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Watch Out China: Vietnam's Coast Guard Will Fight Back!

IMHO Vietnam is just showing its teeth to China here even they know its better not to escalate this. Atleast not without a strong backing of Japan and US.
Sure, so we can send another boat load of little Viets into the sea like in 1988. Too bad you'll always be a little bitch.

Yep, that's why you little retard Viets won't have a role to play anymore.
I can understand your happiness when killing of our people, just wondering why China has not set up any shrine yet to honor chinese war criminals? instead of crying and whining on japanese war criminals and past aggressions, why don´t you just copy Japan?

no problem bro. our kids sometimes find skulls of the PLA in the jungle and use them when playing football. maybe one of the skulls was one of chinese clown s10 forefather.

Vietnam still proud of Chinese skulls in the jungle - English pravda.ru
I can understand your happiness when killing of our people, just wondering why China has not set up any shrine yet to honor chinese war criminals? instead of crying and whining on japanese war criminals and past aggressions, why don´t you just copy Japan?
There are plenty of parks in China dedicated to Vietnam war veterans. Just because you're ignorant about them doesn't mean they don't exist. Also, they're heroes for removing Vietnamese pests.

no problem bro. our kids sometimes find skulls of the PLA in the jungle and use them when playing football. maybe one of the skulls was one of chinese clown s10 forefather.

Vietnam still proud of Chinese skulls in the jungle - English pravda.ru
My grandfather was still in the navy when his colleague sent an entire boatload of little Viets into the bottom of the sea in 1988. His face lights with joy up every time he talks about it. The little Viets on the reef were screeching as the marines finished them off. Good times were had by all.
I don't think vietnam wants to challenge china to a naval battle. China wants to prove itself as a naval power to the world and many chinese admirals are dying to pull the trigger.
Come on, no need to talk like this. Let's all calm down, and emphasize trade.

Let's all get fat and rich first. No need to die young. :)

Calm down bro.

A great addition no doubt to the Vietnamese CG. I suppose the agenda will remain focused on patrol and interdiction.

Hahahhaha salute to that my friend!
Hahahhaha salute to that my friend!

Cheers to that, brother. Life is enjoyed lived , with friends, with fine wine, fine dining, and the hearth of good company !

Let's enjoy God's gift of life , and blessings of fruits of hard work. InshaALLAH!
Training, ready to fire on every kind of invader.

I do not think the OP is Vietnamese. He is only pretending as one in order to sow further discord between neighbors.

And the author of the OP article is probably an Indian. Now put these two together and do the math.

We know VCP very well; they are not stupid or suicidal. Disputes will be solved in due time as our bilateral trade continues to grow.

China still needs some more time and Vietnam needs 20 times more time than China does to complete national rejuvenation.

Like we are doing now with Malaysia, do not be surprised if we staged live drills with our Vietnamese comrades in some indefinite future.
no, not really. not me. but you. all of your posts reflect your obsession.
so I have enough with you, little retard. go and jump off the window.

Viet, where is Niceguy, I miss the cute buddy. :coffee:
Vietnam is rightful to defend what they thought righteous by any means necessary, which means China is rightful to retaliate by any means necessary too, so it's just a simple game, let’s see who has more and better guns now, if they cause any casualty we just simply kill all those who dare to pull the trigger.
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IMHO Vietnam is just showing its teeth to China here even they know its better not to escalate this. Atleast not without a strong backing of Japan and US.
bro, no worry. we know the difference between braveness and stupidity. and of course, if we go to war, we want to win it. like many times in the past in our history. only delusional chinese believe to their dream we will do alone without allies.

Abe pledges more ships to Vietnam's top leader to offset China | The Japan Times



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Good Going Brothers. Self defence is your right and Vietnam can by all means defend its sea with ease against any aggression.
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