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What Indians think about Pakistan

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Actually we do not hate hindus. We have 3 million hindus living in Pakistan and the Chief Justice Rana Bhangwan Das became the head of the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice is temporary President when the actual President is on travel and out of the country.

Many Sri Lankans are hindus and we have friendly and military ties with them. Pakistan Army equiped an trained The Sri Lankan Armed Forces. We have good relation with Mauratius and they are hindus, so lets get this hindu stuff out of the way first.

Killing is done by all religions. But that happened hundreds of years ago. But in the last 300 years 90% of the atrocities have been committed by christians. Italian colonization of Libya and Somalia, British colonization of India, Nazi colonization of Europe, French colonization of Algera/Morroco, British colonization of Iran, Portugese colonization of Brazil, Apathade in South Africa on and on and on. All of these were done by Christians.
Actually we do not hate hindus. We have 3 million hindus living in Pakistan and the Chief Justice Rana Bhangwan Das became the head of the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice is temporary President when the actual President is on travel and out of the country.

Many Sri Lankans are hindus and we have friendly and military ties with them. Pakistan Army equiped an trained The Sri Lankan Armed Forces. We have good relation with Mauratius and they are hindus, so lets get this hindu stuff out of the way first.

Killing is done by all religions. But that happened hundreds of years ago. But in the last 300 years 90% of the atrocities have been committed by christians. Italian colonization of Libya and Somalia, British colonization of India, Nazi colonization of Europe, French colonization of Algera/Morroco, British colonization of Iran, Portugese colonization of Brazil, Apathade in South Africa on and on and on. All of these were done by Christians.

Thanks for the clarification. You earlier said you "hate India" and now clarify that you do not hate Hindus. You just hate India. Does that mean you hate all the people of India including its Muslim, Sikh, Jain, Christian, Hindu etc population ? :what: I am not tempering you. Just curious. Does Pakistanis believe that all of India cannot be trusted or just the Hindu or Sikh or Muslim etc populace of India cannot be trusted? Or do you perhaps hate the political parties of India and their attitude towards Pakistan?
Actually we do not hate hindus. We have 3 million hindus living in Pakistan and the Chief Justice Rana Bhangwan Das became the head of the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice is temporary President when the actual President is on travel and out of the country.

Right Indians are Indians .. and Pakistani's are Pakistani's regardless of religion. India would not like those 3 million to migrate to India ..in case Radicalization in Pakistan intensifies.

India has Muslim population equal to that for Pakistan.

Pakistan pupulation = 16 Crore
Indian Muslim Population = 15.2 Crore.

So there is no much difference.
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This article explains an alternative view why Indians are still skeptical of Pakistani intentions

www.outlookindia.com | Jehad?s Dirt-Track

As the Pakistan army swept into South Waziristan to tame Hakimullah Mehsud and his Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), anxious Indian officials in New Delhi were busy speculating about the military operation hundreds of miles away. Foremost among the questions worrying them were: Is Pakistan serious about crushing the TTP and dismantling its network? Or will there be yet another truce between the military and the jehadis? If the TTP is crushed, what lessons will Pakistan draw from its triumph over Islamists?

But more than anything else, Indian officials were anxious about the possibility of a violent recoil from South Waziristan. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said as much in his address to the combined commanders conference in New Delhi. Intelligence reports, he declared, have warned against imminent terrorist strikes in India. Former Indian diplomat M.K. Bhadrakumar told Outlook, “The time for rhetoric is over. The situation in Pakistan is really bad.”

The fear in New Delhi is that in an attempt to widen the theatre of battle, militants might launch desperate attacks in India. Bhadrakumar suggests India should resume the stalled dialogue with Pakistan and jointly face the terrorist challenge. “The only way out is the Sharm el-Sheikh route that Manmohan Singh had initiated,” he argues, suggesting there’s no alternative to India and Pakistan tackling the menace of terrorism together, as stated in the joint statement issued from the Egyptian resort.

South Block, however, isn’t sure if it should kickstart the dialogue with Pakistan even before Islamabad demonstrates sufficient resolve in tackling terrorism impacting India. After all, it argues, no credible action has been taken against the masterminds of 26/11 and some, like Lashkar-e-Toiba founder Hafiz Saeed, still strut about with impunity in Pakistan. “Whether terrorist activities are being carried out by ‘state actors’ or ‘non-state actors’, the Pakistan government can’t shirk its responsibility,” says former Indian high commissioner to Pakistan Satish Lambah.

But it isn’t as if this view is universal. A section in South Block believes the military operation in South Waziristan is a “positive step in the right direction”.” Hasn’t the TTP threatened attacks in India, they ask. Aren’t Kashmiri jehadi groups assisting the TTP in its string of terror attacks in Pakistan? Therefore, this section says, encourage and nudge Pakistan to continue on the path it has belatedly taken.

South Block sceptics, however, believe the eventual destruction of the TTP could turn the Pakistanis arrogant. For one, a TTP defeat could demonstrate to other outfits the consequences of turning their gun against the establishment. This would encourage Islamabad to nurture jehadi groups willing to push its agenda in Kashmir and Afghanistan. Second, a TTP defeat is likely to see the United States easing the pressure on Islamabad for cracking down on Islamists. Former Indian foreign secretary Kanwal Sibal agrees, “The recent incidents will definitely help Pakistan in earning brownie points with the US. These attacks and the current operation in South Wazirstan are likely to embolden Pakistan further and allow it to seek more concessions from the Americans.”

This would blow against India’s interests, for New Delhi had relied on Washington to wrest concessions from Islamabad on the terror plank, including the unprecedented acceptance of its citizens’ culpability in the Mumbai attack. In fact, success in South Waziristan could have Pakistan persuade the US that the Indo-Pak composite dialogue should be resumed. “If such a request comes from the Americans, India should firmly say no,” says Sibal.

His fears are shared by many in India. They feel India should make it clear to the US that Pakistan may be fighting their war on terrorism, but it has hardly shown the same resolve against those held responsible for terrorist activities in India. They also worry about Pakistan’s penchant for segregating terrorists into two categories—the Pakistan Taliban and the Afghan Taliban. Such categorisation poses a serious challenge to India’s role in Afghanistan, which Islamabad wants to limit and weaken.

Pakistan has been trying to persuade the US and other western powers that India uses its missions in Afghanistan to destabilise Pakistan. Currently, there aren’t many takers for this line, but it’s hard to tell what the future beholds. India argues that its role in Afghanistan is “constructive, helpful and benign”; that it has already spent over $1 billion on development projects there; that its mission in Kabul has been attacked twice in one year. Many in Delhi believe these attacks were the handiwork of terrorist groups close to the Pakistani establishment. They have been telling the world that despite such assaults, India’s resolve to help Afghanistan stand on its feet remains as steadfast as before.

But India’s Afghan investments could come a cropper should US president Barack Obama accept the line of those of his advisors who want to rope in the ‘moderate Taliban’ for a future regime in Afghanistan. The hope is that such a Taliban regime could stabilise Afghanistan and allow the Americans to pull out. By contrast, India is unwilling to make a distinction among the Taliban, arguing that the entire movement is embedded in the doctrine of hate and violence. The moot question is: will a ‘moderate Taliban’ regime be as friendly to India as the current dispensation in Kabul? Unlikely, as all variants of the Taliban are likely to help Pakistan regain lost ground in Afghanistan and marginalise India there.

Some think this debate is irrelevant. Lambah, who’s currently the Indian prime minister’s special envoy on Afghanistan, says, “I don’t think there will be too many takers for the Taliban after what is happening in Pakistan.” Yet some Indian policy planners have already started talking about having no problems with anyone who “abjures violence and wants to return to the democratic process”. They say India must prepare for a future in which America and its allies won’t be in Afghanistan. Therefore, New Delhi ought to have the flexibility to retain, if not enhance, its role in Afghanistan.

“One sure way of doing that is by offering to train the Afghan army,” says Srinath Raghavan of the Centre for Policy Research. This will ensure India remains relevant in Afghanistan for all times, for no matter who is in power in Kabul, the army has to be an arbiter of peace and stability in a country that has been utterly destitute of both for decades.
What is there to think about....We both started 62 years back, with the same amount of money and resources, look at India and Pakistan now.

India is a place where the world wants to be and Pakistan is the place no one wants to be.
I hope this answers your question
Because Indians are you Aryan and "backed" by you Aryan and thus we mongoloid Chinese can't.
Only genghis khan can.

Did you also consult with them Russian Neanderthals opinions on this?

Did any one understand a word of this?
No one cares about what Indians Think about Pakistan , do not waste your time on this Thread!!

Simply useless...

No one cares about what Indians Think about Pakistan , do not waste your time on this Thread!!

Simply useless...


Neither does anybody care what Pakistanis think about Indians or the USA or Israel etc. So you are right. This thread and any thread discussing those issues are a time waster :coffee:
Right Indians are Indians .. and Pakistani's are Pakistani's regardless of religion. India would not like those 3 million to migrate to India ..in case Radicalization in Pakistan intensifies.

India has Muslim population equal to that for Pakistan.

- An Indian muslim answer to Gen. Musharraf[/url]

Pakistan pupulation = 16 Crore
Indian Muslim Population = 15.2 Crore.

So there is no much difference.

Sorry this is off-topic but Another one for Musharraf

Damn.. never came across this before. I dint understand everything but Seems like he is really attacking Gen. Musharraf.
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she must be a daughter of bal thackeray... thackeray who is day dreaming about pak nation form last i don't know some decades now she is joing her fathar sleep :lol: i don't know if i should go that far but it only makes me laugh very loud:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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it seem this girl is very extremist thinking about pakistan

she says Pakistan cannot remind but to my mind Pakistan have a lot of brave solders and peoples who can not defeated by India and their alliances :Pakistan:

a good advice for this girl

lavish in words niggard in deeds :rofl:

OK, so you hate Indians, because they don't like you and they are against Muslims, BUT there was a time once, when your Mugal empire was Against Hindus, remember??:sick:

Hinduism survived, but let's see now...

One thing that i hate the most about you guys is that, You talk about Hindus, Christians, and other people killing Muslims, BUT you don't remember Muslims killing Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists. :sick:


If u say the mughals were against hindus then you've got ur history lessons seriously mixed up.
and wat do u think pakistanies tell to americans bangladeshi china arabs and europeans about india

we dont need to tell them :) They knew it by their own experience and today the Chinese came to know how paranoid Indians could be (keep in mind recent hype in china phobia among Indians and your media)

Today despite all the poising against Pakistan by India, our Bangladeshi brothers came to know how India is the prime player in terms of dominating and harming them.

Today despite all the propaganda, Australians are not attacking Pakistanis but no other day we see an Indian is attacked there.
On another note who cares what Indians think about us. It doesnt make any difference to us
originally posted by jana
we dont need to tell them They knew it by their own experience and today the Chinese came to know how paranoid Indians could be (keep in mind recent hype in china phobia among Indians and your media)

Today despite all the poising against Pakistan by India, our Bangladeshi brothers came to know how India is the prime player in terms of dominating and harming them.

Today despite all the propaganda, Australians are not attacking Pakistanis but no other day we see an Indian is attacked there.

is this is wy PAKISTAN said to be terrorist hub and almost most of the terrorist attack originate in pakistan now we r not saying this its world who is saying

and about paranoid its nothing wrong to be paranoid when we we live with so many dangers around ourselves if u say carefree is the way then my friend wy bother about world and ur future(even god says have fear of me so u wont commit mistake)

and about australia-ar u an australian(do u know the situation there)
there ar four possibilties
2.indian people carry high valuable things u know indian people ar inclined towards jwellery and they ar the soft targets
3.racism-coz indian people get jobs easily coz of their intelligence(now its hard to get job in australia)
4.in australia most indian people have transformed themselves into affluent class so they ar thought to be rich so also prone to theft
but in the end it would be australians who will explain in better way
but surely not known for their dominance & arrogance largely
and did u forget the australian muslim problem in somewhere 2yrs back

and about bangladeshi yeah first tell them to stop coming illegaly to india if they hate us so much
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