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US weighs dropping Pakistan as an ally


Jan 5, 2012
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There you go as I predicted in the weeks prior, the drumbeats have started. Pakistan can either ditch Talis and this policy of using proxies or being in the leagues of rogue states such as NKorea.

@Jungibaaz @Kaptaan @pakistani342



The Trump administration is considering dropping Pakistan as an ally

Officials familiar with the Pakistan prong of Washington’s new “AfPak” strategy — which involves an open-ended commitment in Afghanistan
Pakistan can either ditch Talis and this policy of using proxies or being in the leagues of rogue states such as NKorea.
no you got it all wrong, US can either keep Pakistan as an ally or lose in Afghanistan (let me be very clear in this they don't have any other choice). what you're seeing right now is just a pressure tactic it worked in the past because of their leverage on Pakistan now it's not the case anymore, in a next few months you'll be seeing them going back to their old statements just like in Obama's time.

and as for you you're going to be very disheartened by that so a friendly advise be prepared.
There you go as I predicted in the weeks prior, the drumbeats have started. Pakistan can either ditch Talis and this policy of using proxies or being in the leagues of rogue states such as NKorea.

@Jungibaaz @Kaptaan @pakistani342



The Trump administration is considering dropping Pakistan as an ally

Officials familiar with the Pakistan prong of Washington’s new “AfPak” strategy — which involves an open-ended commitment in Afghanistan

What we are probably looking at is a sanctions regime for Pakistan in the next 6 months to 6 years -- difficult to tell when -- but any casual observer makes that observation and there is no serious contrarian view.

However far more importantly:

Smaller question: Will it be of any help to the Afghan problem: probably not -- it may actually result in a slightly more (or less) miserable condition for the Afghans

Bigger question: Will it change the calculation of Pakistan vis-a-vis Afghanistan over the long haul? probably not, the problem of Afghanistan/Pakistan is structural as I've stated here before.

Even bigger question: Will it save the Afghan regime from further collapse? difficult to say but in all likelihood there will be little impact -- Afghanistan will be made and unmade by the Afghan elites' choices.
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Pakistani public's response.

no you got it all wrong, US can either keep Pakistan as an ally or lose in Afghanistan (let me be very clear in this they don't have any other choice). what you're seeing right now is just a pressure tactic it worked in the past because of their leverage on Pakistan now it's not the case anymore, in a next few months you'll be seeing them going back to their old statements just like in Obama's time.

and as for you you're going to be very disheartened by that so a friendly advise be prepared.

Why it won't work now? Can you elaborate on that ? I am expecting the China card or CPEC! Well China just signalled pretty much publicly its displeasure with Pak policies through BRICS declaration. The fundamental question here is the OBAR vision for China, which will fail when there is instability in the region ( includes Afghanistan) perpetuated by Talis on Pak's backing. So you do the math where China stands on all this.
Why it won't work now? Can you elaborate on that ? I am expecting the China card or CPEC! Well China just signalled pretty much publicly its displeasure with Pak policies through BRICS declaration. The fundamental question here is the OBAR vision for China, which will fail when there is instability in the region ( includes Afghanistan) perpetuated by Talis on Pak's backing. So you do the math where China stands on all this.
Forget about China card.
Pakistani public are fed up of Afghani and USA blame game. Its Afghanistan problem, all Taliban are Afghani Pushtoons, deal with them.
What we are probably looking at is a sanctions regime for Pakistan in the next 6 months to 6 years -- difficult to tell when -- but any casual observer makes that observation and there is no serious contrarian view.

However for more importantly:

Smaller question: Will it be of any help to the Afghan problem: probably not -- it may actually result in a slightly more (or less) miserable condition for the Afghans

Bigger question: Will it change the calculation of Pakistan vis-a-vis Afghanistan over the long haul? probably not, the problem of Afghanistan/Pakistan is structural as I've stated here before.

Even bigger question: Will it save the Afghan regime from further collapse? difficult to say but in all likelihood there will be little impact -- Afghanistan will be made and unmade by the Afghan elites' choices.

Will Afghanistan turn into Switzerland overnight when the Talis stop fighting? No! of course there are major issues affecting the country regardless of the Talis but the number 1 issue at hand that is fundamental to all is undeclared war through Talis. You stop Talis by pressuring Pak.
Pakistan's mood swings vis-a-vis Afghanistan won't be relevant when we get the breathing space to create strong Afghan state that can stand to Pakistan. That is the time when Pakistan will deal with the Afghan state and not via proxies, in other words Pakistan is not dealing with the Afghan state because it deems her weak and this unconditional commitment by the US provides us that opportunity to create one.
This is concerning but we dont give a damn.

The U.S is a headache, they are only interested in saving their own face and we simply stated we wont sacrafice our own strategic interests for any nation

The U.S has NO strategy in Afghanistan except for a failing one and we need to focus on securing the border, removing all Afghans from our land and then leaving Afghanistan to sink or swim or die all on its own

We cant be concerned or waste our time with a nation as near worthless as Afghanistan
Why it won't work now? Can you elaborate on that ? I am expecting the China card or CPEC! Well China just signalled pretty much publicly its displeasure with Pak policies through BRICS declaration. The fundamental question here is the OBAR vision for China, which will fail when there is instability in the region ( includes Afghanistan) perpetuated by Talis on Pak's backing. So you do the math where China stands on all this.
it has nothing to do with China well a little bit but not much, this is pretty much between US and Pakistan and if you understand the influence of Pakistan in this region which i'm pretty sure you don't you will know that America's hands are tied here if they ever put any sanctions or if India gets a bigger role in Afghanistan, the Americans will be at a bigger loss we will not give any access to Afghanistan through Pakistan and that is what they don't want.

just think about it where will their forces fly from and bring their supplies from, Iran! not happening Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan not happening last time Russia allowed them not anymore after US blamed them of supporting Taliban and also because of their role in Syria, so what is it gonna be ask yourself do they have any other choice.

edit: and not to mention what kind of problems we create for US is Afghanistan right now it is pretty much calm situation there.
Its not our war

the Afghans are looking for an excuse to blame their own miserable state on
The Americans are looking for something to blame their failure upon

We cant be concerned with this shit anymore
we are willing to go away from USA since last 50 years man . i wish we got freedom from this shitty war

ask yourself sir you will have answers

Since 50 years? :) Books such as Crossed Swords by Shuja Nawaz and the Magnificent Delusions paint a different picture, one where Pakistan aggressively courted the US.

it has nothing to do with China well a little bit but not much, this is pretty much between US and Pakistan and if you understand the influence of Pakistan in this region which i'm pretty sure you don't you will know that America's hands are tied here if they ever put any sanctions or if India gets a bigger role in Afghanistan, the Americans will be at a bigger loss we will not give any access to Afghanistan through Pakistan and that is what they don't want.

just think about it where will their forces fly from and bring their supplies from, Iran! not happening Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan not happening last time Russia allowed them not anymore after US blamed them of supporting Taliban and also because of their role in Syria, so what is it gonna be ask yourself do they have any other choice.

So you're saying that the Trump card is the supply lines?
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