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What is Turkish Army doing in Afghanistan?

Wtf has Atatürk to do with this topic? If the mods want that every thread gets derailed, then you should just continue to do what you're doing. Otherwise you should stop forummurat and his moronic statements.

I could also post random **** about religion, but I dont.

Ignore the troll mate..His views hold no value and contributing nothing to this forum..just dont feed him
Turkish force should be out of Afghanistan. A brother holding guns on brother isn't islamic. The only thing Turkey should do is train the Afghans and give them weapons for free or in a cheap price, because I think Turkey can do that. Turkey come out of NATO. Don't depend on NATO, insh allah if your faith is strong Allah will help you. Who is the greatest helper, only Allah. Other helps are just through instruments of Allah. If you really want to use your force, put your force in Palestine to protect our suffering brothers and sisters there, and same goes to jordanian force.
Turkish force should be out of Afghanistan. A brother holding guns on brother isn't islamic. The only thing Turkey should do is train the Afghans and give them weapons for free or in a cheap price, because I think Turkey can do that. Turkey come out of NATO. Don't depend on NATO, insh allah if your faith is strong Allah will help you. Who is the greatest helper, only Allah. Other helps are just through instruments of Allah. If you really want to use your force, put your force in Palestine to protect our suffering brothers and sisters there, and same goes to jordanian force.

1. Why should TAF go out of Afghanistan?
2. Turkey are already training afghans
3. Why give them more weapons they have Tons of weapons. Actually weapon is the last thing they need.
They need health care and education.
4. Why do you want turkey out of NATO when you self are living in it (Canada) if NATO is so bad move back to Bangladesh and send your own weapons and guns to afghans for more blood shed.

Turkey should stay in Afghanistan as long as the afghans need them there.
As for dropping out of NATO hell no who should they trust then? Muslim country's like Iraq, Syria, Egypt,
There is a word in Swedish don't go to bed with you brother/sister it will f..ck you.
1. Why should TAF go out of Afghanistan?
2. Turkey are already training afghans
3. Why give them more weapons they have Tons of weapons. Actually weapon is the last thing they need.
They need health care and education.
4. Why do you want turkey out of NATO when you self are living in it (Canada) if NATO is so bad move back to Bangladesh and send your own weapons and guns to afghans for more blood shed.

Turkey should stay in Afghanistan as long as the afghans need them there.
As for dropping out of NATO hell no who should they trust then? Muslim country's like Iraq, Syria, Egypt,
There is a word in Swedish don't go to bed with you brother/sister it will f..ck you.

I wrote that because NATO is zionist organization. And who ever part of it, will lose in islam. In quran it is mention do not make friends with Jewish and Christians when they are friends of each other. But when they are not friends of each other, well not all jewish and christians are bad. It is nato who are going to muslim countries bombing them. Who so ever kill muslims are Kafir. Other than that Christians are friends of muslims outside of islam and not all jewish are bad.

Why should I leave Canada? I grew up here. If muslims are allowed to join military of non-muslim country, then mere living in non-muslim multicultural country is ok with me.
I wrote that because NATO is zionist organization. And who ever part of it, will lose in islam. In quran it is mention do not make friends with Jewish and Christians when they are friends of each other. But when they are not friends of each other, well not all jewish and christians are bad. It is nato who are going to muslim countries bombing them. Who so ever kill muslims are Kafir. Other than that Christians are friends of muslims outside of islam and not all jewish are bad.

Why should I leave Canada? I grew up here. If muslims are allowed to join military of non-muslim country, then mere living in non-muslim multicultural country is ok with me.

My dear friend can you please explain how NATO is Zionists? It's a multi national and multi religious military organisation and Israel is not a member stat.

If its ok for you as a Muslim to live in a gafir country. Then it should be okey for turkey to have alians with gafirs.
Lets not forget that Canada is a founding country of NATO.

Ps. Turkey is not a Islamic country it's multi cultural/ethnical/religious country with a Muslim majority.
May it stay so for ever a country for every one no matter what you believe in or what you ethnicity is every citizen of turkey should be praud of being a TURK.

My dear friend can you please explain how NATO is Zionists? It's a multi national and multi religious military organisation and Israel is not a member stat.

If its ok for you as a Muslim to live in a gafir country. Then it should be okey for turkey to have alians with gafirs.
Lets not forget that Canada is a founding country of NATO.

Ps. Turkey is not a Islamic country it's multi cultural/ethnical/religious country with a Muslim majority.
May it stay so for ever a country for every one no matter what you believe in or what you ethnicity is every citizen of turkey should be praud of being a TURK.

lolz Canada isn't a Qafir country. Canada is multicultural country. If you know the history of islam, once for torture on muslims by Quraish, Prophet Muhammad (S) told muslims to go to Abisinia (Current day Ethiopia) and seek refuge there. If then muslims are allowed to live in a christian country, I see no wrong to live in a multicultured country.

I know Turkey isn't muslim country. But over 95% of turkish people are muslims. And among them there are devout muslims. Anyway, it is turkeys job to decide where they want to be. I just gave my opinion.
lolz Canada isn't a Qafir country. Canada is multicultural country. .

LOL.... NATO are all zionist evil puppets of the great newworld illuminati space aliens ...except for the bit i live in

You quote that Jews and Christians can never be your friends but your happy to live amongst them, then make excuses.

Pathetic really to sit in Canada and slang off at hard working Turkish troops trying to make life a little better for the people of Afghanistan.
Abominable for you to try and paint them as bad Muslims for their charity.
LOL.... NATO are all zionist evil puppets of the great newworld illuminati space aliens ...except for the bit i live in

You quote that Jews and Christians can never be your friends but your happy to live amongst them, then make excuses.

Pathetic really to sit in Canada and slang off at hard working Turkish troops trying to make life a little better for the people of Afghanistan.
Abominable for you to try and paint them as bad Muslims for their charity.

I hate when people misquote me. I said when there is a friendship of Christian and Jews, Islam prohibits to make friends with them, because they are friends of each other. Now not all christians and jews are like that. Qur'an says Christians (When they aren't friends of Jews) are friends of muslims outside of islam. And I live in a country which is not christian but multicultural and muslims are the second mejority in this country. You didn't read all my posts right? That is why you are lashing your anger at me.
They're a stabilizing force in Afghanistan.

I agree that NATO is indeed a Zionist organisation. I pity those muslims who can't see the reality after invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc all of whom were done to establish Greater Israel. These blinds will only wake up after greater israel is established.
You didn't read all my posts right? .

Read them, read 1000 more like them.

Actually atheists are the second largest group at 5mil Muslims are 3rd slightly ahead of the Jews. Guess what your probably living near one.

Lashing out nope just so over keyboard jihadists that selectively quotes the Quran to bag the west while they happily live in it.

A Mujahideen you can respect, he may me a mad MF. with a goat for a girl friend that wants to blow your brains out but he sincerely believes in what he is doing.
Part timers that will rage against the west then go try and pic up girls in Edmonton mall aren’t important enough to get me mad.
I hate when people misquote me. I said when there is a friendship of Christian and Jews, Islam prohibits to make friends with them, because they are friends of each other. Now not all christians and jews are like that. Qur'an says Christians (When they aren't friends of Jews) are friends of muslims outside of islam. And I live in a country which is not christian but multicultural and muslims are the second mejority in this country. You didn't read all my posts right? That is why you are lashing your anger at me.
Can you write the verses of quran which says christians who are friends of jews cant be friends of muslim, but otherwise normal christians can be friends of muslims.
What about jews who are not friends of christians, can they be friends of muslims?

does your quran talk anything about hindus, sikhs, buddists or followers of other religions.
Nice quote from the Quran there. Even better that most Turks don't care and befriend Christians and Jews.
You see Lightning_Thunder, while around 90% of our Turkish citizens identify them self as Muslim, the religion is not really playing a that big part in your everyday life. Our country is secular, the state has no religion and we will join any mission or war that is in our interest. Afghanistan was never a war for us, it was something like a educational mission from the start. We trained Afghans in the past, we do it now and we will probably do it in the future when the foreign forces are out of the country, well if the country is not back to Sharia laws by then.
1. Qur'an (5:51) - "O you who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guides not a people unjust."

About friending christians verse, I read it in Qur'an, but forgot the reference. Anyone help me here?

Come on muslim bros help me out here.

You do realize that that verse is from Surah Maidah or the Chapter titled 'The Table' which is a Medinite Surah i.e it was revealed at the time the Muslims had established themselves in Medina as polar opposites of the pagan Quraish. I would counsel you to read a good exegesis (Tafsir) of the Quran with regards to this Surah because in it the hypocrites are specifically admonished from making friends with those Jews and those Christian tribes who sided with the Quraish and violated the Constitution of Medina. Perhaps it becomes a bit more clearer when the succeeding verse to 5:51 is read : And you will see that those (Muslims) in whose hearts is a disease run towards them saying 'We fear that a calamity may befall us.' So God will soon bring victory or a decision from Him, causing them regret on account of the thoughts they harbored in their hearts.

There exists a unanimity amongst all good scholars that the aforementioned verses deal with a specific group of people who sided with the enemy against the Muslims, breached the Constitution of Medina whereby all were supposed to defend in case of a foreign attack (i.e the Quraish)...hence the subsequent campaigns against the Jewish Tribes of Quraiza, Qainqa, Nazir and those in Khyber. They are in no way reflective on what relations should or shouldn't be kept with the vast majority of Christians and Jews out there who are no doubt outstanding people.

On what Turkey is doing in Afghanistan ? Beats me...I hear they're helping the Afghan people out, which is always encouraging, though I can't really give a frig about the Afghans after how much they beautify my country with their words and their presence. And being a member of NATO accrues unimaginable benefits for Turkey and as long as they have an independent foreign policy (which apparently they do) it doesn't hurt to be a part of a well supplied, well conditioned security apparatus like NATO. And even though I do understand where you're coming from but now is not the time to stand up for Muslimdom (if there be such a thing) because the Muslims are far to divided to actually stand up for you - Take it from Pakistan...we tried, we've cried ourselves hoarse for the Palestinians and yet Arafat would rather get chummy with India then Pakistan. We opened up Pakistan for the Afghans...heck I personally know a family who took in 2 Afghan siblings, brought them up and educated them...but they, like many of their countrymen, ended up abusing our hospitality, making trouble here in Pakistan and talking sh*t about the People who fed them. So...Zionist or not...NATO is a good enough place to be right now for Turkey.
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