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US prepared to snatch Pakistan nukes

Your knowledge on such matters seem poorer than mine and your imagination even worse.
By invasion, they'll destroy Pakistani aerial assets and ingress it's SF's to quickly neutralize or grab Pakistan's nukes while destroying the nuclear facilities and nuclear plants through things like this

GBU-57 'Bunker Buster'

That nice in theory except no one would destroy an active nuclear facility the fall out radiation would spread
why would they be concerned about Pakistan's nuke it doesn't threaten them.

just another BS for creating more anti America environment in Pakistan.

threat is for neighboring countries as Pakistan has tactical nukes managed by Brigadier level officers if these ppl gets radicalized that's a major threat.

and some higher ups told you that our nukes are managed by some low ranks? Stop making yourself more idiot.
Your knowledge on such matters seem poorer than mine and your imagination even worse.
By invasion, they'll destroy Pakistani aerial assets and ingress it's SF's to quickly neutralize or grab Pakistan's nukes while destroying the nuclear facilities and nuclear plants through things like this

GBU-57 'Bunker Buster'
and Your information is pathetic Sir first Pakistan Nuclear Sights are very much safe secondly we know how to defend them thirdly Pakistan Nuclear weapons are located on different places and are constantly being changed and also we are increasing our Nuclear Weapons and if 50 of them remain intact that means Israel and India will become part of History after the attack
U.S.A will never attack on Pakistan nuclear facilities because it is not against U.S.A. This is for minimum deterrence against India which is helping peace and it is understood that there is very less chance of war in south asia.
India is also not involved in the plan to attack nuclear facilities because they knows its consequences, U.S.A is thousands miles away and you know India is a kilimotere away.
If we look other point of view, This may be in U.S interest to destablise South asia and India knows very well as these western/white rulers used Indian partition for thier interest as France and other countries funded for extrimism in 1900 fto create hate between hindus, sikhs christian and muslims and to break India.
This is also against the interest of India to invade Nuclear facilities with the Help of U.S,because in this situation India will suffur more unlike U.S.A. Consequences are not temporary, as Gorilla war will never end in india which will effect thier economy and this situation will throw foreign investors away for decades.
This is in the interest of India and Pakistan to solve issues by themselves. No need to bring Third party as they will only look thier own interest.
Maybe they can just huff and puff and .....American friends or "super friends", oh wait, both are fantasy

WMD in Iraq......the sequel.....to be continued...... in Pakistan ??? !!!
Oh hang on, by WMD, they probably meant some heavy machine guns, once turned on people, even that becomes a WMD.
U.S.A will never attack on Pakistan nuclear facilities because it is not against U.S.A. This is for minimum deterrence against India which is helping peace and it is understood that there is very less chance of war in south asia.
India is also not involved in the plan to attack nuclear facilities because they knows its consequences, U.S.A is thousands miles away and you know India is a kilimotere away.
If we look other point of view, This may be in U.S interest to destablise South asia and India knows very well as these western/white rulers used Indian partition for thier interest as France and other countries funded for extrimism in 1900 fto create hate between hindus, sikhs christian and muslims and to break India.
This is also against the interest of India to invade Nuclear facilities with the Help of U.S,because in this situation India will suffur more unlike U.S.A. Consequences are not temporary, as Gorilla war will never end in india which will effect thier economy and this situation will throw foreign investors away for decades.
This is in the interest of India and Pakistan to solve issues by themselves. No need to bring Third party as they will only look thier own interest.

I agree with all your points, but nukes with any Islamic country is not what the west wants, It also harms Israel's interests does it not?
I agree with all your points, but nukes with any Islamic country is not what the west wants, It also harms Israel's interests does it not?

but those pakistani Muslims have nukes since 1985 in hands and have 4 reactors of platinum + 2 centrifuge reactors .USA is looking at them since then .

I agree with all your points, but nukes with any Islamic country is not what the west wants, It also harms Israel's interests does it not?
There is also a threat of nukes falling in the hands of terrorists, the consequences of which can left to the imaginatio of the readers. Right now, our Pakistani friends may dismiss it as nonsense, but it won't be the first time such a thing which they denied happened. [re OBL]
This was always the plan if the taliban or a radical group gets ahold of pakistans nukes the USA, UK, France, Australia would send in their special forces. however if pakistan manages to kill their special forces that would be a different story. without nukes pakistan is noting.

Lol no one even knows how many we have but they planning on grabbing them :azn:

I wonder if something goes wrong with the nukes while they are grabbing it and it's sets off thus killing the special forces of the west and civilians. :undecided:

but those pakistani Muslims have nukes since 1985 in hands and have 4 reactors of platinum + 2 centrifuge reactors .USA is looking at them since then .


That chart is incorrect russia has around 8000, USA 5000 China 1000 +France 400 Uk 250 Israel has 400 pakistan 150 india 90-100 north korea 5- ???
You are under the impression it will be a one on one war an attack on Pakistan can very much trigger a world war

Command and control structures, the professionalism, the secrecy all help to get an idea about the strength of nuclear assets within Pakistan. If the US could have taken them out, they would have.

Nobody other than the really higher ups would know where the nukes are, among them they would have phantom entries on their lists if not phantom lists all together.
This is not necessary. Why would US launch such a daring venture without sufficient reasoning?

In case of conflict, all marked sites will be hit - phantom or not.

China has already warned US about attack on Pakistan
Chinese general claims China willing to protect Iran even if it means ww3
Russia also willing to protect Iran plus mad at Nato for missile defense in poland also syria situation
Iran president enemy of pakistan enemy of iran
Pakistan also hints at possible retaliation if iran attacked
GCC countries want to remove assad military option is on the table russia and china willing to keep assad in power

There is a clusterfuck of things going on right now all someone needs to do is light the match and we got ww3
These are political talks.

We have PSLV. If we want we can easily put a nuclear bomb in DC.
And how is that related to the topic.
You cannot.

Pakistan nukes are totally safe nobody knows where they are our nukes thanks to ALLAH are guarded by one of the finest & best soldiers in the world.

US has been planning this for quite some time they will never find it & to be honest there is too much anger & rage in Pak Army against the US & her allies for what they are doing with Pakistan, our Intelligence agencies already know that US will try to carry our misadventure & they (INSHAALLAH) will be met with heavy force & they will be praying that escapes from here as soon as possible. Pak Army & the ISI are already aware of US evil plans & they will not succeed, INSHAALLAH.

I know India always love to copy US & India tries to do whatever US does, so if India even thinks of carrying misadventure in Pakistan so it’s like what Gen. Kayani told Indian General “we will shoot you down”, Gen. Kayani said this after fake Bombay hotel attack which was carried out by Indian WWE RAW agency to stage Pakistan, India tried to carry out surgical strikes in Pakistan but their Air force were intercepted by PAF & were locked & Indian Air Force couldn’t even enter Pakistan, check out the intelligence of Pakistan they knew Indians were coming & yet you question ISI.
Never assume that we are adequately prepared for all kinds of threats. We continue to improve for a reason.

Yes Mumbai was a complete drama just like 9\11 and secondly No Body Knows locations of Pakistani Nuclear Weapons even our Chief of Army staff doesn't know about all the locations so How on earth Americans will know it and secondly they are most protected and protected by most trained and well equipped Special Armed Forces of Pakistan the best of all and also Pakistan is increasing its stock pile by every passing day so America also don't know the exact number of How many Nuclear Weapons we have and if the operation fails India you will be our fist target because than we will launch Nuclear Attacks on as many targets as we could and even if half of them reach target all of them will but suppose if half of them let say 25 you know what that mean end of this world
1. Sensitive information like this is never disclosed in public.
2. We do not know that what technological means have been employed to collect this kind of information.
3. Pakistan is not the only nation whose strategic assets are being spied upon by US. You can add India and China in the list too.

Iraq was broken long before 2003 iraqi war thier army didnt even fight , thier economy in ruins and their image was battered to the point that they had no allies. Pakistan is still very much relevant Putin is coming to pakistan in september if we are so hated why would he bother Chinese are still our closest allies and we got plenty more 2 as for the 99% how about you present some proof to that statement or did you just pull that outa your ***?
Iraqi military did fight in 2003.

And why do you think that they'll attack and destroy your nukes to only let you rebuild. Iran today is only accused of developing technologies that can be used for nuclear weapons and you think that they'll let Pakistan go of that easy. They won't need access codes to disassemble the nukes, now would they.
Unless US have powerful reason, it will never conduct this kind of operation.

US will snatch with all out invasion. Means they'll start sending troops Inside Pakistan and start pushing Pakistani forces back until they reach the point where they can access Pakistani nukes.... Which all will be laying in one place ready to be dismantled.
They can attack from air.

They dont even have enough troops in afghanistan for an all out invasion. They would need to call in atleast 300,000 additional troops for it to be possible currently they have 130,000 pakistan armed forced 700,000 active 500,000 reserve like ISI wouldnt notice a troop buildup in western border besides most countries have an army pakistans army has a country behind it all they would have to do is go to any city or tribe and they would easily recruit millions to fight.
Ground invasion is not required. This will be a special forces based operation with air cover.

That nice in theory except no one would destroy an active nuclear facility the fall out radiation would spread
Valid point.

lolz since my birth i am reading it :D
Strange. This kind of news came to light during WOT.

and Your information is pathetic Sir first Pakistan Nuclear Sights are very much safe secondly we know how to defend them thirdly Pakistan Nuclear weapons are located on different places and are constantly being changed and also we are increasing our Nuclear Weapons and if 50 of them remain intact that means Israel and India will become part of History after the attack
This is not the point.

This entire game is about timing. If Pakistani strategic assets are in dismantled form, then situation can get out of hand.

I wonder if something goes wrong with the nukes while they are grabbing it and it's sets off thus killing the special forces of the west and civilians. :undecided:
Experts will accompany the special forces.

Still this comment made me laugh. :lol:
Mission Impossible 4 - Ghost Protocol - Official Trailer - YouTube

It is great best movie, it will teach you how to disable nukes. First Russia inventories, and then Dubai kill middlemen and then India evil Anil Kapoor source codes and then Ukraine evil scientists and then back to Russia finally disable nuke (the missile in the middle of the sky on the way to US city).


Perfect example related to this article. Pakistan Observer youth is garbage source.
There is also a threat of nukes falling in the hands of terrorists, the consequences of which can left to the imaginatio of the readers. Right now, our Pakistani friends may dismiss it as nonsense, but it won't be the first time such a thing which they denied happened. [re OBL]
Terrorist are not in majority. They are few in number who hide in civlian population and kills innccent people.
Even they are just 0.000001% of the population and they can't take nuclear weapons. These illetrate terrorist have no knowledge, and nukes are not toy to carry,use and deliver them.Nuclear system is in strong hands. Even U.S.A admits that have no full knowledge of these Pakistan inventory....
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