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Use of bio-weapons in Pakistan


Jun 17, 2010
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Due to recent outbreak of Dengue fever in major cities , one cannot rule out the possibility of bio weapon or viruses engineered and released to kill people.(i know people will disagree but one has to include all possibilities when such sudden virus breaks out)

ARE there any agency/ organization monitoring or tracking such possibilities as we can claim nuclear deterrence but what about the bio-chem weapon use deterence of defence:what:
Sir we switch off our radars during night time...on the western border....how are we suppose to fight bio-weapons? let alone detect them...
come out these theories......use proper spray..dont let standing water in neighborhood...or inside house
Due to recent outbreak of Dengue fever in major cities , one cannot rule out the possibility of bio weapon or viruses engineered and released to kill people.(i know people will disagree but one has to include all possibilities when such sudden virus breaks out)

ARE there any agency/ organization monitoring or tracking such possibilities as we can claim nuclear deterrence but what about the bio-chem weapon use deterence of defence:what:

What you stated is very true..

Don't worry.. all solutions will be available once Zardari govt. is off scene.
If Pakistanis themselves come up with such jokes, what would others be left with to make fun of you guys. Please be considerate to us!
Well most of the Western Nations do have biological weapons , they stated that US and Russia also have samples from Bubonic Plague that caused deaths in 1900 both nations refuse to destroy its sample

While its logical that it can kill all humanity but due to selfishness both nations prefer to maintain bio weapons.

Pakistan should stay out of such unethical weapons program
Grow up kid...and stop blaming US,India and Israel for every problem of ours...

Floods,epidemics are all natural disasters,and can only be countered by effective joint effort by the people of the region.Instead of fighting dengue witn medicine,you intend to "deter" it with a weapon?

Pakistan is officially against the preparation,stockpiling and use of Chemical and Biological weapons.
i never blamed or mentioned any country ..BUT i was on the point that , Is there any agency which monitors or looks for such threats if they arise.abstinence is great but you cannot close your eyes and expect the others to not do anything stupid like there was anthrax letter episodes in US 'once'.
Hey guys watch out the conspiracy theory with jessie ventura about bio weapons labi in u,s,a u'll get the answer.....
OP is asking if we have any measures to protect ourselves from bio weapons. So, do we?
OP is asking if we have any measures to protect ourselves from bio weapons. So, do we?

Select PA units have chem masks.. some tank battalions were supposed to be issued NBC suits..
However it is unknown what came of that.

As for the civilian population.. Allah Malik.

The Indians used some chem rounds on our boys during Kargil.
What could be the weapon- Some Lakhs of Machhchhar (mosquito )... Why would any country risk a Biological war over Dengue..?
Bhai, Its all because of negligence of the duties by some govt. agencies..
Select PA units have chem masks.. some tank battalions were supposed to be issued NBC suits..
However it is unknown what came of that.

As for the civilian population.. Allah Malik.

The Indians used some chem rounds on our boys during Kargil.

Kargil is our border ,why ur boys came there? just for fun? . Bear in mind v having enough rights to use any kind of weapons for killing terrorists ,no ethics applicable .

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