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Wahhabism is a man made religion

Even though it feels like the oldest trick in the book, the classic ''label someone you don't like a Jewish agent''; I'm not going to argue with the article because I do not have the energy, time or resources to verify or refute what it says - but instead I'm going to look at the usual definition of ''Wahhabi''.

According to most people, a Wahhabi is someone who doesn't celebrate the milad, doesn't have a pir and holds his hands on his chest while praying. Now if you're going to label ''Wahhabism'' as man-made and a Zionist conspiracy, you need to firstly create a distinction between ''someone who follows Abdul Wahab'' and ''non-Barelvi/Sufi''. Otherwise this is nothing more than takfir, because Barelvi mullahs just go around pointing fingers ''Wahhabi'' ''Wahhabi''.

The second problem is that we need a distinction between Salafi and Wahhabi. A Salafi is essentially someone who doesn't follow any of the four schools of thought, and therefore also doesn't follow Barelvis or Deobandis (since they're both Hanafi) - what this means is that if you don't want to have a sect, you get labelled a Salafi, which is seen as a sect.

Its not the mental caliber of Pakistanis, those are the actions of those Janati Tootaaz that speak a lot about green turbans in Pakistan, worst of the husbands I have ever seen, most illogical fools, easy to get frustrated, want everyone to celebrate milad, extremists in their mindsets, liars, and takfiris. Mayray Piyary Piyary meethay meethay Islami Bahio issi batt pay anghotay chomo aur apny muh pay phair lo.
Agreed, Mullahs from all sects are horrible, green turbans or not. Some of the most intolerant and jahil people I've seen are green topi molvis, people so illogical that they preferred to miss their prayers than to pray near me because they thought I was a Wahhabi - but then some of the nice people I've seen are from the same sect as those molvis.

My quarrel with the Wahhabis/Salafin/Takfiris etc. is not they think that only they are on the right path with the exclusion of everyone else because everyone will have face the Day of Judgement; but that they consider all those who disagree with them as ‘wajibul qatl’ and actually put it into practice.
Here's the problem with your quarrel - who's 'they'? A very, very small minority among Salafis/Ghair Muqallids actually believes the wajibul qatl idea. And an even smaller minority practices it. You can call this minority Wahhabis or Khwarjis or whatever, but as far as takfir goes, I've seen a lot takfir from the Barelvi side too.

I don't practice Takfir, I don't mind praying with Barelvis or Deobandis or whatever, I don't believe everyone else is going to Hell and I don't believe in wajibul qatal - but just because I don't follow a pir I get lumped into the same category with the goddamn ISIS. That's my quarrel with the Barelvis/Ahle Sunnat.
While you people are still busy deciding who to label what (Despite ALLAH saying HE labeled you Muslim

Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah , and [those animals] killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a head-long fall or by the goring of horns, and those from which a wild animal has eaten, except what you [are able to] slaughter [before its death], and those which are sacrificed on stone altars, and [prohibited is] that you seek decision through divining arrows. That is grave disobedience. This day those who disbelieve have despaired of [defeating] your religion; so fear them not, but fear Me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
[Quran 5:3]

Other people are taking FULL time advantage of the situation and bringing down the very religion ALLAH produced for us! Shame on each of you :tsk:

The dying need to label someone, classify someone and judge someone is 1 day going to just kill us at our own hands, the enemy wont even have to do a thing! :tup:
Agreed, Mullahs from all sects are horrible, green turbans or not. Some of the most intolerant and jahil people I've seen are green topi molvis, people so illogical that they preferred to miss their prayers than to pray near me because they thought I was a Wahhabi - but then some of the nice people I've seen are from the same sect as those molvis.

Bro I think the problem lies where people start to identify themselves as a separate group and now its happening very frequently and rapidly.

For me test of any molvi sb is to greet him with Aslam o alaikum and see if he replies in 90+% cases they don't reply back irrespective of which mosque or which movi sb. Ikhlaq acha nai to taleem kya khak day gay.
While you people are still busy deciding who to label what (Despite ALLAH saying HE labeled you Muslim

[Quran 5:3]

Other people are taking FULL time advantage of the situation and bringing down the very religion ALLAH produced for us! Shame on each of you :tsk:

The dying need to label someone, classify someone and judge someone is 1 day going to just kill us at our own hands, the enemy wont even have to do a thing! :tup:

What is harming in discussing out our differences? Yes we started with labeling each other but we started instead of taking out AK-47 and going for to wipe out each other. Let us discuss, I am sure we will open up and start respecting each other. Closed system will always attract more problems, and the enemy would benefit more of the situation if we don't communicate at all.
Ahmedis were being murdered in the 50s. That's also sectarian violence, long before the advent of anything.

I have spend quite some time with Ahmedis and calling them a sect of Islam is a bit unfair. There basic ideology is totally different.

While you people are still busy deciding who to label what (Despite ALLAH saying HE labeled you Muslim

[Quran 5:3]

Other people are taking FULL time advantage of the situation and bringing down the very religion ALLAH produced for us! Shame on each of you :tsk:

The dying need to label someone, classify someone and judge someone is 1 day going to just kill us at our own hands, the enemy wont even have to do a thing! :tup:

I see no harm in discussing our difference and debating in a positive constructive way. I hope this will help address some of the issues and we will all come to realize that we all are on the same page and these small difference are nothing significant to cut each others throat.
Quran and Hadith need to be interpreted, so every stream is actually a man made. Salafi is too literal, Wahhabism is too afraid to accept wider interpretation, Sufism is quite perfect for some Great Sufi, but many of the follower talk something that shouldnt be spread like some bathin knowledge that is too specific. Sufism is also vary so cannot be generalized like Salafi or Wahhabism. in essence Salafis and Wahhabism use Ibnu Taimiyah idea and spirit to purify Islam from something that is too far from Quran and Hadith (shahih one) ). Salafism just use Sahabah words too much and close any other interpretation.
Quran and Hadith need to be interpreted

I think first we need to understand and read the simple translation of Quran, and then if we feel like we may go for the interpretations. But for basic understanding I don't find any complex situation where a common Muslim like me would need to consult interpretations. Quran itself says
Abdul Wahab's teachings are followed as closely by his followers as the rest of school of thoughts follow their scholar's teachings, or collectively how the teachings we follow as Muslims of our Prophet (peace be upon him). Rather then bashing sects it is time we need to grow up... Most of this debate is by those who say we are right or we are right.... Yet the basic teachings of every sect is same... Pray, be honest, point out wrong, help others... Apparently those are too main stream for all of us and we must get to the intricate differences and point out the wrongs which we surmise after a few days with Mr Google and professor face book.
Every artery leads to the source, which is the Quran and sunnah, and every great scholar has said that follow those even if they contraindicate what I say. First live according to the similar teachings, pray and fast, love your brothers and stand for right, only when you have achieved the level of a believing practicing Muslim start to wonder what sect stands for what. No sect allows us to miss prayers, or steal, or let others be killed and watch, or stand for wrong, or allow for the killing of innocents, or so many things that happen in our society. IT is repetitive what I wrote in places, but we need to grow out of our thinking to grow as a nation..... or we are doomed to follow a circle, which will lead us no where but back where we started.
I think first we need to understand and read the simple translation of Quran, and then if we feel like we may go for the interpretations. But for basic understanding I don't find any complex situation where a common Muslim like me would need to consult interpretations. Quran itself says

- سورة آل عمران



Sahih International
It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah . But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding.
I think first we need to understand and read the simple translation of Quran, and then if we feel like we may go for the interpretations. But for basic understanding I don't find any complex situation where a common Muslim like me would need to consult interpretations. Quran itself says

Islam is actually easy in the beginning, do this and dont do that. But, Sufism has found other area which is bathin ( psychological) and focus on that. And Wahhabism and Salafis focus on do this and dont do that only, dont try to put more effort on psychological area of Islam. Hasan Basri itself (one of Sahabah) has said about secret on Islam ( I read from Al-Ghazali book, Ihya Ulumuddin).

But Sufism in the time of Ibnu Taimiyah really make Tasawuf becomes so complex. So Ibnu Taimiyah and his student effort (Ibnu Qayim) is actually good one, to make Islam becomes simple once more and more pure. In the old time in which Salafis and Wahhabism hasnt yet revealed, all Muslim scholars learning in Baghdad need to learn both Sufism and Hadith.

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