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US sent thousands of troops to wrong province

:lol: Mr IB you seem to have special affinity for me and my posts
:lol: Mr IB you seem to have special affinity for me and my posts

;) getting a bit of attention lol

Typical American **** up. head first foot in mouth and lets march. the only problem is they are issued with lethal weapons
Much ado about nothing to sell books, that is all.

Please read this portion again. All this represents is a difference in opinion about where and how to deploy troops, nothing more.

............“Can someone tell me why the Marines were sent to Helmand?” Gen Stanley McChrystal, the then US commander in Afghanistan, reportedly asked upon his arrival in Kabul in June 2009.

Gen McChrystal regarded Helmand to be of “far lower strategic significance” than Kandahar..............

Gen McChrystal regarded Helmand to be less in strategic significance; others disagreed.

If anyone wants to enter USA to do the things mentioned in the question or did what is mentioned in the question, will he be dumb enough to say "Yes" ? :D

Of course they will answer "No". However, if a case is presented in court with evidence to the contrary, the "Yes" on this form becomes a material lie to the Federal Government on the visa application, with no expiry limit. It can be used with devastating legal effect even decades later.

too bad that GPS is unable to distinguish Halmand from Kandhar.

that GPS might have been made on the same American principle.... "they are all the same.. whats the difference if they are civilians or Taliban who cares"

what an Epic fail is that.

the sad b@stards lost a whole Afghan Province from the map of Afghanistan ........................

My dear Sir: You are going overboard here, translating a difference in opinion while formulating policy into something else, not supported by the facts. Please reconsider your position in light of better comprehension of what the book is actually presenting.
US solution to this problem

Rename Helmand to Kandahar and Kandahar to Helmand ... simple they were at the right place its you idiot you didn't get the newer version of the maps
And these yanki fagots talk about stabilizing Afghanistan. Recently there new strategic partner in asia was talking about greater role in AF stabilization.If the yankis get lost like that after 10 years of stabilization then their strategic partners would get themselves naked by taliban and roam around in the hindukush mountains enriching their cultural mythology.
I thought US is immune from committing mistakes

The way they claim they are always right... It is very sad to hear that lol

Please remember this famously wonderful insight:

"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they’ve tried everything else." - Winston Churchill
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