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US should do more to boost India's defence capabilities

When has there ever been a Chinese invasion into India?:what:

On flip side ...India did have invasions of Hoons , mongols from north historically !!! although not as many as it had from North west because India had natural barrier of Himalaya between India and China !!!

It may seem ironic only if you mistakenly believe that pacifism is a Christian invention or a Christian virtue. It was formulated by Indians long before Christ was born, and practiced for long after. The concept of "ahimsa" (loosely translated as non violence in thought and action) was enunciated in the Vedas and Upanishads, and predates Jesus of Nazareth by millennia.

To quote Gandhi himself, "I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and ahimsa are as old as the hills."


Many Western people tend to believe that it was Jesus who first taught world the virtues like peace and love and whole world was savage before Jesus appeared ....
No blame to him ...all religions work that way ....because they need to impress greatness of their religion to followers !!!
We Sub-continent people never learn from history and others ....... we always want to experience it..... Thats why always dependent and ruled by outsiders..... Sub-continent mentality .... what to do ....

It is same as if we see people discussing BMW I drove at 200 KM/HR ..... saying see I am agreat driver .... unknowing the fact that, It is germans who are to be given credit not ur driving .... because this technology u will never be able to drive that fast ...... Rather than building and boasting of Maruti or Suzuki.... we boast BMW and feel proud of the fact that we own it.....
kṣamā;4700298 said:
U again sardar1987 !! The point u make is somewhat correct but the thing is if someone thinks that he/she knows it all and is the most knowledgeable, there there is no more fool than that person.

I have worked (served my training) for an govt organization where US engineers visit, for knowledge transfer from Indian engineers. I am currently employed in a IT job where its in my job profile to update Off-shore people about all the innovations we do in our own firm.

Point here is that yes we are at deficiency here and we will learn the most if we do a JV but even they will not go out empty handed (Intellectually speaking).

off shore people dont blabber how much they know..they keep their ears open and mouths shut..you wont even gage how much they know inside and be fooled by their curosity to learn..which they like to since they like to adopt anything which they feel is beneficial to them..people are more clever then you actually think
off shore people dont blabber how much they know..they keep their ears open and mouths shut..you wont even gage how much they know inside and be fooled by their curosity to learn..which they like to since they like to adopt anything which they feel is beneficial to them..people are more clever then you actually think
Usually what you say is true. But when we (Me and my firm, here in this case) are the tech developer and RnD, I can really gauge the amt of info th e off-shore ppl absorb in a telepresence meet. They make the same request for training even 1 mnth latter.

I am part time teacher too, so I have a good experience of spotting a "?" on my pupils faces..
man hope everyone of us had these thoughts..........excellent point dude but they have one unifying factor


Trust me, religion do not bind people of west together. More westerner kill each other in the name of religion prior to WWII. Look at 30 year war, it was base on religion(but finished on politics that make France a world power)
No, it wasn't an invasion, it was a border clash.

But Chinese troops entered Indian territory, captured it after killing and capturing Indian troops, then withdrawing after declaring victory.
But Chinese troops entered Indian territory, captured it after killing and capturing Indian troops, then withdrawing after declaring victory.

Wrong. Chinese and Indian troop clashed on disputed territory, claimed by both sides. Entering a slight distance is called intrusion, not invasion.
Wrong. Chinese and Indian troop clashed on disputed territory, claimed by both sides. Entering a slight distance is called intrusion, not invasion.

Eastern theatre

Chinese troops launched an attack on the southern banks of the Namka Chu River on 20 October.[39] The Indian forces were undermanned, with only an understrength battalion to support them, while the Chinese troops had three regiments positioned on the north side of the river.[39] The Indians expected Chinese forces to cross via one of five bridges over the river and defended those crossings.[8] However, the PLA bypassed the defenders by crossing the shallow October river instead. They formed up into battalions on the Indian-held south side of the river under cover of darkness, with each battalion assigned against a separate group of Rajputs.[39]
At 5:14 am, Chinese mortar fire began attacking the Indian positions. Simultaneously, the Chinese cut the Indian telephone lines, preventing the defenders from making contact with their headquarters. At about 6:30 am, the Chinese infantry launched a surprise attack from the rear and forced the Indians to leave their trenches.[39]
The Chinese troops overwhelmed the Indians in a series of flanking manoeuvres south of the McMahon Line and prompted their withdrawal from Namka Chu.[39] Fearful of continued losses, Indian troops escaped into Bhutan. Chinese forces respected the border and did not pursue.[8] Chinese forces now held all of the territory that was under dispute at the time of the Thag La confrontation, but they continued to advance into the rest of NEFA.[39]
On 22 October, at 12:15 am, PLA mortars fired on Walong, on the McMahon line.[45] Flares launched by Indian troops the next day revealed numerous Chinese milling around the valley.[45] The Indians tried to use their mortars against the Chinese but the PLA responded by lighting a bushfire, causing confusion amongst the Indians. Some 400 Chinese troops attacked the Indian position. The initial Chinese assault was halted by accurate Indian mortar fire. The Chinese were then reinforced and launched a second assault. The Indians managed to hold them back for four hours, but the Chinese used sheer weight of numbers to break through. Most Indian forces to withdraw to established positions in Walong, while a company supported by mortars and medium machine guns remained to cover the retreat.[45]
On the morning 23 October, the Indians discovered a Chinese force gathered in a cramped pass and opened fire with mortars and machine guns, leading to heavy fighting. About 200 Chinese soldiers were killed and wounded in this action. Nine Indian soldiers were also killed. The fighting continued well into the afternoon, until the company was ordered to withdraw. Meanwhile, the 4th Sikhs made contact with the Chinese and subjected them to withering mortar and machine gun fire as the Chinese set off a brushfire and attempted to sneak forward. Sepoy Piara Singh tried to douse the fire while fighting the enemy, but died after he was wounded and refused to be evacuated.
Elsewhere, Chinese troops were launched a three-pronged attack on Tawang, which the Indians evacuated without any resistance.[8]
Over the following days, there were clashes between Indian and Chinese patrols at Walong as the Chinese rushed in reinforcements. On 25 October, the Chinese made a probe, which was met with resistance from the 4th Sikhs. As some Chinese soldiers began to close in, Sepoy Kewal Singh charged them with his bayonet and killed a few of them in hand-to-hand combat, but he himself was killed. The following day, a patrol from the 4th Sikhs was encircled, and after being unable to break the encirclement, an Indian unit sneaked in and attacked the Chinese flank, allowing the Sikhs to break free.[45]

Western theater

On the Aksai Chin front, China already controlled most of the disputed territory. Chinese forces quickly swept the region of any remaining Indian troops.[46] Late on 19 October, Chinese troops launched a number of attacks throughout the western theatre.[9] By 22 October, all posts north of Chushul had been cleared.[9]
On 20 October, the Chinese easily took the Chip Chap Valley, Galwan Valley, and Pangong Lake.[47] Many outposts and garrisons along the Western front were unable to defend against the surrounding Chinese troops. Most Indian troops positioned in these posts offered resistance but were either killed or taken prisoner. Indian support for these outposts was not forthcoming, as evidenced by the Galwan post, which had been surrounded by enemy forces in August, but no attempt made to relieve the besieged garrison. Following the 20 October attack, nothing was heard from Galwan.[8]
On 24 October, Indian forces fought hard hold the Rezang La Ridge, in order to prevent a nearby airstrip from falling to the Chinese .[48]
After realising the magnitude of the attack, the Indian Western Command withdrew many of the isolated outposts to the south-east. Daulet Beg Oldi was also evacuated, but it was south of the Chinese claim line and was not approached by Chinese forces. Indian troops were withdrawn in order to consolidate and regroup in the event that China probed south of their claim line.[8]

Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah...I don't know about that...
I am talking about recession of Indian influence from Indo-China peninsula....i.e territory comprising of Myanmar ,Thailand ,Cambodia, Malaysia , Indonesia .

You can even today see vestiges of Indian culture scattered in these countries ....Indian influence came to end after Islamic and Chinese onslaught in these countries ....now majority population in these countries are Chinese / Mulsim but we can still see Hindu temples , gods, culture, hindu traditions ....

I simply meant to say Indian influence could not fight the Islamic and Chinese aggressive cultural invasion in these surrounding countries because of inherent pacifist virtue ( or vice ...whatever way you look at it ) !!!

There was no invasion. Chinese culture didnt influence SE Asia as much as you think, other than Vietnam, Thailand, etc. Islam took over because it appealed to them. Simple as that. Indian Muslims had a big influence bringing the religion there too. Just like their ancestors brought Hinduism and Buddhism.

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