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Uyghur Concentration Camps?

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Re-education. Frankly I think it's a good idea. My only wish is if Chinese could be convinced in locking up the Pakistani brethren of these Uighurs- religious nutjobs mostly. The kind who explode themselves.
But re-education here also means forget your native tongue and culture and adopt Han tongue and culture? It is not just about getting rid of the extremist or violence tendencies but also a cultural education.

I could be wrong, perhaps the Chinese members here know more on this matter.
Re-education. Frankly I think it's a good idea. My only wish is if Chinese could be convinced in locking up the Pakistani brethren of these Uighurs- religious nutjobs mostly. The kind who explode themselves.
If it just included religious extremists then you might have a point. But the evidence coming out is showing it to be a wide reaching program affecting all aspects of Uyghur and Kazakh life.
Are you serious? If yes shame on you!
Is this how you fight Terror?

Look at her face, is this how a women looks like in the happiest day of her life?
Horrible if it's true . That woman certainly doesn't look Chinese or han from her face expressions . If situation is that worst , Uyghurs should relocate to nearest muslim country like Pakistan . Turkey can also host Uyghurs refugees given its economical situation.
If it just included religious extremists then you might have a point. But the evidence coming out is showing it to be a wide reaching program affecting all aspects of Uyghur and Kazakh life.
These Islamists hide under all sort banners. I know that from UK. Here the mullahs who give fatwas for secularism will be giving fatwas against secularism in Pakistan. It's like one Islam here and another there. So i am not convinced of these reports which suggest that these Uighurs are not radicals. I think most that are arrested are and then sing songs to western media because they know the Islam card will not help them so they stress the 'culture' part of oppression.
Horrible if it's true . That woman certainly doesn't look Chinese or han from her face expressions . If situation is that worst , Uyghurs should relocate to nearest muslim country like Pakistan . Turkey can also host Uyghurs refugees given its economical situation.

Why should people leave their lands which has been under occupation since the 18th Century. Uyghurstan should have its freedom, just like Kashmir.

Honestly I'm not surprised. Chinese never give a shit about basic human rights etc. Not even for their own core people.

This is outrageous. Its wrong and unforgivable. The Chinese Govt. must apologize and leave Uighur lands alone.

Horrible if it's true . That woman certainly doesn't look Chinese or han from her face expressions . If situation is that worst , Uyghurs should relocate to nearest muslim country like Pakistan . Turkey can also host Uyghurs refugees given its economical situation.
That is not acceptable in practice. We need to support them morally. Raise our voices and increase awareness. One day China and her arrogant Govt. will pay. Tyranny has always succumbed to Justice. Just like the Sassanids, China will also fall.
Horrible if it's true . That woman certainly doesn't look Chinese or han from her face expressions . If situation is that worst , Uyghurs should relocate to nearest muslim country like Pakistan . Turkey can also host Uyghurs refugees given its economical situation.
There as as many as 15 millions Uyghurs, 2 million Kazakhs, a million Hui and 200,000 Kyrgyz.
No millions of people should not have to leave their homes, the Chinese need to manage the region better.
I'm sure these camps will please the fascists among the Chinese, but bare in mind these "re-education" camps will just get rolled out throughout China and will ultimately target all Chinese irrespective of ethnicity.
These Islamists hide under all sort banners. I know that from UK. Here the mullahs who give fatwas for secularism will be giving fatwas against secularism in Pakistan. It's like one Islam here and another there. So i am not convinced of these reports which suggest that these Uighurs are not radicals. I think most that are arrested are and then sing songs to western media because they know the Islam card will not help them so they stress the 'culture' part of oppression.
I would believe that if it wasn't the case that hundreds of thousands are being rounded up into these camps. When you look at the broader actions of removing Uyghur language education, replacing traditional Uyghur architecture with generic chinese designs then it's all part of a sinification plan and Islamism is an excuse.
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