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US think tank: India not aiding Baloch militants

If not me then prove it to world.

The same world that neglected Pakistan and Afghanistan for decades? Which world are you talking about anyway? The US, India and the coalition of the willing? Your world isn't my world. :wave:
Sure!! Baramdagh Bugti just goes to Indian Embassy to have a cup of tea, or does he want to go on a shopping spree in Mumbai:bounce::lol::agree::D:enjoy: they are a bunch of lying hypocritters.
It's just a think tank...besides do we care what Americans think?The Americans called Indians bastards (Not just a think tank but US Sectary of State!) in 71 so i take it zaheer you consider all indian bastards?

Hmmmm... Don't u care about US? Then why r u killing your own ppl with whom u made Swat deal just one month before attcking them.There can be only two reasons for this offensive:
a.. Masters order(U.S.)
b.. Billion Dollar aid from U.S.
Now please pick one from above...

One more thing why u take aid from US? If U think, Pakistan is so great then Pak should not take the Bheekh from US.
The same world that neglected Pakistan and Afghanistan for decades? Which world are you talking about anyway? The US, India and the coalition of the willing? Your world isn't my world. :wave:

I guess only Pak and china is in ur world.Please add US also in ur world bcoz they are ur masters who are giving lots of aid for ur existence on World map.
It's just a think tank...besides do we care what Americans think?The Americans called Indians bastards (Not just a think tank but US Sectary of State!) in 71 so i take it zaheer you consider all indian bastards?

Saad you are confusing belief in the ethics of ones country.. to the rambling of a dog..!!! See.. we believe in our country and some prominent think thanks across the world are agreeing to our official stance !!! We are happy about it as its reiterating the fate we have in our country..!!! People have been shouting atop their voices regarding the no of consulates and yet when they come to evidences.. they have only uncircumsied penis to show..!!! ;)
I guess only Pak and china is in ur world.Please add US also in ur world bcoz they are ur masters who are giving lots of aid for ur existence on World map.

No, that's an imaginary world you just made up yourself. My world includes everyone and not just a select few countries like yours. Let's get that straight. What’s up with the haters nowadays bashing Pakistan for being an aid recipient which is an outrageous lie? Pakistan isn’t an aid recipient. Pakistan provides services to the Americans in the form of supply routes and other means of assistance in the WoT. We get that money reimbursed like the 10 billion dollars. It's our money. Get your facts straight you silly Indian.
Saad you are confusing belief in the ethics of ones country.. to the rambling of a dog..!!! See.. we believe in our country and some prominent think thanks across the world are agreeing to our official stance !!! We are happy about it as its reiterating the fate we have in our country..!!! People have been shouting atop their voices regarding the no of consulates and yet when they come to evidences.. they have only uncircumsied penis to show..!!! ;)

Believe me all the evidence in the world would not change the mind of these people.They are there for a certain reason. They are there to propogate American interests and at the moment it is in American interests to garner its friendship with theIndians. Therefore they see nothing wrong with you and your aims and incursions into Baluchistan and NWFP. Adequate information has been provided to the extent that Mike Mullen went quiet. However, out of the conference, it was the same old rhetoric.
We will see how the Americans treat you and your incursions once their interest in you vanes or you do not buy their goodies to support their industries.
Besides this highly abridged extract by the Deccan Chronicle, of the report 'Pakistan The State of The Union'.

Would one of you be kind enough to actually read the report and make some value based comments on the report.

Now I ask this as most of you have a sound understanding of your situation and hence would be able to find the errors in the report.
I say this as the abridged comments in the Deccan Chronicle really do not warrant comment and are somewhat flame bait.

Now for someone interested in making soem good critique the report can be found at:
It is a PDF file.

There is also a comment section at the end of the report titled "A Baluch Dissent" by Wahid Baloch.
here tthe first paragraphs state:
"Baluch demands are simple and clear. “End the illegal occupation of Baluchistan.”
The only solution that is acceptable to the Baluch people is the end of the Pakistani illegal occupation, the withdrawal of all Pakistani forces from occupied Baluchistan, the unification of all three parts of Baluchistan (i.e., the Iranian Occupied Baluchistan, the Pakistani Occupied Baluchistan and the Afghan portion of Baluchistan) into one United Baluchistan, with the restoration of Baluch sovereignty over Baluch lands, coasts and resources. Nothing less than that will be acceptable to the Baluch people.

I would appreciate some comment on the report teh paper has definately stuffed it up.

This is demanded by BLA Army.Pakistan Iran and Afghanistan nobody is willing to give their territory.I can assure you more then 60% Baluchis are for Pakistan Federation.It's just that we have stopped bribing Sardars now after death of Bugti (And are doing something directly instead of sardari system) otherwise we can keep these BLA army bastards in check easily by bribing their sardars and other leaders.
Bhutan - Good reations
Myanmar - Good relations
Bangladesh - good relations depending on the political party in power in bangladesh - so their internal issue
Nepal - Good relations - free movement of population
Sri Lnka - Good relations, no dispute with them (State it)
No, that's an imaginary world you just made up yourself. My world includes everyone and not just a select few countries like yours. Let's get that straight. What’s up with the haters nowadays bashing Pakistan for being an aid recipient which is an outrageous lie? Pakistan isn’t an aid recipient. Pakistan provides services to the Americans in the form of supply routes and other means of assistance in the WoT. We get that money reimbursed like the 10 billion dollars. It's our money. Get your facts straight you silly Indian.

Funny your money is gven to you when you agree to stop speading terrorism in neighborhood, you silly Indian.
Hmmmm... Don't u care about US? Then why r u killing your own ppl with whom u made Swat deal just one month before attcking them.There can be only two reasons for this offensive:
a.. Masters order(U.S.)
b.. Billion Dollar aid from U.S.
Now please pick one from above...

None of the above, its become our war now and thats what we're fighting against.

One more thing why u take aid from US? If U think, Pakistan is so great then Pak should not take the Bheekh from US.
Watch your big mouth! Let me remind you that India still has worlds single largest concentration of extreme poverty and hungry people which attracts billions in aid from private organisation. Talk about bheek indeed! :disagree:
so we are arguin on wat the think thank thinks...... have these think tanks ever said something rit??? they give the exact location of OBL and then they try to prove that Pak is expandin her nuclear programe by showin some satellite images without realisin that site ran out of uranium reserves some 10 yr back. so this time they have used wat? to support their claim
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