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What Pakistan Agencies actually averted on 22nd August in Karachi.

Amjad Sabri was killed by MQM.

Despite Rangers operation, MQM is still able to execute target killings. Is Rangers really serious to eliminate this threat of terror from MQM? If it is, the terror network of MQM is not that difficult to uproot.

It is not at all believable that those who are trying to distance themselves from the barking dog in London dont know MQM is involved in target killing and other crimes. The target killer of Amjad Sabri was sector incharge. Sector incharge are part of MQM organization. How would MQM not know their official is involved in crime? This is not at all believable.

Although I m not in favor of ban, but ban seems on MQM inevitable if Pakistan is dear to us. But to Nawaz Sharif and his brother in corruption Zardari, Pakistan is not dear to them but their self interests. They have amply demonstrated this through their actions over the years.

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