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Wh can't turks do this to greek Islands

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Abdi-Karim Elmi

Jul 15, 2012
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Look at this Chinese Civilians patriots defending their Island... Get back our Aegean Islands
Because those islands belong to Greeks and always had Greek majority, why should we try to take something that is not ours. China is an opressive regime and believe it or not but this ''civilian patriots'' are actually not so civilian at all...
Because those islands belong to Greeks and always had Greek majority, why should we try to take something that is not ours. China is an opressive regime and believe it or not but this ''civilian patriots'' are actually not so civilian at all...
Deno, never knew your pov on China! :blink:
Deno, never knew your pov on China! :blink:

I don't have any affection or dissatisfaction against China other than her opressive regime as I have against any opressive regime and I see their fanaticism quite dangerous specially that China regain her power again as a superpower. Chinese people suffered at the hands of Japanese and colonial Anglo-Saxons. After their regain of power, I have seen raise in radicalism and fanaticism in educated Chinese population (although rural areas and most of the common Chinese still preserve their ancient pacifist thoughts) and this could be dangerous when China becomes the stronest nation on earth but atleast until now I didn't see any unresonable decision from rulers of China except their claims in North Pole, although I don't think my opinion will matter to any Chinese or Chinese regime :D
I don't have any affection or dissatisfaction against China other than her opressive regime as I have against any opressive regime and I see their fanaticism quite dangerous specially that China regain her power again as a superpower. Chinese people suffered at the hands of Japanese and colonial Anglo-Saxons. After their regain of power, I have seen raise in radicalism and fanaticism in educated Chinese population (although rural areas and most of the common Chinese still preserve their ancient pacifist thoughts) and this could be dangerous when China becomes the stronest nation on earth but atleast until now I didn't see any unresonable decision from rulers of China except their claims in North Pole, although I don't think my opinion will matter to any Chinese or Chinese regime :D
Neither does it matter to me. Turkey first! :D
Because those islands belong to Greeks and always had Greek majority, why should we try to take something that is not ours. China is an opressive regime and believe it or not but this ''civilian patriots'' are actually not so civilian at all...

LOL...are you aware that most of eastern "Turkey" is not yours either?

A more reasonable explanation is that both Turkey and Greece are in NATO, and that Turkey will be shown the door if they initiate something serious (at least, more serious than the Turkish-Greek skirmishes in the past couple of decades anyway).
I admire the same trait in India, especially when they took most of Kashmir.:yahoo:
Dude, you insult Turkey, then Pakistan on a Pakistani forum, and doing all that while being a nonentity. What's up, high on Armenian hash? :blink:
I don't have any affection or dissatisfaction against China other than her opressive regime as I have against any opressive regime and I see their fanaticism quite dangerous specially that China regain her power again as a superpower. Chinese people suffered at the hands of Japanese and colonial Anglo-Saxons. After their regain of power, I have seen raise in radicalism and fanaticism in educated Chinese population (although rural areas and most of the common Chinese still preserve their ancient pacifist thoughts) and this could be dangerous when China becomes the stronest nation on earth but atleast until now I didn't see any unresonable decision from rulers of China except their claims in North Pole, although I don't think my opinion will matter to any Chinese or Chinese regime :D

Woah! Why the anti china? Atleast CCP is better than AKP tratiors..
I am not anti anything, why would I be anti-China when I or Turkey was never hurt by China or any decision made by China? :undecided:

China is not what you think it is! It has a GDP of 8 Trillion and 11 Trillion in PPP. Its more peaceful than Turkey unfourtanutly...No PKK scums.
Too bad the Indian's comment was deleted, or else I would have given him a teight answer.

Regardless, Pakistan should do all it can to help Azerbaijan.

In regards to the topic, I believe Turkey should claim the Island.

The Greeks can't even properly govern their nation, so what will they do with this Island?
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