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US seeks Pakistan action on anti-India groups

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They told the police. Police didn't take it seriously, I guess. Mentioning what you mentioned is irrelevant and a desperate measure to diverge from the fact. It's not a conspiracy theory because those who were following the event know that the intelligence agencies knew what was going on and it was made public.

Why can't you use your media and use your influence to get the world community believe your story ? How many times have we heard about proof presented at the opportune moment ?

We all know that to bend a metal, strike it when it is hot. The incident is long gone and yet no one agrees to an iota of Indian involvement.
Just shut down all these "Jihadi groups". The myopic strategists that helped raise them should be prosecuted. All these idiots are now biting us back, We are paying for what we did.

Lashkar e Tayyba, Jaish e Muhammad, Lashkar e Jhangvi, Harkat ul Ansar, Laskar e Omar, Sipah e Sahaba, Hizb ul Mujahideen, etc...

How many self styled "Jihadi" groups will we have?

sparklingway, you are one of the few who understand the cost your country is paying because of some disillusioned fringe players. I am sure thr are many people like you who want Pakistan to do well. Some assume that causing trouble to India is a good thing but forget the cost Pakistan is paying.
Why can't you use your media and use your influence to get the world community believe your story ? How many times have we heard about proof presented at the opportune moment ?

1. The current government has no spine and is in the pockets of DC.
2. The world community believes what's in their interests so that's really irrelevent

We all know that to bend a metal, strike it when it is hot. The incident is long gone and yet no one agrees to an iota of Indian involvement.

And again, the world believes what their states tell them, and the states tell its citizens what in its interests to tell them, so again this is not a very good argument.

The world believes our story/not yours, is really a naive and irrelevant argument.
They told the police. Police didn't take it seriously, I guess. Mentioning what you mentioned is irrelevant and a desperate measure to diverge from the fact. It's not a conspiracy theory because those who were following the event know that the intelligence agencies knew what was going on and it was made public.

Religious extremism is so deeply entrenched in Pakistan that change is no longer an option, you're killing the militants (some of them at least) but not their ideology, it is far easier for Pakistanis to deflect the blame on an old rival rather than challenge the extremist ideology, for reasons that are all too obvious.

Pakistan needs the Indian bogeyman to keep itself from falling apart and that's a fact. The longer Pakistanis keep denying this most obvious of truths, the weaker your nation will become and that's perfectly fine by me.

Lastly, if RAW was even half as capable as you think it is India wouldn't be begging the US to save its behind from LeT. We're talking about an 'intelligence' outfit that failed to detect thousands of infiltrators in Kargil, did nothing during or after 26/11, couldn't nab a fat SOB like Dawood Ibrahim, etc etc. so if you're going to blame India, at least pick a more capable organization(CBI?), RAW isn't worth it.
Religious extremism is so deeply entrenched in Pakistan that change is no longer an option, you're killing the militants (some of them at least) but not their ideology, it is far easier for Pakistanis to deflect the blame on an old rival rather than challenge the extremist ideology, for reasons that are all too obvious.

Pakistan needs the Indian bogeyman to keep itself from falling apart and that's a fact. The longer Pakistanis keep denying this most obvious of truths, the weaker your nation will become and that's perfectly fine by me.

Ok, so what you're doing is making a diversion and trying to make your theory (that Pakistan is doing it to deflect attention, which is not something you really know but you believe to be true anyway) into truth. Not too much to answer to that. Even the fact that intelligence knew what RAW was upto has no bearing on you it seems and you have to post rhetoric to keep your argument alive.

Lastly, if RAW was even half as capable as you think it is India wouldn't be begging the US to save its behind from LeT. We're talking about an 'intelligence' outfit that failed to detect thousands of infiltrators in Kargil, did nothing during or after 26/11, couldn't nab a fat SOB like Dawood Ibrahim, etc etc. so if you're going to blame India, at least pick a more capable organization(CBI?), RAW isn't worth it.

RAW seems to be good at exporting and supporting terrorism. We all know how well they did in 1971. We know their work in Balochistan. Perhaps they lack at other things, but their terrorism supporting capabilities seem to be top-notch.
I never see USA or India to limit Anti-China groups in their soils.

As a Chinese idiom : Blaming other with your mouth, but no mouth to put blame on youself.
Ok, so what you're doing is making a diversion and trying to make your theory (that Pakistan is doing it to deflect attention, which is not something you really know but you believe to be true anyway) into truth. Not too much to answer to that. Even the fact that intelligence knew what RAW was upto has no bearing on you it seems and you have to post rhetoric to keep your argument alive.

Ok what facts? and how do you know?

RAW seems to be good at exporting and supporting terrorism. We all know how well they did in 1971. We know their work in Balochistan. Perhaps they lack at other things, but their terrorism supporting capabilities seem to be top-notch.

Don't be modest now, we all know what Pakistan's capable of, but for India's sake I hope you're right.
Ok what facts? and how do you know?

It was in the news. If you're following the news at that time and kept track of all sides of the story you'd know what I am talking about.
Only Pakistan needs the US now more than ever. Whether you like it or not, Pakistan depends on the states, as it always has, for money and weapons.

You know the funniest part about this whole thing is the above mentioned line, Indians telling us who needs whom the most. Seriously go learn a few facts about Pakistan other then BR facts. Pakistan does not depend upon the states for money or weapons. How exactly do you think Pakistan survived during those sanction years when according to you Pakistan depends upon the US for both money and weapons?
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It was in the news. If you're following the news at that time and kept track of all sides of the story you'd know what I am talking about.

lol, so you're getting this from the 'news'? Why don't you fill me in, lets start with your source, what news channel are we talking about here?
Sorry to say US always seek but we never fullfill.
lol, so you're getting this from the 'news'? Why don't you fill me in, lets start with your source, what news channel are we talking about here?

The ISI warning to the police was made public after the incident and several news channels had it. They had great details about what RAW planned to do. If you were active around the time, you'd know what I am talking about. I am not going to waste my time with someone who doesn't know the full story because those who were active around the time and following all sides of the story would know what I am saying and would agree with me.
I never see USA or India to limit Anti-China groups in their soils.

As a Chinese idiom : Blaming other with your mouth, but no mouth to put blame on youself.

Like that terrorist Dalai Lama no doubt. I think that it is no longer a CIA-Mossad-RAW troika - but now - it is 4 players - CIA-Mossad-RAW-Tibetan Monks who together make it a Christian-Jewish-Hindu-Buddhist plan for world domination.
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