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We don't need your advice: Muslim leader to Musharraf

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I dont know why Indians lie that there's more Muslims in India than Pakistan. Either they're still going by statistics of the 1990's or they are lieing.

By Population---------------By Percentage (citizens only)
Rank Country Muslim Population

1 Indonesia 207,000,105--------88.20%
2 Pakistan 159,799,666---------97%
3 India 151,402,065------------13.4%
4 Bangladesh 132,446,365------88%

Islam by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the way, Pakistan doesn't recognize Ahmadyyis as Muslims so this number for Pakistan's Muslim population doesn't include Ahmadyyis. India recognizes Ahmadyyis as Muslims, the number for India's Muslim population includes Ahmadyyis.

However, we Pakistanis should control our population. I dont want Pakistan to be overcrowded like India. Over population will cause over pollution and many other problems.
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or Perhaps Musharraf didn't had any answer as seen in the video where he put a sorry face.

The uploader made a "Hand Held" video by recording the television screen and decided to upload one side of the story. There's a lot of comments here and there about people saying that Musharraf's response was quite good. He's an Intelligent individual and if you remember, A similar video got famous where a student from Karachi, criticized Musharraf in a Blunt manner. when the response was uploaded, everyone agreed that Musharraf clearly won that argument.

Until the response is posted for this epiesode, these cheap videos are quite useless.
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Well, the problem here is, Pakistani members try to be advocate and the judge at the same time.

When an Indian Muslim is saying that he and his religion are not in trouble at all, then who are you to judge everything?

I am not supporting riots or mass murders of any religion. But Pakistani members always underline only the Indian Muslims died in such way. Shouldn't we be counting the Hindu deaths too?

But doing anything like this won't allow you to cry "Indian Muslims are endangered". Because, the numbers will only show you that Muslims are NOT the majority to die in riots.

Unfortunately, these things still happen in India. But every side takes the damage. Every side is punished by law. The question is, are you ready to accept the 'inconvenient truth'?
The uploader made a "Hand Held" video by recording the television screen and decided to upload one side of the story. There's a lot of comments here and there about people saying that Musharraf's response was quite good. He's an Intelligent individual and if you remember, A similar video got famous where a student from Karachi, criticized mMusharraf in a Blunt manner. when the response was uploaded, everyone agreed that Musharraf clearly won that argument.

Until the response is posted for this epiesode, these cheap videos are quite useless.

It doesn't matter at all that what Musharraf replied.

There is no point in comparing a student, an MLA and a former President (and former army chief) in presence of mind.

The question itself is a slap on those faces showing fake concerns for Indian Muslims. Let's hope some lesson will be learned.
It doesn't matter at all that what Musharraf replied.

There is no point in comparing a student, an MLA and a former President (and former army chief) in presence of mind.

The question itself is a slap on those faces showing fake concerns for Indian Muslims. Let's hope some lesson will be learned.

Doesn't change the fact that Muslims in India are known for their "Suppression" and "Worst" living standards among the Muslim world. You guys currently hold the title, I'm sure you're all quite proud of that. I'll take "Reality" over some delusional Arse-kissing Indian Muslim any day of the week.
Doesn't change the fact that Muslims in India are known for their "Suppression" and "Worst" living standards among the Muslim world. You guys currently hold the title, I'm sure you're all quite proud of that. I'll take "Reality" over some delusional Arse-kissing Indian Muslim any day of the week.

Keep it telling to yourself. :enjoy:
Keep it telling to yourself. :enjoy:

It's a renowned "Fact" Kiddo. Consider Internet a "Blessing" and start using it to learn a few things or two. You might want to start from the "Integral part of India".
tell Maulana Madani, to get his people to fight for their rights if he doesn't need our help. why is there no ruckus? if indian muslims are doing so good, why is there a compelling need for them to start blogs, websites, foundations, charitiable organizations, and sympathy sessions for the state of muslims in india? if they don't need our help, surely they feel that they can fight for themselves, right? if they think they can do that, then let them, what's been holding them back all these years?

they get molested, they don't have jobs, face discrimination, face genocide and slaughter, yet they can't even say anything because they're all trembling in their pants because of hindu mobs! let them fight, if they think they can solve their problems, why not take up the challenge and fight? it's because they're all pathetic cowards, wimps, who are too afraid to do anything for themselves. the only chance they have for survival is to modernize, and join Bollywood. just look at these scum try so hard to "fit in" with indians, they have to work overtime to show their patriotism. look at these pathetic people, they were declaring Pakistan to be haram, and now take a look at the state they're living in! giving fatwas against fighting indian rapists in kashmir, as if they have the divine right to do that. they protest against Pakistan after the mumbai drama, yet they have the nerve to stay quiet after the Gujurat Pogroms.

it's no wonder the entire muslim world no longer sees Dar-ul-uloom in Deoband as a legitimate islamic school. it's become nothing but a run-down shack required to teach hindi to all of its students. pathetic people, I could care less about what they have to say. I may call the Pakistani people jahel, but I think muslims living in india are worthless and incapable of fighting for their own rights! at least Pakistanis know how to fight, unlike these pathetic people. at least the muslims who suffered in Gujurat know where their allegiances lie, in Pakistan. that's why we see Pakistani flags being raised in areas where muslims face the full-blown oppression of hindus, every now and then.
. I may call the Pakistani people jahel, but I think muslims living in india are worthless and incapable of fighting for their own rights! at least Pakistanis know how to fight, unlike these pathetic people. at least the muslims who suffered in Gujurat know where their allegiances lie, in Pakistan. that's why we see Pakistani flags being raised in areas where muslims face the full-blown oppression of hindus, every now and then.

We see how well muslims in SWAT, FATA, NWFP are fighting for their rights. Don't give self-righteous lectures. Look in your own backyard, how pathetic the situation is, people are fleeing in hordes and are refugees in their own country for several years now.
We see how well muslims in SWAT, FATA, NWFP are fighting for their rights. Don't give self-righteous lectures. Look in your own backyard, how pathetic the situation is, people are fleeing in hordes and are refugees in their own country for several years now.
[mod edit] no one is fighting for their rights there. otherwise we would see flags for pashtunistan. oh yeah, that's right, there are NO flags for pashtunistan, because the plan never even left paper! seriously, if only you could meet half of the members on this forum, who are pashtuns, [mod edit]
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shut your biased trap, no one is fighting for their rights there. otherwise we would see flags for pashtunistan. oh yeah, that's right, there are NO flags for pashtunistan, because the plan never even left paper! seriously, if only you could meet half of the members on this forum, who are pashtuns, I'm sure they would love to smash your bh!nd!an head into the ground.

[mod edit] I'm talking about the people of SWAT, FATA, NWFP who are refugees in their own country because GoP or PA couldn't protect them and their rights from Taliban. Aren't they refugees in your own land as a result. Just check the 'abc' documentary posted on the other thread, you will know what I'm talking.
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We see how well muslims in SWAT, FATA, NWFP are fighting for their rights. Don't give self-righteous lectures. Look in your own backyard, how pathetic the situation is, people are fleeing in hordes and are refugees in their own country for several years now.

and all the problems in these regions started when india made its prescence in afghanistan.

Swat, FATA, NWFP used to be the most peaceful areas in Pakistan from 1947-2001.
Shut your racist trap. I'm talking about the people of SWAT, FATA, NWFP who are refugees in their own country because GoP or PA couldn't protect them and their rights from Taliban. Aren't they refugees in your own land as a result. Just check the 'abc' documentary posted on the other thread, you will know what I'm talking.
[mod edit] again, they're facing the onslaught you and your afghani friends are sponsoring in our tribal areas! so much for afghani views on pashtunistan, should I tell you how afghani soldiers were massacred when they invaded our tribal areas? do you know what our tribals do to afghani soldiers before killing them? in 1965, afghanis tried to invade FATA, the tribals raped the living hell out of them! if pashtuns were so oppressed as you say, they wouldn't be starting their own lashkars to fight the TTP would they? [mod edit]
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It's a renowned "Fact" Kiddo. Consider Internet a "Blessing" and start using it to learn a few things or two. You might want to start from the "Integral part of India".

Please, bezerk, lets not get berserk :-)

By calling someone who claims Muslims are integral to India a "kiddo", you mock an opinion without giving facts or background. A message like this tends to end an open debate since the other person is left with nothing to follow up on -except protesting his competence.

Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind has a long history going to 1919 and Khilafat movement. They have some right to claim to be a legitimate voice of Muslims of India. I also provided an article earlier where Darul Uloom Deoband asked Muslims to vote in the elections. This organization (founded in 1867 or so) has a long history predating Independence. How is quoting them or standing up for their opinion "Kiddo-ish"?

Again, I understand that you have a lot to say - I am just requesting you to spell it out.
Doesn't change the fact that Muslims in India are known for their "Suppression" and "Worst" living standards among the Muslim world. You guys currently hold the title, I'm sure you're all quite proud of that. I'll take "Reality" over some delusional Arse-kissing Indian Muslim any day of the week.

You have no right to talk about suppression of muslims. Not after your army is using scorched earth policy in Bajaur. Not after hundreds of thousands of muslim refugees are forced to live in camps. Not after terrorist attacks against muslims, by muslims, have become such a regular feature of your country that its unusual for 3 days in a row to pass without some heinous incident. Not after your territory is being openly bombed, in connivance with your government, by a foreign military power.

Sorry. Suppression? The only suppression of muslims in the subcontinent is happening in places like the Swat Valley where schools are being bombed and people are being flogged in the street for no complying with primitive stone-age edicts.

The muslim bodies of India, which have been around since long before the word Pakistan was ever conceived, realize this very well, and are speaking out about it. Obviously, people like you wouldn't appreciate it because, well, reality bites.

Have a nice day.
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