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US weighs dropping Pakistan as an ally

2. I can't speak for the Americans but what we have done is to convince the Americans that it's in their interest to stay in Afghanistan and offer an unconditional commitment for decades to come in terms of money, training and equipment.

You're wrong about this. The American public will not give a "blank check".

Failure to produce success will be relayed to the relevant authorities.
If the objective of sanctions was indeed Afghanistan ?

But it is targeted at CPEC and not allowing Russians and Chinese access to cash markets.

Same old game, same story ..

What we are probably looking at is a sanctions regime for Pakistan in the next 6 months to 6 years -- difficult to tell when -- but any casual observer makes that observation and there is no serious contrarian view.

However far more importantly:

Smaller question: Will it be of any help to the Afghan problem: probably not -- it may actually result in a slightly more (or less) miserable condition for the Afghans

Bigger question: Will it change the calculation of Pakistan vis-a-vis Afghanistan over the long haul? probably not, the problem of Afghanistan/Pakistan is structural as I've stated here before.

Even bigger question: Will it save the Afghan regime from further collapse? difficult to say but in all likelihood there will be little impact -- Afghanistan will be made and unmade by the Afghan elites' choices.
Neki aur pooch pooch. A cure from cancer called Murica is a blessing, not a threat.
Boss ? I am quoting what is posted on Financial Times man :P

Also what's with the cursing!! :P

You posted what's printed in Financial Times, but you didn't posted what Afghan Army Chief is telling all od the world!
Clearly financial times and Americans are talking from their hips, and you are spreading it deliberately.
If the objective of sanctions was indeed Afghanistan ?

But it is targeted at CPEC and not allowing Russians and Chinese access to cash markets.

Same old game, same story ..

I don't think so -- the US administration wants Pakistan to be somehow viable -- if it further destabilizes it would impose unimaginable costs.

That is part of the high-noon standoff the Pakistani elite has engineered -- careful we'll commit suicide and no-one really has a plausible solution to this standoff.

Now it could be that the Pakistani elite is bluffing -- but that is irrelevant on two counts:
1. Destabilization of Pakistan may not be preventable by the Pakistani elite -- Pakistan's population by 2050 is projected to reach 350 million or so -- 350 million people running out of water, radicalized with nuke -- thats the stuff of Tom Clancy novels

2. No one can really be sure of when someone is bluffing -- what matters are the costs if they are not -- and the costs are pretty clear.
The way you portray Pakistan that its backing Taliban is such a foolish idea that is totally detached from reality.

Taliban control around 80% of Afghanistan not controlled by coalition. So what you are saying is that Pakistan has such influence and resources that it can control a force that mightiest armies could not defeat?!!

I will take as a compliment then. But the problem is that Americans say Pakistan has been taking their money to fight the war. So how can such a country be so weak and strong at the same time!

Taliban are a force that exists. It not a terrorist outfit in the context of war as Americans and their poodles would have us believe. Its a very legitimate stakeholder in peace in Afghanistan. And that peace will remain elusive as long as Americans hold the ground in Afghanistan. They will ensure there is no peace there as that will take away the reason for their uninvited stay.

Drop Pakistan as an ally at your peril. After all what can you expect from an orange clown sitting in the White House.
I don't think so -- the US administration wants Pakistan to be somehow viable -- if it further destabilizes it would impose unimaginable costs.

That is part of the high-noon standoff the Pakistani elite has engineered -- careful we'll commit suicide and no-one really has a plausible solution to this standoff.

Now it could be that the Pakistani elite is bluffing -- but that is irrelevant on two counts:
1. Destabilization of Pakistan may not be preventable by the Pakistani elite -- Pakistan's population by 2050 is projected to reach 350 million or so -- 350 million people running out of water, radicalized with nuke -- thats the stuff of Tom Clancy novels

2. No one can really be sure of when someone is bluffing -- what matters are the costs if they are not -- and the costs are pretty clear.

Dear the equation is very simple

USA is in Afghanistan, and every bullet / bread and bed is costing dollars.

Is the US investing billions in Afghanistan in the name of Moral duty to democracy ?

Or is to ensure that they make more money in the long run.

Naive are we not ?
The Trump administration is considering dropping Pakistan as an ally

Its natural to US, they use countries like Pakistan and then ditch them. Unfortunately for Pakistan its happening again, again and yet again. No surprise. But we stand-up back again, again and yet again. Alhamdulilah
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If one has the USA as a friend who needs enemy??? - said a President of a US ally who found his country totally devastated...

we are willing to go away from USA since last 50 years man . i wish we got freedom from this shitty war

ask yourself sir you will have answers
Let them just figure out what happened to Najibulla...
The day US stop considering Pakistan it's ally that would bring prosperity and peace in Pakistan,
Us may have given 5 or 7 billion but in process Pakistan have lost 150 Billion USD and continue.
Why it won't work now? Can you elaborate on that ? I am expecting the China card or CPEC! Well China just signalled pretty much publicly its displeasure with Pak policies through BRICS declaration. The fundamental question here is the OBAR vision for China, which will fail when there is instability in the region ( includes Afghanistan) perpetuated by Talis on Pak's backing. So you do the math where China stands on all this.
You are an Afghan. Well what what can I say further. You can have your assessment but be ready to get disappointed.
No sanctions can be applied to Pakistan, Russia and China would veto it.
Removal of major non NATO alley, we already don't buy much military equipment from u.s. it is just a status symbol and nothing else. If they remove the status , u.s would have very tough time getting stuff to Afghanistan. We can close air space and land routes. Everything would jam in Afghanistan . You can ask u.s to stop funding the Taliban, as western news papers says, us pays extortion to Taliban for the safety of their supplies.
For 70 years India has been against Pakistan, we pretty much already know how to handle India, they may bark a lot.
You don't understand the magnitude of Co-operation between Pakistan and China. We are sealing our border, but even if you create trouble in Pakistan, China would simply use eastern border and Karachi port. We have bought terrorism down to 95 percent. You can also do that , if you stop pointing fingers and look among yourselves and clean your own home. With 50 percent territory in control of taliban, where Taliban are freely running their rule, you expect to find them in Pakistan.
Don't worry about China Pakistan, the organization that India is successful in naming are India related. Those organization are not against China. Even afghan taliban are not against China. They have connections with Russia and China.
They vow to protect pakistan. They vow to protect Chinese ,when they come to dig copper. They vow to protect Chinese who carry out projects. They are getting help from Russians. They collect extortion from u.s ...even India is worried that if they don't establish relations with them, they would be left behind in minority.
The thing is even u.s scantion and kill Taliban , declared them terrorist but in the end they say talks is the only solution.
China though named Taliban, but their official policy is dialog between Taliban and afghans and so is Russia.
The Taliban are more capable of killing daesh instead of A. N. A.
Do you really think u.s is so naive and only wanted peace in Afghanistan.
I agree they can be tough, but we have our options. We are not u.s occupied afghanistan.
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