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We can block Strait of Hormuz , but USA can open it : Former IRGC Commander

Bad example, Do you realize that Colin Powell is a mass murder and a war criminal that should rot in a dark cell, Right?
I was talking about a militaryman turned businessman.

That's corrupt usa, not north-west europe. According to you Iran should follow great satan? well at least great satan is by far funtioning better except their gun laws.
What should a military man do when he decides not to be in service anymore? Rot in his bed? There are transferable skills that could be used in other careers as well. I don't see anything corrupt about that. Canada's previous prime minister now has a consulting firm. Is that a bad thing? I don't know but you can't expect people to quit making money or work just because they once held a high government position.
What should a military man do when he decides not to be in service anymore? Rot in his bed? There are transferable skills that could be used in other careers as well. I don't see anything corrupt about that. Canada's previous prime minister now has a consulting firm. Is that a bad thing? I don't know but you can't expect people to quit making money or work just because they once held a high government position.
You are comparing an islamist thug in an extremely corrupt and nepotist islamic system to the previous prime minister of canada who worked himself up and now competes against other companies in a competitive environment.
USA is bullying Iran for 40 years and we wet our pants when we think about closing our own waterway. [Strait of hormoz]

Please note that it is US that wants to decrease Iran oil sales to zero.

Why on earth shouldn’t we respond?!!

It is our own waterway.

Any logical answer?
USA is bullying Iran for 40 years and we wet our pants when we think about closing our own waterway. [Strait of hormoz]

Please note that it is US that wants to decrease Iran oil sales to zero.

Why on earth shouldn’t we respond?!!

It is our own waterway.

Any logical answer?

Iran is no way near strong enough to stand up to the U.S. Iran needs to develop a massive military capability...strong enough that it'll overwhelm Israel and U.S interests in the region, in case of any American invasion. Do you have this capability? No.

Also, U.S knows that Iran can not be allowed to develop such capability---hence it'll always keep resupplying its allies with newer weapon systems to counter Iran. And hence this game remains tilted in the U.S favor.
Iran is no way near strong enough to stand up to the U.S.

Iran doesn’t have to be powerful enough to win a war, only to make that war so expensive and costly that it will not be attacked.

Iran has succeeded there. US cannot and will not attack Iran directly.
iran should not go for war with u.s.they are far more powerful and can wipe out iran
It was easy to topple Saddam and destroy his army simply Saddam oppressed the majority he made his own people enemy of him with his stupid policies
An exhausted sick army frightened wont save you from your enemy since your enemy is their friend!

The Iraqis were counting the days the hours the moment they get rid of him and when that come they cheered

Side note
Today with Iraq is weak by lacking of arms and corruption still many times stronger than Saddam army simply Iraqis are good with new regime but not the corrupted politicians

I got an opportunity to meet two Iraqi businessmen in New Delhi... and both told me that Iraq under Saddam was more peaceful and less corrupt...

According to them they celebrated his downfall for 10+ days... One's son was killed by Saddam's regime... but to my disbelief, both of them want to rectify that and term his downfall as the downfall of Iraq...

They called current politicians, the vultures feeding on dead corpse...
I got an opportunity to meet two Iraqi businessmen in New Delhi... and both told me that Iraq under Saddam was more peaceful and less corrupt...

According to them they celebrated his downfall for 10+ days... One's son was killed by Saddam's regime... but to my disbelief, both of them want to rectify that and term his downfall as the downfall of Iraq...

They called current politicians, the vultures feeding on dead corpse...

This is the truth which you have spoken.
I got an opportunity to meet two Iraqi businessmen in New Delhi... and both told me that Iraq under Saddam was more peaceful and less corrupt...

According to them they celebrated his downfall for 10+ days... One's son was killed by Saddam's regime... but to my disbelief, both of them want to rectify that and term his downfall as the downfall of Iraq...

They called current politicians, the vultures feeding on dead corpse...

So 2 Iraqi “businessmen” now represent the entire viewpoint of a country?


Also ludicrous that they expect Iraq to be a corruption free state after it was basically rebuilt less than 10 years ago.

Newsflash bro, countries aren’t haircuts. You can’t just change them overnight and expect them to look good. That takes time, decades possibly centuries.

Furthermore, the only reason Iraq was more “peaceful” was because they were ruled by a genocidal dictator who killed off any opposition.

Lastly, Wether you like it or not Sunnis caused most of the violence in post-war Iraq and still do across the Muslim world. When was the last time you heard a Kurd blowing himself up in a marketplace or a Shiite running into a mosque and blowing himself up? Terrorist attacks against civilians are trademarked by Sunnis now.

A majority of sunni’s were content on Saddam butchering Shiites. But once the majority sect became in power they cried Bloody Mary and formed Al-Queda of Iraq and ISIS. There excuse? They were “oppressed”. Yet their solution was to kill thousand of innocent civilians.

So the real story that isn’t talked about is that Sunni sect of Islam specifically Whabbai sects, but also all conservative Sunni sects promote terrorism against Shiites and minorities and are a disgrace to the word religion.

The West obviously backed the wrong horse (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, etc) in trying to control the Middle East. Because if these countries didn’t have oil or West support, all these toxic strains of extremist Islam would not have emerged.
So 2 Iraqi “businessmen” now represent the entire viewpoint of a country?


Also ludicrous that they expect Iraq to be a corruption free state after it was basically rebuilt less than 10 years ago.

Newsflash bro, countries aren’t haircuts. You can’t just change them overnight and expect them to look good. That takes time, decades possibly centuries.

Furthermore, the only reason Iraq was more “peaceful” was because they were ruled by a genocidal dictator who killed off any opposition.

Lastly, Wether you like it or not Sunnis caused most of the violence in post-war Iraq and still do across the Muslim world. When was the last time you heard a Kurd blowing himself up in a marketplace or a Shiite running into a mosque and blowing himself up? Terrorist attacks against civilians are trademarked by Sunnis now.

A majority of sunni’s were content on Saddam butchering Shiites. But once the majority sect became in power they cried Bloody Mary and formed Al-Queda of Iraq and ISIS. There excuse? They were “oppressed”. Yet their solution was to kill thousand of innocent civilians.

So the real story that isn’t talked about is that Sunni sect of Islam specifically Whabbai sects, but also all conservative Sunni sects promote terrorism against Shiites and minorities and are a disgrace to the word religion.

The West obviously backed the wrong horse (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, etc) in trying to control the Middle East. Because if these countries didn’t have oil or West support, all these toxic strains of extremist Islam would not have emerged.

I never said that entire country think so... I just shared my personal experience... that's it...

I have never gone to Iraq neither I have friends from that area...
Iran doesn’t have to be powerful enough to win a war, only to make that war so expensive and costly that it will not be attacked.

Iran has succeeded there. US cannot and will not attack Iran directly.
I am a Desert Storm USAF F-16 veteran. I heard the same argument before deployment.

I dont want war for anyone period.....why are you so stupid as to advocate war?
I am not advocating a war. I was merely making an observation that you could not.
I am a Desert Storm USAF F-16 veteran. I heard the same argument before deployment.

I am not advocating a war. I was merely making an observation that you could not.

Comparing Iraq of Desert Storm that had just exited a devasting 8 year was, to Iran’s military today shows your blissful ignorance.

The upper echelons of US military establishment are against war with Iran. Not because they fear they can’t achieve their military objectives, but because of the day after. Many in depth articles have been written about this so I won’t go into it further. Even the most anti-Iran general Mad dog Mattis doesn’t want war with Iran, he believes that people like you exist that paint a rosey picture of what war would be.

Only a bafoon would deny Iran doesn’t hold a punishing counterattack that is difficult to stop or even halt. A counterattack that Saddam could only dream of.

If Iran didn’t have this, US could have attacked in 2010, or 2008, or 2003. You don’t just sit back and allow your opponent to get stronger and more formidable.

Fact is, US doesn’t have stomach for a large war neither does a US public that is most divided since possibly the civil war. This is not to even mention how stretched the US military is currently across the world. Logistically the US isn’t in position to enter a major war on ideal terms.

A war of with Iran would be a modern day Vietnam.

But the fact remains the US needs Iran, they are the perfect boogeyman to continue to sell all these arms to all the naive Arab countries and milk them. So that is a big reason why war is highly unlikely.

But I wouldn’t expect a military grunt to understand geopolitics or the big picture. They only understand what their shiny toys can do.
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