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War on terror Cost Pakistan $68 Billion


Sep 20, 2010
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During the war on terror 32,000 citizens and 3,500 security men lost their lives.

During the current financial year a loss of $3 billion exports was incurred owing to war on terror. Pakistan was also deprived of the foreign investment of $2 billion because of the same reason. Infrastructure destroyed during the war has been estimated at $1.70 billion. The ratio of investment which was 22.5 percent of GDP was reduced to 13.4 percent.
Pakistan's war on terror since 9/11 cost $68 bn:

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has suffered "a colossal loss of $68 billion" due to the war on terror since 9/11, a Pakistani daily said Friday, adding this huge cost can "only make development and empowerment all the more difficult to offer to people".

An editorial in the News International said that people "tend to remember less often that the war is also hurting us in other ways and leaving wounds that ooze constantly".

It said that the Economic Survey for fiscal 2010-11, to be released soon by Finance Minister Hafeez Shaikh, "will show that since Pakistan allied itself with the US after the events of 9/11 2001, it has suffered a colossal loss of $68 billion due to the war".

"According to statistics recorded till April 2010, the country suffered 8,141 incidents of terrorism - many more have occurred since then. In return, the country has received only $15 billion to $17 billion in assistance, at an average of some $374 million a year."

It went on to say that it "doesn't take an expert to establish the strain this places on the economy".

"The links between poverty, deprivation and terror have been well established. Only sustained economic growth can rescue people from this vicious cycle. The huge cost of war can only make development and empowerment all the more difficult to offer to people, especially given the many resource constraints that already exist."

The editorial wrapped up, saying it was "clear that there is a reluctance to hand over large sums of money to the government. The reasons for this are hardly secret".

Pakistan's war on terror since 9/11 cost $68 bn - Economic Times
The PPP government have increased the amount of Pakistan debt to over 11,000 Trillion Rupees where as when this government came to power it was only 6,000. Indeed PPP leader ship should be proud of themselves for this achievement. After all they were able to take same amount of loans in 3 years as in 62 years of this country's history.
Those who championed the slogan "Roti, Kappra, Makkan" actually took all three from the common man of Pakistan.
Don't you people think 50.37 trillion is an exaggerated amount?

Well, even with $68 billion losses, Pakistan has still operated at billions of losses every year w.r.t US's 'aid that Pakistan can't live without', for fighting the US's war on terror.
Don't you people think 50.37 trillion is an exaggerated amount?

ok honestly dude, u tell me do we really need aid? normal awam doesnt even get a single penny, than whats the point of stupid aid, usa tells us what to do just becuase our corrupt leaders want their aid
The PPP government have increased the amount of Pakistan debt to over 11,000 Trillion Rupees where as when this government came to power it was only 6,000. Indeed PPP leader ship should be proud of themselves for this achievement. After all they were able to take same amount of loans in 3 years as in 62 years of this country's history.
Those who championed the slogan "Roti, Kappra, Makkan" actually took all three from the common man of Pakistan.

well this was the last time for PPP, no more government for them,

but never mind over awaam has short memory
Are you sure these are correct numbers ..because few minutes ago you yourself proved that Pakistanis are partial to exaggeration their WOT losses ..has any neutral agency corroborated these numbers?

I've quoted you an Indian source dude. Economic Times is an Indian newspaper.
well this was the last time for PPP, no more government for them,

but never mind over awaam has short memory

PPP actually know that and they are looting like there is no tomorrow. Yes we should vote more for dead people after all those who come to power actually brings us ever closer to our graves. Follow the leader.
PPP actually know that and they are looting like there is no tomorrow. Yes we should vote more for dead people after all those who come to power actually brings us ever closer to our graves. Follow the leader.

yaar i think Imran Khan is good choice, we should give him a chance, nawaz takla, gardari, altaf ghunda has done nothing except looting, and their parties got more than 1 chances, now we need honest government
Well this so called war is important for survival of Pakistan.

Half of wazirisatan is still waiting to brought under control of the fedration!!!!!

And war has ill effects on economy ...............whats the problem mate .............instead of 50 trillion even it is 100 trillion still Pakistan deserved to be saved
when you fight a war of others its possible to lost every thing read this article for remember you what was Pakistan and WOT .

Well this so called war is important for survival of Pakistan.

Half of wazirisatan is still waiting to brought under control of the fedration!!!!!

And war has ill effects on economy ...............whats the problem mate .............instead of 50 trillion even it is 100 trillion still Pakistan deserved to be saved

u 2 or 3 years old or ur just too stupid, no offense but anybody would think that about u
But you did not bother to read what that source said

"Pakistan has suffered "a colossal loss of $68 billion" due to the war on terror since 9/11, a Pakistani daily said Friday"

They are quoting a Pakistani daily.

Besides I am not asking for newspaper sources(which will qoute the govt figures) but a research based source..who is independent of Pakistani govt.

Maybe a source more acceptable to you:

From Page 3 of this report:


This is only the cost Pakistan has incurred from 2004-2009. It does not include the cost Pakistan has faced from 2001-2004, & 2009-2011, the peak years of the War on Terror.

According to this table, Pakistan has had a cost of about 2.08 trillion rupees from 2004-2009 (about $30 billion, according to the old dollar-rupee exchange rates from 2004-2009).


If you include the costs from 2001-2004 & 2009-2011, the total cost from the War on terror should be at least equal to if not higher than $68 billion. Pakistan has only received about a quarter of that amount as a form of 'aid'. Meaning Pakistan has operated at a net loss of almost $50 billion for fighting America's war on terror. And Indians think Pakistan needs US 'aid' to survive, pathetic.
This is only direct loss if u add indirect loses then it will be many folds of this.What do you think if WoT would not have happen then would we have a GDP growth of 2% avg for last 4 yrs? answer is certainly NO,Pakistan's GDP would have crosed 250 Bn $ against 210bn$.
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