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Wagha Border Ceremony(Drama) should be stopped.

INS Viraat


New Recruit

Dec 31, 2013
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I visited that place last to last year and really guys what an pathetic display of aggression and utter non-senselessness,which can be anything but patriotism.Yes I agree that feeling of Nationalism is great but to this point??Showing aggression to two nuke powered state having already strained relation.
when do we stop believing that MIGHT IS RIGHT.
IN current world scenario Trade is Might and It is Right.

I visited that place last to last year and really guys what an pathetic display of aggression and utter non-senselessness,which can be anything but patriotism.Yes I agree that feeling of Nationalism is great but to this point??Showing aggression to two nuke powered state having already strained relation.
when do we stop believing that MIGHT IS RIGHT.
IN current world scenario Trade is Might and It is Right.
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seriously dude...wagha border ceremony is a waste of time and resources...dunno for how long can they carry this pathetic tradition/ceremony...
seriously dude...wagha border ceremony is a waste of time and resources...dunno for how long can they carry this pathetic tradition/ceremony...
no intellectual person will be in favour of this.
haha well they are gonna start another such ceremony on BD border let alone end this. I hope someday some sane govt will think about it.
no intellectual person will be in favour of this.
ok cool
get Modi to abolish this practice

there are some intellectuals in Pakistan as well who are bitterly against it specially there is one who had a dishonorable discharge from Pakistan army due to misconduct (fraud & theft) and he writes anything that is against the army and he has a special issue with our turbans too.
our food is smelly and stupid, our languages are stupid lets abolish them.

our clothes are stupid and dont look cool

our skin colors and features are also stupid and ugly.. we must invest in plastic and genetic therapy to change that

lets do some thing more cool, more modern, and more intelligent, lets follow a European football club and drink bear and then arrange times during matches and beat the shiit out of each other and break shops. damage property, bully and beat up passerby's and police and yell our football club anthems till our throats bleed.

everything about us is stupid. we are a lesser race. everything we stand for is wrong and specially that stupid nationalism and patriotism is also wrong lets burn our stupid flags and destory our temples and mosques because they are stupid too

lets commit mass suicide and apologize to the world for we existed so long and carried on with this stupid practice wearing stupid clothes and head gear.
I visited that place last to last year and really guys what an pathetic display of aggression and utter non-senselessness,which can be anything but patriotism.Yes I agree that feeling of Nationalism is great but to this point??Showing aggression to two nuke powered state having already strained relation.
when do we stop believing that MIGHT IS RIGHT.
IN current world scenario Trade is Might and It is Right.

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I agree...rather than that..they can make some cultural festivity to show the punjab dance from both side of the fence...
I visited that place last to last year and really guys what an pathetic display of aggression and utter non-senselessness,which can be anything but patriotism.Yes I agree that feeling of Nationalism is great but to this point??Showing aggression to two nuke powered state having already strained relation.
when do we stop believing that MIGHT IS RIGHT.
IN current world scenario Trade is Might and It is Right.

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Agreed its a display of ignorance by both sides .. my di@k is bigger than yours thats what its all about

In my opinion we should estabilish a secured sealed but people to people connected border
I visited that place last to last year and really guys what an pathetic display of aggression and utter non-senselessness,which can be anything but patriotism.Yes I agree that feeling of Nationalism is great but to this point??Showing aggression to two nuke powered state having already strained relation.
when do we stop believing that MIGHT IS RIGHT.
IN current world scenario Trade is Might and It is Right.

Give us FTA :-)

I personally enjoyed it. Went there in 2007, the atmosphere is electric. Who the heck would want to go to Wagah border if not for that. It will become another lame *** boring place like the jaisalmer and gujarat border.
Man - who asked you to go there to watch drama? Anyway as Irfan said, elected modi and than demand him to call off this ceremony unilaterally.
ok cool
get Modi to abolish this practice

there are some intellectuals in Pakistan as well who are bitterly against it specially there is one who had a dishonorable discharge from Pakistan army due to misconduct (fraud & theft) and he writes anything that is against the army and he has a special issue with our turbans too.
our food is smelly and stupid, our languages are stupid lets abolish them.

our clothes are stupid and dont look cool

our skin colors and features are also stupid and ugly.. we must invest in plastic and genetic therapy to change that

lets do some thing more cool, more modern, and more intelligent, lets follow a European football club and drink bear and then arrange times during matches and beat the shiit out of each other and break shops. damage property, bully and beat up passerby's and police and yell our football club anthems till our throats bleed.

everything about us is stupid. we are a lesser race. everything we stand for is wrong and specially that stupid nationalism and patriotism is also wrong lets burn our stupid flags and destory our temples and mosques because they are stupid too

lets commit mass suicide and apologize to the world for we existed so long and carried on with this stupid practice wearing stupid clothes and head gear.
Cmon Major you cant be that naive. Dont attach yourself with such derogatory remarks.Nothing is getting abolished.It has to be from both side or it is bs. having said that Dont say "We".Its your opinion.Lets just agree to disagree.

Man - who asked you to go there to watch drama? Anyway as Irfan said, elected modi and than demand him to call off this ceremony unilaterally.
See thats what i was talking about.Ask Modi..lol..you go and ask your govt,like It will be heeded.
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