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'We can't take any more!' Germany stops ALL trains from Austria as they reintroduce border controls

You are very naive if you think the poor people of the region can do anything to stop the ill intentions of the U.S and west

The ones who are strong enough like iran can defend their interests but the smaller weaker countries cant

Just a reminder Libya wasnt so much the U.S, Obama was smart enough to realise it for the misadventure that it was

It was the UK and France which pushed for this pointless war

Democracy and governance takes time it cant be enforced by air strikes and war

Yet it was this thst the U.S and Europeans pushed creating th8s crises how can you now plead ignorance and innocence

Libya was strong under Gaddafi. It was the Libyans who has started the revolution and it was them that do the killing. If they want they can stop it. How much would it cost to come to an understanding with it's countrymen.

You people never learn. US is just making use of ignorance inherent in those countries. So who's fault is making their own countrymen ignorant.
Turkey was a big part of destabilisation. It sent foreign terrorists AKA moderate rebels :omghaha: into syria in the name of "revolution", asked west to bomb assad and now Turkey is being destabilised thanks to its own policies. Turkey should get these "refugees" more than any other country.
Just makes me laugh when I see him saying Turkey has nothing to do with Syrian crisis.lool LMAO. :rofl:
It's normal though, as I said Muslims in the Middle East will always blame outside powers, NEVER will they admit their own role in any turmoil. It's always the evil west/U.S while they claim how they are victims/holy/peaceful/innocent .lol no surprise there. So if you are waiting for them to acknowledge any role in this disaster, then I'm afraid you will have to wait until judgement day.:lol:
They are well within their rights to keep out illegal immigrants from their country.Starting today,entering Hungary will be a whole lot harder due to the new laws,new fence and deployement of the Army at the border.All illegals will be arested and put into camps instead of being allowed to roam freely.
Today the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban prepared an unprecedented border clampdown.

These migrants are not coming our way from war zones but from camps in Syria's neighbours... So these people are not fleeing danger and don't need to be scared for their lives, he said.

He added how Merkel's decision to relax asylum laws had caused 'chaos' and accused European leaders of 'living in a dream world'.

The Hungarian prime minister said it all . Many of these so called 'refugees' are fraudsters to begin with, many are not from Syria, they also come from Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon etc etc. They are just using the Syrian civil war as another excuse/route to emigrate to Europe and seek asylum. So many of them are in fact just economic migrants from different countries in the middle east and north Africa, not poor innocent people fleeing war. OLD trick in the book. lol

Frau Merkel decision to open German doors to EVERYBODY and pay for their stay/accommodation/housing/well being has only encouraged even more economic migrants in the middle east who would have otherwise thought twice about risking their lives to come to Europe to make the journey. In short Germany has made things FARRRRRR worse for Europe. In some ways we can say Germany shouldn't cry bout the migrants since its the one that caused them to want to move to Germany in huge numbers, since they all know Germany is the father Christmas :jester:of Europe(no wonder Muslims immigrants are converting to Christianity so they can easily claim asylum. lool):lol: Well done Frau Merkel, please keep your doors open.:D
apart from the women and children, they should all be thrown out.
Who created countries like Syria and Iraq? It was carved out from Turkey by France and UK. Then these countries should take the majority of refugees. They placed these dictators there. Nobody told Assad to start killing its people. The faulty one is who created the dictators in the middle-east.

By that logic you could say well all these people are really Ottomans why is it Europe's problem ;)

the real quesion is why are all the "refugees" service age young men there seem to be very few women and children in the horde?
I wonder how many of them are Alawites who are getting the heck out before Assad goes down or the draft board finds them?
By that logic you could say well all these people are really Ottomans why is it Europe's problem ;)

the real quesion is why are all the "refugees" service age young men there seem to be very few women and children in the horde?
I wonder how many of them are Alawites who are getting the heck out before Assad goes down or the draft board finds them?

Mens are stronger than womans, children, and elderies. So they send the men first as soosn as the men got a basis there he will bring the rest of his family to themself.

And Europe is fucked up. Europe just outplayed by zionist USA. Jewish zionist next target will be russia and china after finishing Europe. From then they will be the only dominate power on the planet.
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