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Voting starts: Good luck Turkish brothers in choosing your future leader

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Erdo took turkey to an unprecedented economic and military platue but like many other leaders the he got high on power. Bit by bit removed all constitutional obstacles which could place a check - - - - - - - - hes only a step or two away from declaring him a president for life in other words a democratic monarch. This thing won't go well for Turkish future.
I would disagree with this, China has proven that dictator ship can do better than democracy. So it is a debatable topic
well its democracy even if gov is good people lose charm and change it
Man we would love to have a leader as strong as Erdogan!!

You can take some of our secular trash politicians in return, actually take all of them they are all equally useless

Im not concerned about the rest of your rant, if you cant see the rise of the Turkish economy, living standards from 2000 to now then your blind

Your anti Erdogan/Muslim uber secularism is not a substitute for a reasoned political platform with vision

If any ofvthe other candidates win then you really are in danger and by association we

A weaket Turkey weakens us all
What anti Muslim you are talking about man?!?!? Is this Muslim!??!

If our prophet (PUBH) see what he is doing he will order the Muslims to execute him on spot according to the Muslim law!

Take a look at Balyoz, Ergenekon process! Is it Muslim to throw the men that love the country the most and are the biggest professionals from the army in jail?!?! Some of them died there and some of the relatives of the jailed died while their sons were in jail.

This is the MAN who took the terrorist leader Abdullah Ocalan from Kenya to Turkey. That is the funeral of his mother while he was jailed. Don't you have some shame? From who are we going to ask for explanation?!?!? CIA puppets! If we forget may our blood become sand!

May ALLAH give Jannah to our martyrs and patience to their families! May ALLAH turn the traitors to the right way or make us his punishers on this earth!
They are practising takkiyya. Their only problem is secularism. They hate it with passion. They cant even stand the idea of secularism. That is what they have been brainwashed for through all their life.

They want islamic governments and islamic rule all around the world and that is their only selection standard.
F you just had to say taqqya shit? the same shit some morons in europe use against muslims also turkish muslims
Well, no, I am not obligated to protect or look after the muslims in Europe. And not all Turks are muslims, nor islam is what creates the Turkish identity.

Sone Turkish muslims suffering due to their religion is their problem.

Only Turks suffering due to their Turkishness is my problem and so should be for all the Turks.

Enough with playing the victim card with your religion, everyone else are the real victims in your own countries.

I voted proudly for Mr. İnce. Not because of his islamic view of life, but because of his "I will represent all 81 million citizens of this country!" attitude.

Thanks to Erdogan our country has been feepl
*Thanks to Erdogan our country has been deeply divided and only Mr. İnce can re-unite it!

Lets hope and pray he will be the winner, for the sake of Turkish Republic!:angel:
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