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Uyghur Concentration Camps?

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Because there is no east turkistan to begin with.
East Turkistan movement exist does it not ?
We can argue on other things but the movement does exist they even killed Pakistanis and housed dangerous Uzbek militants
You turks need to eat more pork to understand yourselves.

No thank you, but we don't eat something that eats his own shit.

Will you swallow my Chinese cock just as well as your defeated ancestors did?

You can't swallow something that doesn't exist. :p:

We care more about the brains than reproductive organs since we don’t use women as reproduction tools like you guys.

Turkey: 82 Million
China: 1,3 Billion
No thank you, but we don't eat something that eats his own shit.

You can't swallow something that doesn't exist. :p:

Turkey: 82 Million
China: 1,3 Billion
Bro , all their rage us due-to penis size.
Pakistan and China never threaten each other. Unlike keyboard warriors on the forum, Chinese Government don't behave like children.

China is a fox, who can fool you with its smile. If you notice Xi Jing Ping, he's always smiling with his counter parts. Only when he meets Putin his smile starts to falter.

It's the Chinese Gov.t who annexed Tibet forcefully. It's the Chinese Gov.t which annexed XinJiang. Inner Mongolia, Hong Kong, Macau, Aksai Chin (Kashmir). Go check it online, they have already encroached every country's territory.

Now China's shadow is slowly moving outwards tightening it's ring on Taiwan, South China sea & all the islands. It's baiting many countries in Africa & weaker countries around the world with its dark claws ready to choke them slowly but steadily.

If foolish countries don't realize the Chinese intentions & keep falling in its trap depeer & deeper, you are going to slowly but steadily see the increasing noose of China over your country. Once they have a firm grip, they will do the same like what's happening inside China.
Shot the fuckep up then. All idiots came here to insult Turks. Are there any moderators or we are supposed to **** off them.
Oh wow that is rich. You guys started it this pointless thread and now you are blaming us for correcting your misconceptions? I suppose some people want to stay ignorant forever.

ITT: Pakistani cucks defending their masters :rofl:
Turks sucking up to Zionist propaganda as if it’s the Quran.

Once they have a firm grip, they will do the same like what's happening inside China.
You mean actually improving people’s livelihoods? Maybe you don’t really know what’s going on in China because India has always been stagnant.
The camps have far better accomodations than average Turk lifestyle.
Lol, one might think China is rich or something...


Gdp ppp.png

GDP Nominal

gdp n.jpg
Unfortunately it is the only way forward . Chinese are not going to gift their land and they are also not weak . The Uyghurs can relocate to Pakistan, Turkey , Uzbekistan ,Kyrgyzstan and other central Asian states . Chinese strategy is simple .Forget your culture and religion or else you will have to face consequences . Chinese want to have a unicultural society . You can change someone's culture and ideas but you can't change ones genes . Uyghurs will still look different than other Chinese even after generations of forced brainswashing ( unless forced intermarriages take place )
Replace China with India and Uyghurs with Pakistanis to understand what a retarded post this is.

LOL Turkey's economy is a huge bubble and the bubble just collapsed. Try using newer data. Turkey's GDP per capita is actually lower than China's now (which is already not high in the first place).
Very rich coming from you since your goverment is building ghost cities to inflate GDP growth, yes Turkish economy is a bubble but so is China's, a much bigger one in fact.
Replace China with India and Uyghurs with Pakistanis to understand what a retarded post this is.
You can't replace China with India. India is weak. China will soon be the most powerful nation on Earth. Uighurs should be proud to be Chinese. Those Turks whose ancestors were defeated by our ancestors several centuries BC can go cry about it.

Very rich coming from you since your goverment is building ghost cities to inflate GDP growth, yes Turkish economy is a bubble but so is China's, a much bigger one in fact.
LOL China is a full spectrum industrial and technological power. The only nation even comparable to us would be the USA.

We are, however, quite weak when it comes to service economy. Not sure how Turkey does there. Probably better.
LOL Turkey's economy is a huge bubble and the bubble just collapsed. Try using newer data. Turkey's GDP per capita is actually lower than China's now (which is already not high in the first place).

These Turks have something in common with Indians, they believe their own country is an economic super power
You can't replace China with India. India is weak. China will soon be the most powerful nation on Earth. Uighurs should be proud to be Chinese. Those Turks whose ancestors were defeated by our ancestors several centuries BC can go cry about it.
You cant even compherend a simple one liner, pls just let it be.

LOL China is a full spectrum industrial and technological power. The only nation even comparable to us would be the USA.
So was Japan until the crisis hit, Germans have a saying, those who fly high fall deeper.
You probably wont understand this one either so i will just explain what it means, dont be so arrogant.

These Turks have something in common with Indians, they believe their own country is an economic super power
Read whom i am replying to and see who fits your description better.
I seriously think some Chinese members have serious comprehension problems in this forum
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