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What is your opinion on ex-president Yahya Khan?

I know Yahya Khan had many sex slaves. Not just Yahya Khan but many caliphs also had sex slaves. This is very sick. This is the most darkest part of Islam. I am a Muslim but I am slowly turning into agnostic due to such special permission given to men to own sex slaves. I just don't get why Allah permitted sex without marriage. It is Zina to have sex without marriage but with female slaves its permitted. Strange.
i guss, you are getting close to SALMAN RUSHDIE or what was that TASLIMA NASSREEN?
soon you will, be escorted down from bangladesh too?
i mean , if you hve any sexual problems, then plz get rid of them, but coming into that geo-political mess of 1971 , sorry each & every one charctor involved in!
you can blame them all, despite of bieng sex slaves or not?
but you cant just single out, one guy, because he was pakistani genrl?
if that was the case, then i guss india has full rights to invade bangladesh agian for the crimes commited by a civillian govt, on hard core mullhas of JI ?right
why then MUJEEB ur REHMAAN been killed, i mean father of bengali nation?
he wasnt was of any sex slaves? right?

From history what i learned that Yahya was loose character person and he is a womanizer and a drinker.
ok but then , clinton was too?
then what?
are we living in the age, of sultan salah uddin ayubi, or what?
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i guss, you are getting close to SALMAN RUSHDIE or what was that TASLIMA NASSREEN?
soon you will, be escorted down from bangladesh too?
i mean , if you hve any sexual problems, then plz get rid of them, but coming into that geo-political mess of 1971 , sorry each & every one charctor involved in!
you can blame for them all, despite of bieng sex slaves or not?
why then MUJEEB ur REHMAAN been killed, i mean father of bengali nation?
he wasnt was of any sex slaves? right?

ok but then , clinton was too?
then what?
are we living in the age, of sultan salah uddin ayubi, or what?

No, I am not atheist. I am Muslim and I have fear of God but when I read such permission granted by God himself to own sex slave I get hugely disturbed.

Mujib (AL leader) , Zia (BNP leader) both were killed and both were liberation heroes. May be some Yahya lovers killed them.
No, I am not atheist. I am Muslim and I have fear of God but when I read such permission granted by God himself to own sex slave I get hugely disturbed.

Mujib (AL leader) , Zia (BNP leader) both were killed and both were liberation heroes. May be some Yahya lovers killed them.

Mujib wanted to become permanent president of BD. some people didnt liked it. the man who plan his killing was AL

member and some mukti bahini army officers.
Mujib wanted to become permanent president of BD. some people didnt liked it. the man who plan his killing was AL

member and some mukti bahini army officers.

Why was Zia murdered? Did he also want to become permanent president?
No, I am not atheist. I am Muslim and I have fear of God but when I read such permission granted by God himself to own sex slave I get hugely disturbed.

Mujib (AL leader) , Zia (BNP leader) both were killed and both were liberation heroes. May be some Yahya lovers killed them.
then i say, becarefull may be these YAHYA lovers may find you soon too, this world is a small place for peoples like you ftiend?
allha mercyfully tells ,what ,when & where?
be a good muslim, learn arabic & understand the messege of him, instead gettin over emotional in your search for, fake truth?

Why was Zia murdered? Did he also want to become permanent president?
just because , they were thinking for confedreation with pakistan again, so does killed by RAW agents?
come on lets talk the truth?
Why was Zia murdered? Did he also want to become permanent president?

actually zia did some good things he reformed the army. he was a popular guy those days.

but zia made some enemies because of his strict attitude. some say RAW agents did that.

but i'm not sure about that. BD is a crazy nation.
It seems i offended you by mentioning the zina kari of your fauji general....even today many fauji generals are drinkers and zinna kaar.
A man could be corrupt, drink alcohol, and visit prostitutes but still not not abuse his powers. Hitlers loved kids and animals, but he was a mass murderer. We should not be too much bothered about their private lives.

actually zia did some good things he reformed the army. he was a popular guy those days.

but zia made some enemies because of his strict attitude. some say RAW agents did that.

but i'm not sure about that. BD is a crazy nation.
what is the latest rumour in bd about RAW? vanished islamic aircraft of malayasia?:p:
Pakistan had a very bad history during Yahya Khan's dictatorship. They (West Pakistani army men) killed their own Muslim brothers (Ummah). Not just thousands. Millions of Bengalis were slaughtered under Yahya Khan's leadership.

President Yahya Khan at the February conference said "Kill three million of them (Bangladeshis) and the rest will eat out of our hands."

The violence resulting from Operation Searchlight led to the war of liberation by the Mukti Bahini against Pakistani "occupation" forces in Bangladesh.

Operation Searchlight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He is history.
A useless Drunkard Fool whose only claim to fame was being Ayub Khan's lackey. His performance in 65 war was abysmal.
I know Yahya Khan had many sex slaves. Not just Yahya Khan but many caliphs also had sex slaves.

I am not sure of Yahya having sex slaves (kaneez) or harem, though he is blamed of indulging into inappropriate acts. To be honest with you, this is something very common among the ruling elites, condemnable yes, unique to Yahya, no.

I am a Muslim but I am slowly turning into agnostic due to such special permission given to men to own sex slaves. I just don't get why Allah permitted sex without marriage. It is Zina to have sex without marriage but with female slaves its permitted. Strange.

This is a very good question. My knowledge is limited, but would like to share with you what I understand about this particular issue.

To understand such things, you have to go 1500 years back. Slaves were commodities, and were bought and sold as articles or goods. When one buys something, it essentially becomes a belonging to its buyer. When you own something, you are 'technically' allowed to 'use' it as you like. Islam did not prohibit slavery because it was not practical 1500 years ago. Buying and selling slaves was a cultural norm, not only in Arabia, but throughout the world. However, it is definitely not uplifted by Islam, and the Prophet (PBUH) highly encouraged Muslims to free up slaves. It is like divorce, which is permissible, but discouraged in Islam. Why is that? because prohibiting divorce was not practical and would result in more social ills.

Now those Sultans/Caliphs/Kings/ruling elites, who had harems and used them to quell their sexual desires may have misused a concession of Islam, but did not really violate the religion. It was a moral deficiency, but not an illegal act. Harems and zina are two very different things. Kaneez (by the way, sex slave is not a good translation) are in one's possession, who feeds them, cloths them, and provides them with shelter. Zina on the other hand, is an act which is committed without getting into or accepting any social responsibility. I hope this clears up things.
Pakistan had a very bad history during Yahya Khan's dictatorship. They (West Pakistani army men) killed their own Muslim brothers (Ummah). Not just thousands. Millions of Bengalis were slaughtered under Yahya Khan's leadership.

President Yahya Khan at the February conference said "Kill three million of them (Bangladeshis) and the rest will eat out of our hands."

The violence resulting from Operation Searchlight led to the war of liberation by the Mukti Bahini against Pakistani "occupation" forces in Bangladesh.

Operation Searchlight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He was stop gap , if people think he had any role in creation of Bangladesh!!!!! are wrong.
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