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US says Pakistan ‘has right to defend itself from terrorism’

Supposedly he is the head of their social media handling. Which explains why he was the one who was part of the team initially briefed on the new supercar

He is not.. His independent individual who does activism and gets alot of invitation on Tv channels and talk shows for entertainment proposes
Stating the Obvious lol

Question is, Does Palestine/Kashmir has the right to defend themselves from Israel/Indian Aggression/Oppression, that is one question no white house spokesman will answer, ever.
Congratulations you got the approval! Or may be it was an order itself!
People who care about America and/or Western colonial masters at the expense of Pakistan should go to the West. We have suffered infinitely more because of Western colonials since early 1800's and continue to suffer because their arrogance is too high.

After British withdrawal, Pakistan has been giving LOT to Washington Regime but all we get in return is sanctions and support for Indians to slaughter our people

About time we tell them that there are no free lunches in the world for them.

Duffers can't even police the road outside GHQ, it's a dog eat dog, might is right, quasi anarchy out there...
I have no disagreement here as well that people who care more about US interests at the expense of Pakistani interests should be thrown out. I have no sympathy for any Pakistani who cares more about outsiders than his/her own compatriots.
Well if some idiot in the establishment takes us to afghanistan, than it will be the end of Pakistan. the only solution is to mine the border accept the trade crossing's!

The United States has thrown its weight behind the counter-terrorism decisions taken by the National Security Committee (NSC) in its recent meeting, saying “Pakistan has a right to defend itself from terrorism”.

The statement from US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price comes two days after the NSC — the highest civil-military forum for decisions on matters pertaining to national security — expressed firm resolve to crush terrorist groups operating against Pakistan.

In the NSC meeting that spanned for two days from Dec 31 to Jan 1, the forum had categorically asked Afghanistan’s rulers — without directly naming them — to deny safe haven to Pakistani terrorist groups on its soil and end their patronage, while reiterating its intent to crush terrorist groups operating inside the country with full force.

The uncharacteristically strong-worded statement issued at the end of the NSC meeting said: “Pakistan’s security is uncompromisable and the full writ of the state will be maintained on every inch of Pakistan’s territory.”

At a press briefing on Tuesday, the US State Department spokesperson said the US was aware of the NSC’s recent statement.

“The Pakistani people have suffered tremendously from terrorist attacks. Pakistan has a right to defend itself from terrorism,” Price said in response to a question.

He said that the [Afghan] Taliban must uphold the very commitment they had made that their soil would never be used as a launchpad for international terrorist attacks.

“These are among the very commitments that the Taliban have been unable or unwilling to fulfil to date,” he added.

The meeting, which was chaired by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and attended by key ministers, services chiefs, and top intelligence officials, also endorsed the government’s road map for the restoration of economic stability in the country.

The NSC meeting was called to deliberate on the surge in terrorist attacks and the deepening economic crisis.

Most of the attacks have been carried out by the proscribed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

The increase in border incidents involving Taliban forces was also discussed at the forum.

The committee agreed on a number of steps to deal with the worsening security situation, which has also drawn the attention of a number of important capitals prompting them to issue advisories for their nationals residing here.

The most important of all these actions was to send an unequivocal message to neighbouring Afghanistan to end all its support to TTP.

“No country will be allowed to provide sanctuaries and facilitation to terrorists and Pakistan reserves all rights in that respect to safeguard her people,” the NSC statement read.

The warning was sent out in the midst of an escalating war of words between the two countries over TTP and the border dispute.

Dear Pak Army, please please don't do it again. I know it will rain dollars again, but we will never be able to come out of this vicious cycle ever again. Please don't do it. Let's strengthen our civil structure and economy so that we are less dependent on wars.
I miss the good ol days when it would ten posts of “Zulu landed, V order confirmed!!!!” and that would be mildly annoying.

Now its all repetitive and frankly zombified “Bajra, Slave, Hafiz jee etc” hot air from PTI trolls.
The fault is the establishments. Interfering in politics makes you political and once you become political you are fair game for political attacks.
The Zionist States of America is the State Sponsor of Terrorism, and the current government are but traitors to the State and its citizens.

Today America is losing its dominance over the world and the unipolarity that once existed is now eroding. Tomorrow when the West is nothing more than just a part of the multipolar world, the SCUM who are the government right now in Pakistan, will squirm when Pakistanis bleed them dry, as they ought to be bled dry.
The Zionist States of America is the State Sponsor of Terrorism, and the current government are but traitors to the State and its citizens.

Today America is losing its dominance over the world and the unipolarity that once existed is now eroding. Tomorrow when the West is nothing more than just a part of the multipolar world, the SCUM who are the government right now in Pakistan, will squirm when Pakistanis bleed them dry, as they ought to be bled dry.
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