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US Will Give Saudi Arabia Nuclear Technology In Deal Pushed By Top Trump Advisors

You forget France (Areva). No doubt, the best in the world (Technology, expertise and security).

No, the only true question is : Who will agree to supply the uranium enrichment plant ? Japan: No; South Korea: No; China: Yes; Russia: Yes, France: Maybe...

The right information : USA is late again in nuclear technology with KSA.

Reason : Israel. ;)

France was supposed to build the UAE power plant, what happened?
France was supposed to build the UAE power plant, what happened?

@Sharif al-Hijaz

There are two reasons. The first is the price but it is not the essential reason.

The second is that South Korea has especially offered ‘a special strategic pact’ for both technological, scientific and educational purposes for 60, 70 years (Average lifetime of nuclear power plants).

Quote(In French) :

La France perd un méga-contrat nucléaire aux Émirats

Le Figaro 28/12/2009 Mise à jour 09:10

Les Coréens ont emporté ce contrat d'au moins 20 milliards de dollars face au consortium français emmené par EDF, GDF, Areva et Total. C'est une nouvelle déconvenue pour l'EPR.

C'est un revers pour la filière nucléaire française, qui a fait de l'EPR sa vitrine internationale. Dimanche, le consortium mené par EDF et GDF Suez s'est fait souffler un méga-contrat pour la construction de quatre centrales nucléaires aux Emirats arabes unis. L'Agence émiratie de l'énergie nucléaire a préféré l'offre d'un consortium (incluant Samsung, Hyundai, Doosan Heavy Industries, Westinghouse, Toshibapour), dirigé par la compagnie sud-coréenne publique Kepco, pour un contrat de 20,4 milliards de dollars, première tranche d'une commande pouvant atteindre 40 milliards.

Rapidement, EDF, GDF Suez, Total, Areva, Vinci et Alstom ont «pris acte» de la décision émiratie, soulignant la qualité de leur offre et «l'avance de l'EPR en matière de sûreté». La porte n'est cependant pas totalement fermée : l'Agence émiratie a fait savoir qu'elle pourrait commander ultérieurement «des centrales nucléaires additionnelles» et que «les discussions se poursuivaient avec les autres soumissionnaires».

Une ultime baisse de prix

La plupart des acteurs de la filière nucléaire française se battaient pour ce contrat depuis deux ans. En janvier 2008, alors que le président Nicolas Sarkozy menait une tournée dans les pays du Golfe, Areva, GDF Suez et Total avaient annoncé leur candidature pour la construction à Abou Dhabi de deux EPR (réacteurs nucléaires de troisième génération) d'une puissance de 1.600 mégawatts chacun, dans le cadre d'une alliance inédite. Puis EDF avait été appelé en mai à la rescousse afin de renforcer les chances de succès du projet français, handicapé par les déboires du chantier de l'EPR finlandais d'Areva.

C'est sur ordre de l'Elysée, qui a fait du développement du nucléaire civil une de ses priorités, que l'électricien était venu en renfort d'un de ses principaux rivaux dans l'énergie, GDF Suez. Il s'agissait alors pour EDF, opérateur du plus grand parc nucléaire au monde, d'apporter une simple assistance technique. Mais il devait finalement prendre la tête du consortium, avec le dépôt d'une nouvelle offre à la clé et des ajustements de prix, jusqu'à 10% moins cher, qui n'ont pas suffi.

Le contrat a été signé dimanche en présence du président des Emirats arabes unis, cheikh Khalifa Al-Nahyane, et de son homologue sud-coréen, Lee Myung-bak, en visite à Abou Dhabi. «Nous nous engageons pleinement […] à procurer de l'électricité aux Emirats en utilisant de l'énergie nucléaire sûre et pacifique», a déclaré le président de KEPCO, Kim Ssang-su. Il a estimé à 60 ans la durée de vie de la première centrale nucléaire aux Emirats. Cette centrale «sera opérationnelle jusqu'en 2077», a-t-il dit.


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President of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) visits KUSTAR


Dr. Nampyo Seo, President of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), accompanied by delegates from KAIST, has visited on Thursday - November, 19th, 2009 Khalifa University and discussed with H.E. Engineer Hussain Al Hammadi, a member of KUSTAR's Board of Trustees, Dr. Arif Sultan Al Hammadi, KUSTAR's Interim President and other faculty and staff members to discuss various areas of collaboration and partnership.


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Abu Dhabi school inks deal with Korean tech institute

United Arab Emirates: Wednesday, January 06 - 2010 at 09:31

Abu Dhabi's Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology are set to launch a 10-year cooperation agreement, as part of the UAE-Korea nuclear agreement, according to Donga website. Under the agreement, KAIST will help KUSTAR establish a nuclear engineering department, in addition to providing support in more diverse sectors such as information technology, nanotechnology, robotics, and energy. 'Both sides will review their overall performance every five years,' KAIST Vice President Jang Sun-heung said.


Quote :

Khalifa University receives a Korean delegation


Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research (KUSTAR) has recently received a delegation of senior professors from the Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering (DNQe), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). The purpose of the visit was to take forward the developing partnership between KUSTAR and KAIST with respect to KAIST support for KUSTAR's emerging Nuclear Engineering program. This development is inline with the multilateral educational component of the UAE’s nuclear power agreement with The Republic of Korea.


Quote :

UAE-Korea multi-lateral education agreement details announced

14 janv. 2010

Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research (Kustar), joined by representatives from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), the Institute of Applied Technology (IAT) and the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC), has today revealed the details of the educational component of the UAE's nuclear power deal with South Korea.

This meeting was organized following the announcement in December of the cooperation deal between the UAE and South Korea to establish the UAE's peaceful nuclear energy program. Under the accord, a multi-lateral agreement for education and human resource development was inked between Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research (KUSTAR), Institute of Applied Technology (IAT), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), Human Resources Development Service of Korea (HRD) and Korea Development Institute (KDI).

The educational providers will establish initiatives in research, education and vocational training to support the development of the UAE's civilian nuclear program managed by ENEC. According to the educational agreement, Kustar and KAIST will establish a scholar exchange program between the two countries to promote knowledge transfer creating new divisions and developing new curricula at Kustar.

The agreement includes: a student exchange program, lecturers from KAIST coming to the UAE and forming a research development alliance, establishing new labs as well as practical training for students in the fields of nuclear engineering, information technology, telecommunications, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, nanotechnology, robotics and energy. The agreement will also provide exchange in nuclear safety expertise with the Korean Institute for Nuclear Safety.

"Kustar's mission is to prepare our students for engineering careers who will then contribute to the development of the UAE's future in various sectors. Our partnership with the Korean institutions will result in a surge of new programs to offer our students, as well as strengthen our capability to drive innovative academic research and foster educational excellence in the field of engineering across the region," said Dr Arif Sultan Al Hammadi, Kustar Interim President.

Dr. Arif added: "The terms of our alliance with our Korean partners is beyond the limitations of the current agreement to the extent of twinning Kustar and KAIST as to mutually benefit from the technology and research developments undertaken in both institutions." KAIST President Mr. Nam Pyo Suh commented: "This is indeed an exciting journey for us. We believe that Kustar and IAT will play a pivotal role in developing the science and technology sector of the United Arab Emirates. KAIST is committed to working closely with these partners to further develop its educational and research programs." On his part, Dr. Abdullatif Mohammed Al Shamsi, Director General of IAT said: "We at IAT ensure that opportunities are present for UAE nationals to join the nuclear education program while their still at the high school level, as the developed curriculum for next year will complement the nuclear energy program." Dr. Al Shamsi added.

"The mutual cooperation between the UAE and Korea resulted in a multilateral academic cooperation that will directly contribute to preparing a qualified UAE workforce in the field of nuclear energy operation, whereby the implemented program will be set bearing in mind that a preliminary energy program will be taught at high schools." Fahad Al Qahtani, Media Relations Manager, ENEC said: "The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation is prioritizing the development and training of Emirati talent to ensure they lead the UAE civil nuclear energy program. We are working in collaboration with the finest local and international academic institutions to maintain a national workforce that operates to the highest standards in safety and reliability." The agreement signed between UAE and South Korea in December sees the two countries set up committees aimed at fostering cooperation in diverse fields such as peaceful nuclear energy, renewable energy and sustainability, information technology and communications, semi-conductors, shipbuilding and human resource development.

Khalifa University aims to graduate the finest line of engineers by utilizing optimum international expertise and providing them with the essential tools to excel according to international best practices. Kustar provides Bachelor's Degree programs in telecommunications engineering, electronic engineering, computer engineering, software engineering, aerospace engineering and Master's Degree and PhD programs in telecommunications engineering, electronic engineering, computer engineering and a Master's Degree program in Information Security. The University will soon introduce degrees in disciplines including Logistics Management and Engineering, Health Sciences and Home Land Security.

Education Nuclear (South Korea)


Space (With South Korea)










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