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Vikramditya & the IAC Vikrant Threat To Pakistan Waters

have u seen allah?????i have not seen anyone except for my parents, for me they are everything and about god that is one spritual power which governs the whole world i respect that GOD. :smitten::smitten:
yes lets not go further with this and stay on topic
thing is pakistan wants to settle kashmir cause as it controls there 'juglar viens' = Rivers and india knows this and thats the main reason they also went on with 'operation meghdoot' and caputred 'siachin glacier'
now the thing is pakistan is in no postion to challenge india on any format and forum and thats why they keep on looking for 'help' & 'brotherli relations' with big powers ...funny thing is all powers know this and just 'use and throw' pakistan after there job is done ..first it was UK , then came USA & saudi combo today its saudi & china combo but ground reality is getting worse in land of the pure

now they need is money and latest tech to keep india getting adventurous till now they managed but with india getting richer and stronger by the day and china leaning towards india they are confused(pakistan)

thread is about indian CBGs & ACCs which are now radically changing the power dynamicks of south asia and the void will keep on increasing

funny thing is paksiatn has no answer to anything india is putting one table one after the another and soon it will be indian hegemony in south asia which china will ignoare as it is already facing heat on its eastern borders

even still good luck pakistan
and bhai log dont get insecure as these carriers are adding strength to asia!!!!! as far as india is concerened aircaft carrier will protect india and if required will also protect pakistan and bangladesh too, in case of allied invasion........so be happy.that day when india china russia and pakistan will have more carriers than usa alone then we will say that asia has become strong!!!!!

YES OFFCOURSE!!!!!!!:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:


this type of CBG would be great for vicky until LRSAM is fitted on it.......


3 carrier battlegroup......hope india would achieve it till 2017

bhai i agree with u but as we are adding carriers to our fleet, it also increasing powers of asian continent as far as 6 CBG of indian navy are concerned this will be achieved by 2030
well brother thing is we dont need to use any of owr CBGs for naval blokade of Karachi and gadawar ports as owr army is very capable of launching a blitkrieg type operation from runn of kutch which is not even 100 miles away from karachi (there life line)

+ there naval ships will be trageted by small and very fast but stealthy & leathel missile boats & other small naval vessels backed by P8is to keep there subs away from action backed again by 3 sqads each of MKIs, Navalised jags & Mig 21 bisons as back up based inbaroda , jaiselmer & pune

while the rest of PAF and its missile assets will be taken owt by owr 8 other air bases anlong the indo pak border area

while china will be kept on hold by air bases in andaman and nicobar backed by two floating air bases / ACCs /CBGs (Vikrmaditys & Viraat ) while Vikrant will be kept as back up
thing is pakistan wants to settle kashmir cause as it controls there 'juglar viens' = Rivers and india knows this and thats the main reason they also went on with 'operation meghdoot' and caputred 'siachin glacier'
Your are right in this part
But wrong in This Part
now the thing is pakistan is in no postion to challenge india on any format and forum and thats why they keep on looking for 'help' & 'brotherli relations' with big powers ...funny thing is all powers know this and just 'use and throw' pakistan after there job is done ..first it was UK , then came USA & saudi combo today its saudi & china combo but ground reality is getting worse in land of the pure

now they need is money and latest tech to keep india getting adventurous till now they managed but with india getting richer and stronger by the day and china leaning towards india they are confused(pakistan)

thread is about indian CBGs & ACCs which are now radically changing the power dynamicks of south asia and the void will keep on increasing

funny thing is paksiatn has no answer to anything india is putting one table one after the another and soon it will be indian hegemony in south asia which china will ignoare as it is already facing heat on its eastern borders
we just wanna keep our country safe from dirty hands I know the situation in Pakistan is a lil More Rough if we look in the past but that because of War on terrorism and corrupt Politicians.i think till 2001 you were not in a position to say Pakistan cannot be a Asian Tiger but every one who thinks Pakistan is going Down forget it your are wrong dont beleive on what u Here come here in Pakistan And see u will be just like that:woot::woot::woot: after Seeing the Development and Peace this news channels are just fuuuccckkking around and making TRP u wana know what the real thing going in waziristan and tribal areas no one even from pakistan has permission to go their expect army god know whats cooking there:eek:
sorry for this last post i wont be ooff topic again
Your are right in this part
But wrong in This Part

we just wanna keep our country safe from dirty hands I know the situation in Pakistan is a lil More Rough if we look in the past but that because of War on terrorism and corrupt Politicians.i think till 2001 you were not in a position to say Pakistan cannot be a Asian Tiger but every one who thinks Pakistan is going Down forget it your are wrong dont beleive on what u Here come here in Pakistan And see u will be just like that:woot::woot::woot: after Seeing the Development and Peace this news channels are just fuuuccckkking around and making TRP u wana what the real thing going in waziristan and tribal areas no one even from pakistan has permission to go their expect army god know whats cooking there:eek:
well bhai thing is "economy" and in this age wars are fought by money power and latest etch (for which you need money agin)

and not to forget your beurocracy, political elite and police & justice system is corrupt to bone while 85% of your population is held hostage by crazy mullahs and greedy blood sucking feudals so there is no chance of pakistani economy getting into shape in near future

as for pakistan's security well it has niether the latest cutting edge tech support nor the money power to buy it from best sources (what india does get any way from israel , france , russia & USA) your onli hope is ....

"if china comes and fights your war with india"

now the power dynamicks are changing very fast but your not adapting to the rather your still carrying that cold war era baggae and cant let it off your backs as your national identity and mindset is "to punish india in any possible way" and for that your own creations (so called trategick assets tabilqui jamats which are becoming your biggest stumbling blocks) and if that wasnt enof USA is in no mood to give your armed forces any free lunches

so please care to tell me brother how will pakistan chalenge india
why say inshallah Don't u believe in your Baghwan did we Muslims said your baghwan will give us victory your your info we more nuke than u we can pretty much cover all of your all of your cities again i will say hum toh Shaheed hn gaye sanam tum ko bi lay doodbay gaye

Our Bhagawan is different from the God of other sects.Our Bhagwan says that you will be victorious if and only if you choose the path of truth and not otherwise. Our god put a condition to victory and do not bless us unconditionally.

When we bomb your camps in Kargil war , you had the Nuclear weapons and you had planes as well. Both of your assets failed to protect your supply camp and your soldiers and officers incharge.
As it is repeated over and over that India doesn't need aircraft carrier for PN. Its just an overkill. We need ACCs for our power projections in other parts of Indian ocean which is far from Indian mainland.
well bhai thing is "economy" and in this age wars are fought by money power and latest etch (for which you need money agin)

and not to forget your beurocracy, political elite and police & justice system is corrupt to bone while 85% of your population is held hostage by crazy mullahs and greedy blood sucking feudals so there is no chance of pakistani economy getting into shape in near future

as for pakistan's security well it has niether the latest cutting edge tech support nor the money power to buy it from best sources (what india does get any way from israel , france , russia & USA) your onli hope is ....

"if china comes and fights your war with india"

now the power dynamicks are changing very fast but your not adapting to the rather your still carrying that cold war era baggae and cant let it off your backs as your national identity and mindset is "to punish india in any possible way" and for that your own creations (so called trategick assets tabilqui jamats which are becoming your biggest stumbling blocks) and if that wasnt enof USA is in no mood to give your armed forces any free lunches

so please care to tell me brother how will pakistan chalenge india
you thinks we are still carrying that cold war era baggae and cant let it off your backs as your national identity and mindset is "to punish india in any possible way but we aren't
but the point is thats what u thinks army does not thinks like this
the thing is with Muslims and Pakistani whenever an enemy comes they forgot all thing get into defending their own country well i am not in a position to justify my self right now lets wait till usa withdrew from AFG and Let Every one become free u know what i am talking about ;)

Our Bhagawan is different from the God of other sects.Our Bhagwan says that you will be victorious if and only if you choose the path of truth and not otherwise. Our god put a condition to victory and do not bless us unconditionally.

When we bomb your camps in Kargil war , you had the Nuclear weapons and you had planes as well. Both of your assets failed to protect your supply camp and your soldiers and officers incharge.
well bro thats a different Story.we all loses something sometimes but that doesn't mean we can't win does it
as for Bhagawan and gods lets not involve them into this i already said that
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you thinks we are still carrying that cold war era baggae and cant let it off your backs as your national identity and mindset is "to punish india in any possible way but we aren't
but the point is thats what u thinks army does not thinks like this
the thing is with Muslims and Pakistani whenever an enemy comes they forgot all thing get into defending their own country well i am not in a position to justify my self right now lets wait till usa withdrew from AFG and Let Every one become free u know what i am talking about ;)
well bhai aap bhi muhib ul watan ho aur mai bhee

two things

1. India will never launch an coventional attack to occupy pakistan ... period

2. USA will never leave afghanistan as it is very importand deu to treade with central asia

now indias arms build up are for defensive purpose and not offensive and china+ shouth asia have the 50% of world population hence a very big market copulled by its location on gates of next big ecomony puch/trade route to oil rich central asia india , china , usa wants it real bad for there economick growth respectivelli

but pakistan is prooving to be too stubborn and stupid for not tapping the true potential and is keeping on with its obsession to ennex kashmir and teach india a lesson at all costs while it can make billions of dollars if it behaves in a more mature manner and let the trade & properity flow in this sector

so india will not go on offensive and pakistan will not any one use its land for trade guess what will be future course of action of the other two bigger powers in the game so as pakistan agrees to open up ....good luck
well bhai aap bhi muhib ul watan ho aur mai bhee

two things

1. India will never launch an coventional attack to occupy pakistan ... period

2. USA will never leave afghanistan as it is very importand deu to treade with central asia

now indias arms build up are for defensive purpose and not offensive and china+ shouth asia have the 50% of world population hence a very big market copulled by its location on gates of next big ecomony puch/trade route to oil rich central asia india , china , usa wants it real bad for there economick growth respectivelli

but pakistan is prooving to be too stubborn and stupid for not tapping the true potential and is keeping on with its obsession to ennex kashmir and teach india a lesson at all costs while it can make billions of dollars if it behaves in a more mature manner and let the trade & properity flow in this sector

so india will not go on offensive and pakistan will not any one use its land for trade guess what will be future course of action of the other two bigger powers in the game so as pakistan agrees to open up ....good luck
okay Janab I didnt know:D:pakistan:

That is fine but you did that. I just responded.
Okay no hard feeling mate
i like the second solution but u know kashmir is indias "DIAMOND CROWN" it is my personal view that people should decide to which country they want to join......as people have full right but the games pakistan played in 1965 as well as 1971 proved the tables turned down....this would be resolved only by military power "I HAVE NO REGRETS BRO, SORRY BUT THIS IS THE THIRD WAY":disagree::disagree:

Blaming is the easiest thing a person can do and ppl on both countries do that frequently, in response to your emotional post I could have done the same, but its useless, and 1971 war was not fought on Kashmir issue.
Blaming is the easiest thing a person can do and ppl on both countries do that frequently, in response to your emotional post I could have done the same, but its useless, and 1971 war was not fought on Kashmir issue.
so what is your opinion what is pakistan doing to get its water resources intackt and manging them well to creat a new green revolution and how is it going to solidify its econmy to face the future anslught mind you india is pakistans last worry thing is by looking at your past and judging your present theatricks i guess the time of implossions of pakistan is about to start get your house in order other wise who knows will there be a country to defend for so called army of fort of islam ....good luck bro
so what is your opinion what is pakistan doing to get its water resources intackt and manging them well to creat a new green revolution and how is it going to solidify its econmy to face the future anslught mind you india is pakistans last worry thing is by looking at your past and judging your present theatricks i guess the time of implossions of pakistan is about to start get your house in order other wise who knows will there be a country to defend for so called army of fort of islam ....good luck bro

Again in your post emotions can be seen, but what I worry about is that India and Pakistan can go on war for water, and that might be our last war. India for now is not number one direct threat to Pakistan but it is now biggest indirect threat as Indian money is getting ever where to get its interest achieved. Indian is pouring money so systematically in Pakistan that its not possible in these condition to stop it, they are using our media and even Indian money is involved in club cricked level here, this show the Indian intentions to weaken Pakistan from inside and from outside they are creating problems like blocking our water, Indian media with now some Pakistani Media has nearly brain washed our youth, they don't know our heroes but remember Indian actresses and actors.
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