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US starts assembling Turkey's first ever F-35

116 units is a tremendous amount of aircraft of that type. I was always impressed by that buy considering Turkey operates the 3rd largest fleet of F-16's in the world and they have a lot of manufacturing and assembling rights to go with that. The TuAF should be a very potent air force.

Does anyone know off hand if any of the other countries buying this AC approach that amount of units? Israel is getting a much smaller amount than that, less than a 1/3 IIRC.
omg i became Sheldon Cooper.
Not to worry. Let me utter the magic word. Abracadabra. There, you have your sarcasm back and are cured.

*On a serious note this is great for Turkey. I had no doubt that Turkey would get F-35. The fact is the southern hinge on which defence of the West rests on is Turkey. Straits of Bosphorus, Caucasus and Black Sea effectively block off the Russian southern flank. Therefore defence of the West pivots on Turkey. In addition Turkey provides a platform to watch Middle East and covers Israel. All this assures Turkey will always be primary candidate for American military technology.

F-35 is proof of that.
Not to worry. Let me utter the magic word. Abracadabra. There, you have your sarcasm back and are cured.

*On a serious note this is great for Turkey. I had no doubt that Turkey would get F-35. The fact is the southern hinge on which defence of the West rests on is Turkey. Straits of Bosphorus, Caucasus and Black Sea effectively block off the Russian southern flank. Therefore defence of the West pivots on Turkey. In addition Turkey provides a platform to watch Middle East and covers Israel. All this assures Turkey will always be primary candidate for American military technology.

F-35 is proof of that.
Covers Israel as in?
Pakistan, Turkey and China should joins hand to produce build fighter jets for there needs.
LMAO. :rofl:Some of you Pakistanis are very funny.:enjoy:

116 units is a tremendous amount of aircraft of that type. I was always impressed by that buy considering Turkey operates the 3rd largest fleet of F-16's in the world and they have a lot of manufacturing and assembling rights to go with that. The TuAF should be a very potent air force.

Does anyone know off hand if any of the other countries buying this AC approach that amount of units? Israel is getting a much smaller amount than that, less than a 1/3 IIRC.
We are ordering about 140 aircrafts mostly for our Aircraft carrier variants, granted we are the only tier 1 partner and our defence companies contribute about 15%-20% workshare in each F-35 reason our order is the highest after that of the U.S.
For Turkey and Israel it makes sense though, giving that they are in a hostile unstable region. They need this advanced fighter jet to rule the skies in the middle East since they are the few advanced western aligned countries in the region.:)
116 units is a tremendous amount of aircraft of that type. I was always impressed by that buy considering Turkey operates the 3rd largest fleet of F-16's in the world and they have a lot of manufacturing and assembling rights to go with that. The TuAF should be a very potent air force.

Does anyone know off hand if any of the other countries buying this AC approach that amount of units? Israel is getting a much smaller amount than that, less than a 1/3 IIRC.

Probably a few countries will order more than us. I have a feeling over the years this 116 will increase to around 200 as the unit cost etc decrease and as there is newer blocks of f-35. I'm talking about 2030s. Our fleet will probably be f-35 and an indigenous twin fighter by then probably.
Dear members (especially Turkish ones), I'm a great fan of the F/35 but any news on the source code dispute? If this dispute hadn't been resolved is it smart to buy these planes at all?
Dear members (especially Turkish ones), I'm a great fan of the F/35 but any news on the source code dispute? If this dispute hadn't been resolved is it smart to buy these planes at all?
We have no other choice. AFAIK nobody gives source codes just like that.
Dear members (especially Turkish ones), I'm a great fan of the F/35 but any news on the source code dispute? If this dispute hadn't been resolved is it smart to buy these planes at all?

no you know what they can do with windows, with phones routers and so on.. and if you have a real complex thing its easier to hide your backdoors and shure they will have backdoors, that means I personally think in this time of complex source codes they can let any plane they build fall down like a stone.. and you can build it in hardware (cpu for excample) and software

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