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What Good Are the Indian Navy's Aircraft Carriers Against Pakistan?

Inside your own territory??:o: Holy crap.

So let's say a Hypothetical scenario emerges. Indian SF is nearing Lahore. You'll explode a TNW near Lahore??

I think you haven't read much about warfare. The point of a tactical low yield Nasr rocket is that it can wipe out a strike corps on the defender's territories. This can potentially avoid the escalation to strategic nuclear weapons.

Your hypothetical scenario is quite naive. The sparsely protected areas in central regions are where the Tactical weapons will probably be used and the majority of the Pakistani forces have been concentrated near Lahore to make it too costly for India to think of attacking in that area.
I think you haven't read much about warfare. The point of a tactical low yield Nasr rocket is that it can wipe out a strike corps on the defender's territories. This can potentially avoid the escalation to strategic nuclear weapons.

Your hypothetical scenario is quite naive. The sparsely protected areas in central regions are where the Tactical weapons will probably be used and the majority of the Pakistani forces have been concentrated near Lahore to make it too costly for India to think of attacking in that area.
use of nuclear weapons even low yeild will escalate to nuclear war. USSR and America figured this out. Doesn't mean Pakistan is bluffing, maybe its real. But it will not be anymore of deterrent than the nukes already deployed. Infact, where are the nukes? When are the front line forces with the missiles given access to these missiles? Its at the very least a partial bluff. Even India doesn't trust the Army and airforce with mated nukes.
IMO I believe its a bluff. Especially the Nasr nukes. You don't need Nasr missiles to make nukes tactical. Its not about size either. Its about where you drop the bomb that determines if its tactical, strategic or just a field test.
You can get tactical nukes from M-11 missiles.
As far as Lahore. I don't think its just to make it costly for the Indian side, but to put up a defense atleast token because if a WAR does break out, the primary target of Western command Lahore. Its the easiest major city to take.

Having a tactical nuclear Anti-Carrier weapon is not a new idea. They were deployed extensively, at least during the cold war. If Pakistan can deploy the Nasr, then the Nuclear Ashm is not a far fetched idea.
The idea never worked. You can drop a Agni missile a CBG to get the same affect if not better than Nasr armed nukes. You can use Shaheen or what ever. Problem is always finding these CBGs in the blue.

Bigger fish like the Americans, Brits, French, and Soviets planned to use them against each other on open waters too.
Idea was abandoned with better ICBMs and IRBMs.
Indian AC are sitting ducks which will get drowned by using tactical nuclear weapon (range 45KM). Author is very polite and humble to India, these AC can get sever hit by M4 guns which are now smuggled from Afghanistan. Indian planner are stupid. plain and simple.

And yes, Rahul Gandhi has IQ of 200 and Manmohan singh runs most honest govt in India.

these days potent stuff is too readily available.
IMO, India needs considerable resources to protect those carriers rather than to deploy them effectively and aggressively - may be kept in area out of range of PAF.
The operations of carrier planes have been evolving for the past many years and the author was pointing to that fact. The INS Vikrant was WW2 carrier which functioned in a similar way to the old carriers which operated piston engined planes and the INS Viraat was a jump jet carrier. Neither were true STOBAR carriers which deployed heavy jets. However, no one can deny the fact that the Indian Navy has been operating aircraft carriers for a long time.

Haha. That's the beauty of tactical nukes. Pakistan can fire them if India crosses the border or in the open seas, which means that the Indian civilian population will still not be threatened and so there will be no justification for a strategic nuclear strike. If India does use strategic nuclear missiles, it will receive a gift in turn.
Oh so you are not at all familiar with our strike policy? If any Indian or soldier is attacked with nukes that will be considered as an attack on India, let it be anywhere in the world, we will strike back big, so now if you use tactical nukes you will have to use your strategic nukes with it and try to inflict as much damage as possible, but if even 10% of India survives you won't make it out of it....
Oh so you are not at all familiar with our strike policy? If any Indian or soldier is attacked with nukes that will be considered as an attack on India, let it be anywhere in the world, we will strike back big, so now if you use tactical nukes you will have to use your strategic nukes with it and try to inflict as much damage as possible, but if even 10% of India survives you won't make it out of it....

As I said, the response will be mutual. But our threshold is lower. That is our strategy to hold India in check. There is no need for bravado here.
As far air strikes against Pakistan are concerned carriers offer immense advantage to India.
Fore-mostly a carrier a mobile airbase which can position itself anywhere in the world, where there is water.

While land based airbases are fixed and their position, know to the enemy can be targeted in air raids and missile attack , on the other hand carrier is always on the move, almost always hidden from the enemy.

Back when OBL was killed, there was a hilarious explanation from PAF, on why Americans were able to surprise Pakistani air defense network and come, kill and go undetected.
PAF claimed all their early warning networks are configured to detect intruders from the East and that is why, they were unable to detect American choppers. Though it was clearly an attempt to hide their incompetence. PAF's explanation did have some merit. American did manage to surprise Pakistan by approaching them from an unexpected direction, they were able accomplish their mission and get back home, before PAF even found what had happened.

Hence with a an aircraft carrier ...India can not only attack Pakistani targets from East but also South and South west and West, can approach Pakistan from direction, where its radar network is the weakest, and spring a surprise.

BEIJING: Alphabet Inc's Google said on Wednesday it is opening an artificial intelligence (AI) research center in China to target the country's local talent, even as the U.S. search firm's products remain blocked in the country.

Google said in a statement the research center is the first of its kind in Asia and will comprise a small team operating out of its existing office in Beijing.

Chinese policy makers have voiced strong support for AI research and development in the country, but have imposed increasingly strict rules on foreign firms in the past year, including new censorship restrictions.

Google's search engine is banned in the Chinese market along with its app store, email and cloud storage services. China's cyber regulators say restrictions on foreign media and internet platforms are designed to block influences that contravene stability and socialist ideas.

While tightening restrictions are likely to hamper a re-entry to the Chinese market for Google, the firm has increasingly focused on exposing its AI products in China.

This year Google held a Go tournament in cooperation with local authorities in eastern China, pitching its AI against Chinese world champion Go player Ke Jie. The event was highly publicised overseas but local media was muted.

Earlier this month Google CEO Sundar Pichai made an appearance at a conference run by the Cyberspace Administration of China, the country's top cyber regulator, where he steered away from market access issues to discuss the potential of AI.

Google said the new Chinese AI research center will join a list of similar overseas centers operating in New York, Toronto, London and Zurich.
Google's CEO is Indian.
And there is an Indian silicon valley in Bangalore.

But China is much more attractive to Goggle.

What Good Are the Indian Navy’s Aircraft Carriers Against Pakistan? Published December 13, 2017 | By admin SOURCE: THE DIPLOMAT The Indian Navy is devoting enormous resources
to the development of an effective, multi-ship carrier force. It remains unclear, however, precisely how the Indian Navy would use that force in the event of a rekindled war with Pakistan. A recent Naval War College Review article by Ben Wan Beng Ho sheds some light on the problems that India’s carrier force might have in taking the fight to Pakistan. Long story short, India’s carriers would face enormous risks in undertaking offensive operations, with very uncertain benefits. Ho argues that the need for self-defense, combined with limited deck space, make it very difficult for INS Vikrant and INS Vikramaditya, either separately or in tandem, to threaten Pakistani land installations. Pakistan’s A2/AD network, including submarines, aircraft, and surface ships, poses a credible threat to the carriers, making their use in offensive operations very risky. Conceivably, Pakistan could even attack Indian carriers with tactical nuclear weapons, if the war developed in that direction. The Indian carriers would struggle to execute a close blockade of Pakistani ports, destroy the Pakistani surface fleet, or do much damage to Pakistani military targets on land. Ho suggests that the carrier fleet would be better employed as a decisive late-war weapon, after Indian Air Force assets had worn down Pakistani defenses. This would have the benefit of enabling India to bring its entire carrier force to bear. Ho also argues that the carriers could play a productive role in sea lines of communication (SLOC) protection, which might also allow them to threaten Pakistani lines of communication. Ho details the problems associated with small-deck carriers, especially the limited number of aircraft to share offensive and defensive missions. The need for self-protection is not entirely problematic; Indian carriers will undoubtedly receive a great deal of attention from potential opponents, drawing resources away from other military operations. Other Indian naval forces could either use this misdirection to conduct offensive operations, or could rely on the defensive umbrella provided by the carriers. But some core problems remain. Indian naval strategy envisions three operational carrier battle groups undertaking more or less the same tasks. But Indian naval procurement has produced a plan to acquire three carriers with radically different capabilities, meaning that the actual utility of the carrier battle group in crisis conditions will depend upon which carrier is operational at a given time. We also have no clear idea regarding the reliability of the two existing ships. Vikramaditya is an old Russian hull that underwent controversial late-life transformation into a STOBAR carrier; Vikrant is a purpose-built STOBAR carrier, but will be the largest warship ever constructed in India, with all of the potential reliability issues that this entails. The two ships are similar but not identical, meaning that maintenance and flight procedures will vary in potentially consequential ways. This makes sharing aircraft and pilots a dicey proposition. Moreover, as Ho notes, the reports we have regarding readiness in the naval aviation program are not great. The MiG-29K has been a carrier aircraft for less than a decade, and has never been subjected to a demanding, up tempo set of combat operations. Anecdotes from the Russian experience do not suggest optimism. While Vikrant and Vikramaditya will provide important opportunities for learning, the Indian Navy may need to wait for the commissioning of INS Vishal, projected in the 2030s, to have a real offensive capability against Pakistan. By that time, however, the lethality of Pakistan’s A2/AD umbrella may have significantly increased.

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website http://idrw.org/what-good-are-the-indian-navys-aircraft-carriers-against-pakistan/ .
As far air strikes against Pakistan are concerned carriers offer immense advantage to India.
Fore-mostly a carrier a mobile airbase which can position itself anywhere in the world, where there is water.

While land based airbases are fixed and their position, know to the enemy can be targeted in air raids and missile attack , on the other hand carrier is always on the move, almost always hidden from the enemy.

Back when OBL was killed, there was a hilarious explanation from PAF, on why Americans were able to surprise Pakistani air defense network and come, kill and go undetected.
PAF claimed all their early warning networks are configured to detect intruders from the East and that is why, they were unable to detect American choppers. Though it was clearly an attempt to hide their incompetence. PAF's explanation did have some merit. American did manage to surprise Pakistan by approaching them from an unexpected direction, they were able accomplish their mission and get back home, before PAF even found what had happened.

Hence with a an aircraft carrier ...India can not only attack Pakistani targets from East but also South and South west and West, can approach Pakistan from direction, where its radar network is the weakest, and spring a surprise.
you are not America my son and we are not your major non NATO ally
any provocation from your side will result in devastating response from our siide
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