most crimes in the west, yet it's the Muslims who are always targeted.

Also, the Jews have done more damage to the West within the past 200 years than the Muslims could ever do in Islam's entire existence. If it weren't for the Jews influencing key European policies like immigration and foreign affairs there wouldn't be a single Muslim refugee in Europe or the entire west to begin with.

This hatred and bashing of Arabs and Muslims by Europeans is nothing but an attempt to vent their anger on the weak and defenseless Muslim refugees.

Europeans are too pussy (for the lack of better words) to confront the real culprits; the Jews, and the blacks, because they know their politically correct Jew worshipping governments would brutalize them for the sake of their Jewish overlords who will cry "holocaust" at the first instance of criticism.


Also, before anyone accuses me of absolving the criminal elements within the Muslim communities throughout Europe, that's false. I, more than any other member on this forum have criticized Muslims of Europe in particular of their bad reputation and have always sided with European nationalists against the Muslims where the latter were wrong and the former were right.
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So it means that you should also pay for also destructing middle east through proxy wars ? No Iran is angel,but other are evils,itll be always our fault. It is also our fault if your country is poor,corrupt and full of fanatics ? Un peu ?

Another ridiculously pathetic one-liner reply.

It was not Iran that overthrew a democratically elected government in UK. It was UK that overthrew a democratically elected government in Iran.

It was not Iran that was supporting Saddam to attack France. It was France that was supporting Saddam to attack Iran.

It was not Iran that was creating monsters that regularly run out of control in places such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Rwanda, Syria etc etc. It was US, France, UK and NATO.

It was not Iran drawing the map middle east through a secret infamous agreement Sykes-Picot. It was France and UK who did it.

There are more ghettos and disenfranchised people in France than there are in Iran or Turkey or Malaysia. Ever heard about riots in Paris?

There are more fanatics in France than there are in Iran. There are thousands of French forming the core of ISIS. There are no Iranians in ISIS.

Take your lies somewhere else.

You know you are responsible for this. Stop bittchhing around, and suck it up. Man up and let millions of refugees into France, UK and Germany. Make them your citizens. They are the great grand fathers of new France, England and Germany. Respect them. Cherish them. These are the people's whom homes, whose jobs, whose way of lives and whose nations have been destroyed by you in the name of sexual rights, freedom and elections. They are only coming to get their share of sexual rights, freedom and elections. The promises you have been bragging about to the world, day and night. It is time to pay your dues. Man up and stop crying like a little girl.

Hey @flamer84 \
@Daneshmand Do please observe what is happening here. I discussed this point before how the Indian's play the field. I am not Syrian but trust me if I was there I would or you would get thrown in the same camp these Syrians. They would not ask are you Shia or Sunni, Pakistani, Afghan or Iranian.This is why we need some sort of unity against this. These people divide and destroy us. When will we learn?

You know what is sad. These neo colonists come to our region. Milch it for the oil and resources. Place puppet governments. Set up military bases everywhere to keep their puppets in power who do their bidding. The plant European settlers in Palestine., They invade country after country when who the f*ck asked them? Did any Muslim country in the last hundred years freakin invade Europe. When the hell was Paris bombed by fighters, when was Rome plastered with missiles, when was Romania invaded by some Mulim armies in mass tank formations?

Then when the suffering broken peoples from the countries bestroyed by their unwelcome, unasked for interventions go to Europe look what freakin happens? It is tragedy. I saw that little baby bboy's picture on the beach like a rag doll and then I thought of my little girls ....

There is no word for this. This region has to tell these people to leave it alone. Throw down these puppet governments and unite against this modern imperialism.

It is ok. See the second picture in this article: 10 moving photos of Europe's migrant crisis - BBC News

The gentleman from Africa will get all the help he will need. Just not from the gentlemen of Europe. But from the European ladies.

As for unity, that is a completely separate topic. It would be nice if Iran and Pakistan could form a platform to solve such problems, but expecting countries such as UAE or Saudis to rise up to challenge is way too much in my opinion. Since these are pretty much the puppets of France and US and UK.

But till that time and right now, Europe has to suck it up and take in millions of refugees without even complaining. These refugees then should be given citizenship and voting rights. They will multiply and multiply and multiply and take part in democracy they have been promised.

Anyone who complains about this, should be immediately singled out as a racist, a fascist and a homophobic zealot. No mercy in this regard. The policy should be zero tolerance for hiding behind refugees and promoting Nazism. This is the need of the hour.

They have messed up the region, now they have to pay the cost. They are rich economically and they have healthy genes to contribute towards reconstructing the damage they have caused in the region. Diversity will make France, UK and Germany more tame and peaceful in future. When half the population is black or Muslim then it will be much more difficult to go to war in Africa or Middle East.
Hey @flamer84

But I am sure you will love to have Indian's because they are NOT muslims. First of Indian's are amongst the top immigrants in numbers to Europe. In UK the biggest immigrant population is Indians. Here have a look at statistics of immigrants to UK.


Immigration statistics, April to June 2014 - GOV.UK

So will you be pleased with 53,000 Indian settled in just one year in European country ? I can see you don't want those Muslim Syrian's but you will love these Indian Hindu's? There is 1,270 million of them so don't feel bad as there is plenty more starving back in India. Like these Indians below in Europe?


Maybe France wants them? Muslims bad. Indians good?


In London, UK. Hey Flamer do you want these guy's. I swear they are NOT Muslims. They just sweet Indians.

Now , you come on legal Indian immigrants. Tsk tsk

But the problem is India people work hard & earn money don't declare Hindu, muslim or Sikh Zone anywhere, they don't suck welfare & do nothing, they don't produce like rabbits, they are law abiding people.
Look how Guardian is crying that Cameroon favours India & discarding Eastern Europe immigrants despite white colour.
In The End of Tolerance, Arun Kundnani argues that the ability to integrate in today's Britain is based less on how you look and more on whether or not you are deemed culturally compatible. This may seem like progress but the sliding scale along which humanity is now organised is not unlike the racial hierarchies of old; it's just less colour-coded. So, an English-educated Indian professional may be more acceptable than a white, jobless Bulgarian or Romanian. This is exactly on point as we witness David Cameron's rush to India, a country whose economic rise he described as "one of the great phenomena of the century".

Cameron and his entourage of CEOs and vice-chancellors will undoubtedly speed past the slums rapidly being cleared for the shiny new malls being built on every spare inch of India's major cities. The majority of Indians – arguably worse off since the advent of neoliberalism in the "largest democracy" – are not who Cameron has in mind when he talks about unleashing "India's potential".

Back in the UK, the imminent arrival of Bulgarians and Romanians with new EU rights is being painted as a make or break electoral issue. They are the victims of a "xeno-racism" that holds impoverished strangers, including whites, in its sight. In contrast, Indian students with the cash to pay premium fees to study at British universities will, according to Cameron, have the red carpet rolled out and will not, he has claimed, be subject to limits on how long they can stay and work. How such "positive discrimination" will be justified in light of the Tories' commitment to a cap on immigration in the tens of thousands per year remains to be seen.

Cultural stereotypes abound. Indians – not Pakistanis mind – are deemed hardworking and resourceful with infinite admiration for the UK and its traditions. Colonialism is rewritten as a "special relationship". Indians (Hindus) assimilate into the British way of life, speak English, and are religious moderates. They are not a drain, rather an opportunity for investment in an ailing British economy.

Romanians and Bulgarians, on the other hand, are today's "wretched of the earth", described by Trevor Kavanagh in The Sun as variably corrupt, as rapists and as pickpockets. The Tories will lose the Eastleigh byelection, he warns, unless the government puts its foot down and refuses to grant full EU rights to Romanian and Bulgarian citizens before they descend on the UK.

The comparison of Cameron's rhetoric on India and Britain's newest EU partners reveals how, on the surface at least, racism is so often influenced by economics. The successful are pitted against the scroungers, no matter the extent to which either stereotype holds water. Immigration with a capital "I" – as a headline rather than a life experience – has always needed heroes and villains, those who gave versus those who took, those who built versus those who destroyed. Racism works to attach these apparently natural attributes to whole groups of people and that is why it is never detachable from the immigration "debate". This is the message that Cameron is sending: we will tolerate those who can benefit us, but not those who fail to make us prosper.

Indians are no more universally assimilable than south-eastern Europeans are detrimental to the UK. Indeed, the opposite was once deemed to be the case when skin colour, rather than cultural compatibility, influenced migration policy more explicitly and arrivals from the east were dissidents, not purported social security hunters. Only when we decouple immigration from race will the arbitrariness of the ranking of populations according to profitability become apparent and racial generalisations – positive or negative – be shown up for the poverty of the ideas that lie beneath them.
Cameron's immigration hierarchy: Indians good, eastern Europeans bad | Alana Lentin | Comment is free | The Guardian
Here one more (And note everyone mentions its only Black India not to Fair & Lovely Pakistani & Bangladeshi;))
Why Britain’s anti-immigration candidate prefers Indians to Eastern Europeans - The Washington Post
Now here is your countrymen with latest published date
UK Asian - #Disparity: Bangladeshis and Pakistanis the worse performing migrants in the UK? | UK Asian
Australian govt warns Pakistani asylum-seekers against illegal entry - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Even you are eating pie of genuine asylum seekers of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sudan.

Now you are posting Sri Lankan Tamils as Indian :rofl:
@Daneshmand Do please observe what is happening here. I discussed this point before how the Indian's play the field. I am not Syrian but trust me if I was there I would or you would get thrown in the same camp these Syrians. They would not ask are you Shia or Sunni, Pakistani, Afghan or Iranian.This is why we need some sort of unity against this. These people divide and destroy us. When will we learn?
If you are so united then why Pakistani asylum seekers are going to Europe thus makes it hard for genuine asylum seekers ?
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I don't know why these people who hate west so much even go to west and whine "discrimination". Were they dragged to Europe against their will? Just stay in your own countries honourably. If you are in Europe then learn integrate and be a civilised person.
No, it is YOU who should get a grip. You have no idea what Isis is or what it represents or what its ideology is or where its support comes from.

And do not bring in Wikipedia as your source. It is not really a worthy reference.

Isis comes out of the monster creating policies of France and US. The same monster creating policies that had been implemented in Afghanistan of 70's and 80's.

You have no one to blame but yourselves.

As a professional analyst and policymaker in government, I think I very well know what ISIS is. I used the Wiki because it is available. I did not present that as truth. It is well documented with source references, however (much better than any claim you've made)

The only person blaming anybody here is you. I merely asked 'and how have we all taken our individual responsibilty in the context of this humanitarian tragedy'. Apparently, that is offensive to you. Which may be one of the reasons why you turn to blaming and attack in the first place. Blaming me, or France or the US solves nothing.

Improve the world, start with yourself.
I don't know why these people who hate west so much even go to west and whine "discrimination". Were they dragged to Europe against their will? Just stay in your own countries honourably. If you are in Europe then learn integrate and be a civilised person.

The most funniest thing is these guys like atanz who lives in security in Uk and wanting wests destruction.... What a fcking bunch of hypocrites.

As a professional analyst and policymaker in government, I think I very well know what ISIS is. I used the Wiki because it is available. I did not present that as truth. It is well documented with source references, however (much better than any claim you've made)

The only person blaming anybody here is you. I merely asked 'and how have we all taken our individual responsibilty in the context of this humanitarian tragedy'. Apparently, that is offensive to you. Which may be one of the reasons why you turn to blaming and attack in the first place. Blaming me, or France or the US solves nothing.

Improve the world, start with yourself.

Muslims never question themselves,they always accuse the other,they think they are clean and play always the victim. Thats pretty funny to see.
Hey @flamer84 I apppreciate you dont't want these Syrian Muslim refugees. With their differant culture and everything.


But I am sure you will love to have Indian's because they are NOT muslims. First of Indian's are amongst the top immigrants in numbers to Europe. In UK the biggest immigrant population is Indians. Here have a look at statistics of immigrants to UK.


Immigration statistics, April to June 2014 - GOV.UK

So will you be pleased with 53,000 Indian settled in just one year in European country ? I can see you don't want those Muslim Syrian's but you will love these Indian Hindu's? There is 1,270 million of them so don't feel bad as there is plenty more starving back in India. Like these Indians below in Europe?


Maybe France wants them? Muslims bad. Indians good?


In London, UK. Hey Flamer do you want these guy's. I swear they are NOT Muslims. They just sweet Indians.


@Daneshmand Do please observe what is happening here. I discussed this point before how the Indian's play the field. I am not Syrian but trust me if I was there I would or you would get thrown in the same camp these Syrians. They would not ask are you Shia or Sunni, Pakistani, Afghan or Iranian.This is why we need some sort of unity against this. These people divide and destroy us. When will we learn?

You know what is sad. These neo colonists come to our region. Milch it for the oil and resources. Place puppet governments. Set up military bases everywhere to keep their puppets in power who do their bidding. The plant European settlers in Palestine., They invade country after country when who the f*ck asked them? Did any Muslim country in the last hundred years freakin invade Europe. When the hell was Paris bombed by fighters, when was Rome plastered with missiles, when was Romania invaded by some Mulim armies in mass tank formations?

Then when the suffering broken peoples from the countries bestroyed by their unwelcome, unasked for interventions go to Europe look what freakin happens? It is tragedy. I saw that little baby bboy's picture on the beach like a rag doll and then I thought of my little girls ....

There is no word for this. This region has to tell these people to leave it alone. Throw down these puppet governments and unite against this modern imperialism.

Indians don't blow themselves up amongst civilians,at least they didn't do it in Europe.As another example while some idiotic Westerners accuse the Czechs of being racist because they won't accept muslim refugees they are not noticing the large Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic that nobody has a problem with .Instead of telling who to like or not i think it's time to do a serious introspection on the reasons,i,and so many like me in Europe feel that way towards the muslim community,muslim immigrants and not other non white communities.At least that leaves you without the white supremacist,hater of brown people all across the world,card.
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