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Usa to put sanctions on Iran Foreign Minister , Mr. Javad Zarif

Trump doing a great job shaming pro-west dogs in Iran.
You don't have to be a pro western person to know a normalization of ties is the only way ordinary Iranians can benefit in the future from any economic relief. Please tell me how we can get out of these sanctions where regular middle class can make money and grow? How?? I want someone to be specific. If the sanctions stay Iran will stay in stagnation. As I have said before, the last 40 years have been very good for our enemies around us. Even, US, China, India have grown their economies by a good factor. Look at UAE 40 yrs ago and look at them now.....look at Indonisia 40 yrs ago, Singapore 40 yrs ago......etc. Mean while ordinary Iranians cannot get meat or poultry because of inflation in our country....... Again how are we going to get the sanctions lifted?

PS: if being pro western is a fail, then certainly being anti west has been a bigger fail
You don't have to be a pro western person to know a normalization of ties is the only way ordinary Iranians can benefit in the future from any economic relief. Please tell me how we can get out of these sanctions where regular middle class can make money and grow? How?? I want someone to be specific. If the sanctions stay Iran will stay in stagnation. As I have said before, the last 40 years have been very good for our enemies around us. Even, US, China, India have grown their economies by a good factor. Look at UAE 40 yrs ago and look at them now.....look at Indonisia 40 yrs ago, Singapore 40 yrs ago......etc. Mean while ordinary Iranians cannot get meat or poultry because of inflation in our country....... Again how are we going to get the sanctions lifted?

PS: if being pro western is a fail, then certainly being anti west has been a bigger fail
We should not be pro, not be anti. We should just follow out interests. Now we're anti west because west and their zionist masters want to destroy us. If they act normal, we could have ties with them.

Sanctions will disappear with time because US power is decreasing.
You don't have to be a pro western person to know a normalization of ties is the only way ordinary Iranians can benefit in the future from any economic relief. Please tell me how we can get out of these sanctions where regular middle class can make money and grow? How?? I want someone to be specific. If the sanctions stay Iran will stay in stagnation. As I have said before, the last 40 years have been very good for our enemies around us. Even, US, China, India have grown their economies by a good factor. Look at UAE 40 yrs ago and look at them now.....look at Indonisia 40 yrs ago, Singapore 40 yrs ago......etc. Mean while ordinary Iranians cannot get meat or poultry because of inflation in our country....... Again how are we going to get the sanctions lifted?

PS: if being pro western is a fail, then certainly being anti west has been a bigger fail
When either US get off of its high hoarse and gets back to the deal that it broke or until its economy becomes so insignificant enough compared to those of other powerhouses that people no longer care if they are sanctioned by US. Whichever happens soonest. I'm not worried about Iran's economy gap with the rest of the world. When a country has all the ingredients of being an economic powerhouse, it will only take it a decade to get back to where it needs to be. But it needs to happen without submitting to others as a puppet or Iran will risk becoming another South Korea, Japan or even Germany who can't have their own independent foreign policy.
or even Germany who can't have their own independent foreign policy.


Merkel agreed.
No one in Iran, has a plan....no one in our leadership can see the future, how or when we can get back to having a normal country. Why? Because all they know is the first step.....Resistance. It's funny for a country that perfected Chess only knows how to play checkers. No long term strategy. To me it's clear as daylight, Europe, Russia, China etc....don't matter, they've been powerless in the face of US aggression. Of course, it's natural, they all worry about their own interests. So how can we lift sanctions? We have to deal with the Great Satan again. How? Why? We did and they broke the deal!!! Yes, I know, the first step is to build up our bargaining position....we need to ramp up Nuke activities, just like we've been doing, forget Europe, they're weak, they've had plenty of time to oppose Trump but they have not done anything...second, Zarif and co need to get off their as*ses in the foregin ministry, they need to dispatch English speaking diplomats all over to get on tv around Europe, US, Canada and Australia..... we need to be able to repeat our line that we have abided to the deal, and this is an economic war and no one is doing anything about it. Third, we need step up proxy action on oil assets, (Europe, the Arabs and others need to feel the pain, like our people) Inaction should have a cost to all of these so called UNSC members that are sitting on their hand while our country is under economic attack. Fourth, we need to keep telling Trump, if he wants to deal, first he has to ease sanctions, we will not negotiate while been under stress or attack. Fifth.....well, I have not worked out further steps,.....but dammit that's 4 more than what we've seeing out of our president and diplomats. How many times do I have to say this......Iran is not an Island.
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