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US to punish Pakistan for Iran gas pipeline deal: Report

Just note the naked imperialism and impeding of pakistans development. They have no right to stop economic co operation between nations...

So next time americans come with angelic facades remember this!
You are right, I meant kicking out Americans. Not allowing drone strikes and not allowing yourselves to be bullied. If most countries acted like Iran and Venezuela, American imperialism wouldn't last even one day.

If OPEC countries stop trading their oil for US dollars, the American empire would have collapsed long ago. The only reason the American government can fund its gargantuan military budget and other spending is because the dollar has global demand in trade and investment and especially in oil trading.
If OPEC countries stop trading their oil for US dollars, the American empire would have collapsed long ago. The only reason the American government can fund its gargantuan military budget and other spending is because the dollar has global demand in trade and investment and especially in oil trading.

It is easier said than done. In order to stop trading in US dollar, there must be a viable alternative trade medium. The minimum requirement of said medium is the ability for said country to resist an US invasion, which pretty much cross out 90% of the currencies in the world. This leaves European Euro, Chinese RMB, Russian Ruble and possibly India Rupee and Brazilian Real. The later two's military capacity, while decent, doesn't quite match up to the likes of US, but the nations are big enough to potential make invasion costly. Russian Ruble is out because frankly, Russia economy is terrible. This leaves European Euro and Chinese RMB. The former is severely undermined with the debt crisis and the latter is only slowly increasing its influence.
Of course, in order to wrestle OPEC away from US, there must also be someone who is powerful enough to force US away from middle east, which is currently beyond the ability of any nation in the world. (In a few decades, this might be different)
Pakistanis are the most happy bunch about it :'(

Nah , that would be the Mayor of Kabul running around here and there and asking Taliban to come to table and requesting Pakistan to co-operate with the peace talks . :azn: You simply cant operate in Afghanistan without Pakistan's permission , that is the ground reality . First USSR and then USA , both failed .
Nah , that would be the Mayor of Kabul running around here and there and asking Taliban to come to table and requesting Pakistan to co-operate with the peace talks . :azn: You simply cant operate in Afghanistan without Pakistan's permission , that is the ground reality . First USSR and then USA , both failed .

Ground realities can change any minute.

And Afghans are more than capable of messing up your country (its already messed in some places) if they want.
Ground realities can change any minute.

And Afghans are more than capable of messing up your country (its already messed in some places) if they want.

Indeed , but we are talking about the present scenario , aren't we ?

Forget it , last time they tried , they were returned by the same Pashtuns in Bajaur , they have always tried to stir up trouble and failed .
Pakistan will have it tough post 2014, one can see multiple cases being built up against them. Under US patronage PA was free to continue it's proxy wars against Afg and India and fuel it's nukes - which is about to end in a year and a half.
We appreciate China's cooperation with Pakistan in defence industry, but Pakistan has the capability to hit Israel since early eighties, don't ask my how..... But Pakistan neither has a reason nor any intentions to do so, until Israel itself makes a wrong move.

USA is worried because Pakistan is close to acquiring missiles that can reach Israel tipped with nukes. Pakistan needs to push ahead. Once you develop that capability, USA can no longer bully you. If needed, invite PLA to assist with air defense around Islamabad.
What about the mighty Indian superpower? Or is that a shupah powah?
Don't talk like a village idiot gone berserk! You Han's are totally obsessed with India! We were talking about the US of A and you bring India into it? When will you Hans grow up? :angry:
You are right, I meant kicking out Americans. Not allowing drone strikes and not allowing yourselves to be bullied. If most countries acted like Iran and Venezuela, American imperialism wouldn't last even one day.

Iran and Venezuela is not American priority at present.
It is easier said than done. In order to stop trading in US dollar, there must be a viable alternative trade medium. The minimum requirement of said medium is the ability for said country to resist an US invasion, which pretty much cross out 90% of the currencies in the world. This leaves European Euro, Chinese RMB, Russian Ruble and possibly India Rupee and Brazilian Real. The later two's military capacity, while decent, doesn't quite match up to the likes of US, but the nations are big enough to potential make invasion costly. Russian Ruble is out because frankly, Russia economy is terrible. This leaves European Euro and Chinese RMB. The former is severely undermined with the debt crisis and the latter is only slowly increasing its influence.
Of course, in order to wrestle OPEC away from US, there must also be someone who is powerful enough to force US away from middle east, which is currently beyond the ability of any nation in the world. (In a few decades, this might be different)

you sir need a gold star for this analysis.
You should put it up on reddit, bet you would some reddit gold. :tup:
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