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What can Hezbollah do that it couldn't do in 2006?

I can't understand this? But if we want to blame Iran, it's due to lack of Arabic action. I'm glad this happened this way, now Arabs can see the consequences of abandoning their responsibilities as Arabs, since they only see it that way. The majority of them. If we looked at our responsibilities as Muslims...oh my...shame on us. We are so far from our Deen.

I agree that we - Arabs & Non Iranian Muslim States - haven't been exactly over enthusiastic in our support for Palestine in recent times but I also know, from the experience of watching Iranian Cultural Centers in my country & talking to those who've been in positions of authority in Pakistan, to know that the zealotry of exporting the Iranian Revolution didn't really die with Mr.Khomeini & that it is quite possible that not all Iranian support is bona fide or in the best interests of the host countries & their people !
We should stop sell-out backstabbing terrorists in our country but we shouldn't either be criminally sluggish on the Palestinian Issue as we are nor must we leave any opportunity unturned to bring about a closure of the Arab-Iranian schism - Its hurting the Muslim World !

I consider the Iranian regime nothing but a dagger in Muslims side.
I consider the Iranian regime nothing but a dagger in Muslims side.

Oh come on, akhi thats a bit harsh !

They are a bit over the edge but so are you guys at times & most definitely we are all the time !
I can't understand this? But if we want to blame Iran, it's due to lack of Arabic action. I'm glad this happened this way, now Arabs can see the consequences of abandoning their responsibilities as Arabs, since they only see it that way. The majority of them. If we looked at our responsibilities as Muslims...oh my...shame on us. We are so far from our Deen.

You and I have the very same goals and hopes but we have different means to achieve them.

Oh come on, akhi thats a bit harsh !

They are a bit over the edge but so are you guys at times & most definitely we are all the time !

That's the truth.
No actually, you have the full right to defend your lands and people, this is a legitimate and undeniable right for Palestinians. However, I has been talking about HZ. Iran has been desperately trying to get Hamas on it's side, but thank god they failed and it's clear in their stance in the Syrian conflict. Nevertheless, Hamas need to know how to play politics, a war is not only in the form of military actions but as well, in forms of politics, diplomacy, economy, media..etc, and every one of them has to be played in the right time and under the right circumstances. I know Israel. You don't need to tell me about it bro ;)

Hamas can't do it by theirselves, you know now that even foreign spy agencies are trying to recruit people in Gaza? Why? Why? Why are foreign countries acting against the Palestinian people? Israel gets the whole world against us, even the USA attacked Sudan during the 2009 Gaza offensive. They have diplomatic action against us from a lot of western countries. Of course many Western countries also support a Palestinian state in the UN, but they know what that means, just all talk and staying a slave to Israel. They love that and they will support it. Bro, no one acts for our interest besides us and some Arabs. We can't even live quality lives. And I don't mean having a home and a car and some food. I mean building our own industries, exporting, importing, producing. We need to be allowed to do these things. When will the Arabic leaders step up and push for our sovereignty and right to economics? I know you also say we are getting stronger and stronger, while Israel is also gonna be years ahead of us by the time we reach where they are at right now. So when is the time when we will do anything? I don't see it at all. Iraq is destroyed, Egypt is destroyed, Libya was destroyed, Syria is now destroyed, Lebanon may be eventually destroyed. Do you see how all of this is 'coincidentally' going in Israel's way? They didn't want a powerful country in their region and Iraq was attacked of course. Jews have very strong influence in western countries and ties to military industries, etcc...You don't know how many actions in the Middle East are due to them.
Oh come on, akhi thats a bit harsh !

They are a bit over the edge but so are you guys at times & most definitely we are all the time !

Look me in the eye and tell me, what kind of Islam is this that made Iran arm and fight along with a regime that killed more than 100 k, mostly innocent civilians and Muslims using chemical weapons, ballistic missiles, jets, tanks, MRLs...etc!!! If theirs was Islam, I would have fought it.
Look me in the eye and tell me,

How the heck do you propose I do that ? :blink:

Do you want me to eyeball the computer screen ! :undecided:

what kind of Islam is this that made Iran arm and fight along with a regime that killed more than 100 k, mostly innocent civilians and Muslims using chemical weapons, ballistic missiles, jets, tanks, MRLs...etc!!! If their was Islam, I would have fought it.

Dude, we have a very different narration on Syria - Lets not go there !

This was the same Asad & the same Gaddafi you guys were having tea with in the Arab League Offices just a year or two ago - They weren't Evil Incarnate back then !
You and I have the very same goals and hopes but we have different means to achieve them.

That's the truth.

Me and you have these goals, our leaders, not so much. This is the problem. Arabs will see in the next 10 to 20 years when their countries come back to rise and have successful economies in Egypt or Iraq. You will see how the world will be totally against us and how they will try to stir up internal conflicts of even take action themselves. And they have superpowers on their side. We don't. Don't trust Russia, and obviously the USA will totally act against us. But maybe China would be someone to side with us. But we shouldn't forget we are Muslims....our Prophet(SAW) said this life will be like jail for us and the afterlife would be jail for the non believers. It's very hard to see a scenario where we as countries will ever have success. It's more likely that a very bloody battle will occurs after natural disasters destroy world powers but also most of the world while the few remaining will fight to liberate Palestine. I ask Allah(SW) to make us part of this experience.
Hamas can't do it by theirselves, you know now that even foreign spy agencies are trying to recruit people in Gaza? Why? Why? Why are foreign countries acting against the Palestinian people? Israel gets the whole world against us, even the USA attacked Sudan during the 2009 Gaza offensive. They have diplomatic action against us from a lot of western countries. Of course many Western countries also support a Palestinian state in the UN, but they know what that means, just all talk and staying a slave to Israel. They love that and they will support it. Bro, no one acts for our interest besides us and some Arabs. We can't even live quality lives. And I don't mean having a home and a car and some food. I mean building our own industries, exporting, importing, producing. We need to be allowed to do these things. When will the Arabic leaders step up and push for our sovereignty and right to economics? I know you also say we are getting stronger and stronger, while Israel is also gonna be years ahead of us by the time we reach where they are at right now. So when is the time when we will do anything? I don't see it at all. Iraq is destroyed, Egypt is destroyed, Libya was destroyed, Syria is now destroyed, Lebanon may be eventually destroyed. Do you see how all of this is 'coincidentally' going in Israel's way? They didn't want a powerful country in their region and Iraq was attacked of course. Jews have very strong influence in western countries and ties to military industries, etcc...You don't know how many actions in the Middle East are due to them.

That's why I say Hamas has to start playing politics. I am tired bro and barely can process my thoughts. I will talk to you in details later about this.

How the heck do you propose I do that ? :blink:

Do you want me to eyeball the computer screen ! :undecided:

Dude, we have a very different narration on Syria - Lets not go there !

This was the same Asad & the same Gaddafi you guys were having tea with in the Arab League Offices just a year or two ago - They weren't Evil Incarnate back then !

That's because they didn't mass killed their people, and most importantly, their people had no problems with them genius.
FVck Ummah
Okay bro, I know it's very late in Jordan and I understand you're tired. But I honestly believe you wouldn't be able to answer my questions because we don't the answers, there's no central consensus amongst our people.
Okay bro, I know it's very late in Jordan and I understand you're tired. But I honestly believe you wouldn't be able to answer my questions because we don't the answers, there's no central consensus amongst our people.

Actually the vast majority of people have the same view as yours regarding Palestine and Hamas but the same view as mine regarding HZ and Iran. As I told you bro, we two have the same goal but by different means.
Actually the vast majority of people have the same view as yours regarding Palestine and Hamas but the same view as mine regarding HZ and Iran. As I told you bro, we two have the same goal but by different means.

Our people do but our governments don't. But our people also inshallah will be more active after the Syrian crisis is solved.
That's because they didn't mass killed their people, and most importantly, their people had no problems with them genius.
FVck Ummah

They probably still haven't, at least they haven't been alleged to have done anything that the so-called Freedom Fighters also aren't being alleged at !

One would be justified in thinking 'why didn't the people have any problem with them then ?' & how come these problems manifested themselves ever so recently ? People have been demanding greater rights throughout the Middle East but picking up arms doesn't happen over night !
Me and you have these goals, our leaders, not so much. This is the problem. Arabs will see in the next 10 to 20 years when their countries come back to rise and have successful economies in Egypt or Iraq. You will see how the world will be totally against us and how they will try to stir up internal conflicts of even take action themselves. And they have superpowers on their side. We don't. Don't trust Russia, and obviously the USA will totally act against us. But maybe China would be someone to side with us. But we shouldn't forget we are Muslims....our Prophet(SAW) said this life will be like jail for us and the afterlife would be jail for the non believers. It's very hard to see a scenario where we as countries will ever have success. It's more likely that a very bloody battle will occurs after natural disasters destroy world powers but also most of the world while the few remaining will fight to liberate Palestine. I ask Allah(SW) to make us part of this experience.

Our brothers are stirring conflict up in Iraq, the middle east is truly fu*d up beyond repair, if the sunni countries want to conquer they should use their armies even though this is unrealistic.
The region will be concentrating on sunni-shia war for decades before they will think about palestine again, just look at this forum.
After Syria, Iraq will have decades of instability maybe another big war which will again fuel hate between muslims.
Our brothers are stirring conflict up in Iraq, the middle east is truly fu*d up beyond repair, if the sunni countries want to conquer they should use their armies even though this is unrealistic.
The region will be concentrating on sunni-shia war for decades before they will think about palestine again, just look at this forum.
After Syria, Iraq will have decades of instability maybe another big war which will again fuel hate between muslims.

No, you sound like those people who say our brothers are also stirring up conflict in Pakistan. I think we should get away from these separate alliances, such as Syria and Iraq with Iran, while others with GCC, these alliances that are very biased need to go after the Syrian crisis hopefully is solved. None of us want a sectarian war. For some reason you and your buddies are trying to use that as a disguise, you're making it up. Quit talking about sectarian strifes and we won't see them as that way. Iraq is a Arabic country which will rebuild itself and be what it should be.

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