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War has begun in Karabakh.

Armenian not only took karbagh but also surrounding 6 districts..they not only occupied the territory they also kicked out the native population

Armenians should have taken a deal of independence karbagh enclave in 2000s when they were able to negotiate with returning the 6 districts

They never did and fought a whole year war to protect the 6 districts that has nothing to do with karbagh
+++ And last Karabakh war started with a ballistic missile attack on Azerbaijani territory. I am not talking about Karabakh and the other 6 occupied territories, the attack took place in the north-west of Azerbaijan, In the area of the Azerbaijan-Georgia pipeline.
What did Armenians thought they will fucking kill people kick them out of their homes and occupy vast areas beyond karbagh and then oil rich azeris will never come back????
Azeris also killed Armenians. And this goes back a long time. They've been always having skirmishes and trouble. There were also various pogroms by Azeris against Armenians in Baku and elsewhere in Azerbaijan.

I think they relied too much on Russia and didn't do a lot to modernise their Armed Forces. They did buy some things,like I've said before,but not enough. Besides,they're a small country with a tiny population. 3,5 million people more or less. Their budget is very small. Went and bought 4 Su-30SMs from Russia before the war and didn't even use them. Of course,they'd probably be shot down,but they didn't use them.

They bought dozens of old,used OSA AA systems from Jordan when they could have bought UAVs,EW or a few,but modern Russian systems,like upgraded Pantsirs or more Tor-M2K.
Yeah but what does that have to do with anything? Indians say they'll liberate all of Kashmir,Pakistanis all of Kashmir,Palestinians all of Palestine,Israelis that they will take back all of their land.

Armenians blundered when they supported that conman. They had almost 3 decades of pro-Russian governments but thought it was corrupted and they could do a lot better. Maybe they thought they would become a European country,have money flow in from the West,while Russians would protect them.

Now,it's gone. And the traitor Pashinyan did his part to destroy it. Imagine,there are Armenians who still support Pashinyan!
No one has any sympathy for Armenians when they look at what happened in 1990s
Who says nobody has sympathy? What happened in the '90s you say? If you take back Kashmir from India,will you go like "oh look what happened....what a shame,we got Kashmir and kicked the Hindus out...nobody will have sympathy on us now"?

By the way,since you mentioned the 1990s

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 16-04-56 List of massacres in Azerbaijan - Wikipedia.png

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 16-08-34 List of massacres in Azerbaijan - Wikipedia.png

Komsun,no wonder Armos call him "Pasha" and names ending in -oglu 😂 😂 😂
Armenia won't go to war to protect Armenians in Karabakh? Surprising, since Armenia is now assumed to be a mini superpower after purchasing military equipment from mega superpower India.

It would be suicidal for Armenia to enter Azerbaijani territory right now. As for irregular warfare, they are doing their best.
I mean we all know Azerbaijan will not stop with Karabakh, They will come for Zengezur corridor too and later for all of Zengazur region.. Pashinyan should know this
Armenia won't go to war to protect Armenians in Karabakh? Surprising, since Armenia is now assumed to be a mini superpower after purchasing military equipment from mega superpower India.
There is intense military activity, all EW and radar stations supporting terrorist elements operating illegally are now targets. It would be wise to keep the Indian systems in storage for the time being.

I mean we all know Azerbaijan will not stop with Karabakh, They will come for Zengezur corridor too and later for all of Zengazur region.. Pashinyan should know this
Who? This guy? 😂

What was he doing at the Pan-turkic Council discussions 2 years ago?

Telegram channel of the Armenian army: "Russian Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Turkish prostitute Zakharova justified the betrayal and cowardice of Russian peacekeepers by blaming Armenia for the wars in Artsakh"...

:D :D

Look, this is a drama. Those who spoiled the Armenians and allowed them to evolve into this state of mind have a big share in this.
Telegram channel of the Armenian army: "Russian Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Turkish prostitute Zakharova justified the betrayal and cowardice of Russian peacekeepers by blaming Armenia for the wars in Artsakh"...

:D :D

Look, this is a drama. Those who spoiled the Armenians and allowed them to evolve into this state of mind have a big share in this.
And @Trisolaran check this out:

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